GIB required to design separate health care coverage plan for certain state officials -
SB342Individual and candidate committee contribution limit decreased for statewide officeholders -
AB447Individual and candidate committee contribution limit decreased for statewide officeholders -
SB353State Treasurer, Office of, deleted from the Constitution; BCPL provision. Constitutional amendment (2nd consideration) -
AJR2State Treasurer, Office of, deleted from the Constitution; BCPL provision. Constitutional amendment (2nd consideration) -
SJR3State Treasurer, Office of: returning duties and functions transferred to other agencies re cash management, local government investment pool, unclaimed property program, college savings program, and administrative services to BCPL -
AB1039State Treasurer, Office of: returning duties and functions transferred to other agencies re cash management, local government investment pool, unclaimed property program, college savings program, and administrative services to BCPL -
SB833Directional signs for Soldiers Walk Memorial Park in City of Arcadia: DOT to erect and maintain, contributions from interested parties provision [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1227d, e, p, t] -
AB64Firearm law revision re carrying firearms on mass transportation systems; penalty provided -
AB258Firearm law revision re carrying firearms on mass transportation systems; penalty provided -
SB197Firearm law revisions re going armed with a concealed weapon; prohibition on carrying firearms in specified places, school zone provision; concealed weapon license; firearm, bow, and crossbow possession during certain activities, shining provision; possession of electric weapons; and ``firearm” definition -
AB247Firearm law revisions re going armed with a concealed weapon; prohibition on carrying firearms in specified places, school zone provision; concealed weapon license; firearm, bow, and crossbow possession during certain activities, shining provision; possession of electric weapons; and ``firearm” definition -
SB169Railroad records re trespassing on railroad tracks are subject to public records laws -
SB835Center for Employee Ownership established by the UW System; WEDC to establish economic development program re employee ownership loans or loan guarantees for eligible transactions; income and franchise tax, employee ownership trust, and DOA provisions -
AB1010Center for Employee Ownership established by the UW System; WEDC to establish economic development program re employee ownership loans or loan guarantees for eligible transactions; income and franchise tax, employee ownership trust, and DOA provisions -
SB460BCPL authority revised re making state trust fund loans, investing state trust fund moneys, and use of common school fund income moneys -
AB857BCPL authority revised re making state trust fund loans, investing state trust fund moneys, and use of common school fund income moneys -
SB713BCPL may invest trust fund moneys in land and buildings for housing state departments and agencies; extraordinary police services provision -
AB303BCPL may invest trust fund moneys in land and buildings for housing state departments and agencies; extraordinary police services provision -
SB692Brownfields: remediating contaminated land; pilot program for manufacturing facilities re stationary source air pollution controls; tax deeds; ERTID changes; property assessed clean energy loans for revitalization projects; neighborhood improvement districts (NID) and business improvement districts (BID) provisions; state trust fund loans to municipalities -
AB179Brownfields: remediating contaminated land; pilot program for manufacturing facilities re stationary source air pollution controls; tax deeds; ERTID changes; property assessed clean energy loans for revitalization projects; neighborhood improvement districts (NID) and business improvement districts (BID) provisions; state trust fund loans to municipalities [S.Amdt.2: more ERTID changes] -
SB173Family and medical leave law expanded to include grandparent, grandchild, or sibling and active duty of a family member; family and medical leave insurance program created, DWD duties and trust fund provision -
AB286Family and medical leave law expanded to include grandparent, grandchild, or sibling and active duty of a family member; family and medical leave insurance program created, DWD duties and trust fund provision -
SB215Hospital assessment fund and critical access hospital assessment fund transfers to MA trust fund modified [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 379c, d, 971p-v] -
AB64Long-term capital improvement trust fund: DPI required to provide matching funds for deposits made by school boards -
AB279Long-term capital improvement trust fund: DPI required to provide matching funds for deposits made by school boards -
SB192Long-term care investment trust fund: DHS required to establish -
AB596Long-term care investment trust fund: DHS required to establish -
SB758Pay for success contracting: DOA may use for eligible services to individuals, conditions and JCF approval required; pay for success trust fund established; DHS, DOC, DCF, and DWD to study if pay for success could be used for programs they administer; reports required [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, trust fund removed] -
Jr8 AB7Pay for success contracting: DOA may use for eligible services to individuals, conditions and JCF approval required; pay for success trust fund established; DHS, DOC, DCF, and DWD to study if pay for success could be used for programs they administer; reports required -
Jr8 SB7Technical college scholarships funded through participation in an auction of digital broadcast spectrum; trust and investment provisions [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 632m, 985h, k] -
AB64Wisconsin Merit scholarships: UW Board of Regents to award, conditions set, and UW—Stevens Point environmental programs provision [A.Amdt.1: transfer of trust fund lands by BCPL provision added; A.Amdt.2: sunset of scholarship added] -
AB804UI benefits: claimant is exempt from work search requirement if there is reasonable expectation of being reemployed by former employer -
AB131UI benefits: claimant is exempt from work search requirement if there is reasonable expectation of being reemployed by former employer -
SB83BadgerCare Plus Core: DHS to submit amendment to Medicaid waiver to provide employment and training services for childless adults [Sec. 927, 928; A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, report to and approval of JCF required, 928b, d, deletes 928] -
AB64BadgerCare Plus Core: DHS to submit amendment to Medicaid waiver to provide employment and training services for childless adults [Sec. 927, 928] -
SB30Career and technical education incentive grants: removes per pupil limitations and changes funding of program -
AB192Career and technical education incentive grants: removes per pupil limitations and changes funding of program -
SB127Electronics and information technology manufacturing zone and tax credits: WEDC authorized to create; provisions re TIDs, sales tax exemption, environmental impact statements, wetlands and waterways permits, PSC certificates and market-based rates, and grants to local governments; highway bonding authorization; design-build system for public works projects; enterprise zone tax credit revisions; economic development liaison appointed by DOA [for amendments, see entry under ``Industrial development"] -
Au7 AB1Fast Forward Program funding for mobile classrooms for job skills training in underserved areas [Sec. 1403, 1405; A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, grants to DOC] -
AB64Fast Forward Program funding for mobile classrooms for job skills training in underserved areas [Sec. 1403, 1405] -
SB30FoodShare employment and training program (FSET): all able-bodied adults required to participate, exceptions noted [A.Amdt.1: Wisconsin Shares provision added; A.Amdt.2: LAB audit required; A.Amdt.3: request to USDA to share savings with the state] -
Jr8 AB2FoodShare employment and training program (FSET): required hours of participation -
Jr8 AB1Hire Heroes program created in DWD to provide transitional jobs to veterans; DVA, DCF, and DWD memorandum of understanding; funding and report provisions [A.Amdt.1: appropriation modified; A.Amdt.2: application within 7 years of discharge] -
AB422Hire Heroes program created in DWD to provide transitional jobs to veterans; DVA, DCF, and DWD memorandum of understanding; funding and report provisions -
SB338Technical education equipment grants: DWD to award to school districts as part of the workforce training grants (Fast Forward grants); matching funds provision -
AB199Technical education equipment grants: DWD to award to school districts as part of the workforce training grants (Fast Forward grants); matching funds provision -
SB125DWD study re mobility grants to help UI claimants relocate to areas with more favorable employment opportunities -
AB243DWD study re mobility grants to help UI claimants relocate to areas with more favorable employment opportunities [Sec. 9151 (4); original bill only] -
AB64DWD study re mobility grants to help UI claimants relocate to areas with more favorable employment opportunities [Sec. 9151 (4)] -
SB30Legislative oversight of requests for federal approval and state agency requirements; DHS to implement the Badger Care Reform waiver re childless adults and submit amendment to state's MA plan, rate change, or certain provider payments to JCF for approval; incorporates into statutes rules on controlled substance screening, testing, and treatment policy for FSET; OCI to administer WIHSP in accordance to DHHS terms and conditions; DCF reallocation or reduction of moneys in TANF schedules requires JCF approval; DWD rules on UI work search and registration waivers codified and DWD authority to establish waivers eliminated; DWD Fast Forward program appropriation split among its specific programs -
AB1072Legislative oversight of requests for federal approval and state agency requirements; DHS to implement the Badger Care Reform waiver re childless adults and submit amendment to state's MA plan, rate change, or certain provider payments to JCF for approval; incorporates into statutes rules on controlled substance screening, testing, and treatment policy for FSET; OCI to administer WIHSP in accordance to DHHS terms and conditions; DCF reallocation or reduction of moneys in TANF schedules requires JCF approval; DWD rules on UI work search and registration waivers codified and DWD authority to establish waivers eliminated; DWD Fast Forward program appropriation split among its specific programs -
AB1073Legislative oversight of requests for federal approval and state agency requirements; DHS to implement the Badger Care Reform waiver re childless adults and submit amendment to state's MA plan, rate change, or certain provider payments to JCF for approval; incorporates into statutes rules on controlled substance screening, testing, and treatment policy for FSET; OCI to administer WIHSP in accordance to DHHS terms and conditions; DCF reallocation or reduction of moneys in TANF schedules requires JCF approval; DWD rules on UI work search and registration waivers codified and DWD authority to establish waivers eliminated; DWD Fast Forward program appropriation split among its specific programs [S.Amdt.2: legislative oversight for federal approval limited to DHS, DWD workforce training appropriation provision] -
SB886Legislative oversight of requests for federal approval and state agency requirements; DHS to implement the Badger Care Reform waiver re childless adults and submit amendment to state's MA plan, rate change, or certain provider payments to JCF for approval; incorporates into statutes rules on controlled substance screening, testing, and treatment policy for FSET; OCI to administer WIHSP in accordance to DHHS terms and conditions; DCF reallocation or reduction of moneys in TANF schedules requires JCF approval; DWD rules on UI work search and registration waivers codified and DWD authority to establish waivers eliminated; DWD Fast Forward program appropriation split among its specific programs -
SB887Legislative power and duties; state agency and authority composition and operations; administrative rule-making process; federal government waivers and approvals; UI work search and registration requirements -
AB1073Legislative power and duties; state agency and authority composition and operations; administrative rule-making process; federal government waivers and approvals; UI work search and registration requirements -
SB887Marijuana use, medical and recreational, permitted with restrictions and excise tax and penalty provisions; DHS duties re medical marijuana registry, licensing compassion centers, and registering certain testing laboratories; permitted THC concentration while operating a vehicle revised; fair employment law, UI, and drug testing for specific public assistance and work experience programs exemption for THC; health insurance coverage required for medical use of tetrahydrocannabinols -
AB482UI benefits: claimant is exempt from work search requirement if there is reasonable expectation of being reemployed by former employer -
AB131UI benefits: claimant is exempt from work search requirement if there is reasonable expectation of being reemployed by former employer -
SB83UI benefits claims filed by telephone: DWD to allow -
SB772UI fraud: penalties for knowingly making a false statement revised -