Environmental compliance audit program: time to correct violations increased, notification requirements modified, and DNR and DOJ duties re pursuing criminal enforcement actions -
SB215Environmental education grants awarded by UW Stevens Point [Sec. 170, 365; original bill only] -
AB56Environmental education grants awarded by UW Stevens Point [Sec. 170, 365] -
SB59Fire fighting foam containing PFAS: prohibition created; DNR duties and forfeiture provision -
AB323Fire fighting foam containing PFAS: prohibition created; DNR duties and forfeiture provision [S.Amdt.1: definitions and emergency rule provision added] -
SB310Fire fighting foams with PFAS voluntarily surrendered: expanding clean sweep program to include; third party provision -
AB792Fire fighting foams with PFAS voluntarily surrendered: expanding clean sweep program to include; third party provision -
SB717Highway project design inventory for design-build projects: DOT required to maintain [A.Amdt.1: completed environmental assessment or impact statement provision added] -
AB275Petroleum products and storage of dangerous substances: revisions to DATCP regulations -
AB993Petroleum products and storage of dangerous substances: revisions to DATCP regulations -
SB877PFAS group of substances: DNR to establish and enforce standards, emergency rules provision -
AB321PFAS group of substances: DNR to establish and enforce standards, emergency rules provision -
SB302PFAS in food packaging: DNR required to study safer alternatives, report to LRB required by set date, prohibition provision -
AB952PFAS management zone: DNR grants to municipalities for testing and funding for sampling, testing, and studying; positions in DNR authorized, JCF provision; agricultural chemical cleanup fund and well compensation program provisions -
AB921PFAS management zones established; notification, reports, and grant and loan program requirements; DNR duties and advisory committee established; emergency rule provision -
AB922PFAS management zones established; notification, reports, and grant and loan program requirements; DNR duties and advisory committee established; emergency rule provision -
SB774PFAS programs and positions in 2019 AB843: providing funding for -
AB842PFAS programs and positions in 2019 SB772: providing funding for -
SB773PFAS standards established, proof of financial responsibility requirement, UW Board of Regents grant for research, municipal grant to address contamination, pilot program re blood testing and cancer cluster study in specified municipalities, laboratory certification criteria, and solid or hazardous waste site or facility investigation; DNR and DHS duties, segregated fund provision -
AB843PFAS standards established, proof of financial responsibility requirement, UW Board of Regents grant for research, municipal grant to address contamination, pilot program re blood testing and cancer cluster study in specified municipalities, laboratory certification criteria, and solid or hazardous waste site or facility investigation; DNR and DHS duties, segregated fund provision -
SB772PFAS testing grants to municipalities; funding to DNR for provisions in SB774 -
SB775Termination of certain property interests of a decedent: verify under oath to register of deeds re decedent’s death instead of submitting certified copy of death record [A.Amdt.1: joint tenancy or life estate provision added] -
AB327Termination of certain property interests of a decedent: verify under oath to register of deeds re decedent’s death instead of submitting certified copy of death record [A.Amdt.1: joint tenancy or life estate provision added] -
AB327Termination of certain property interests of a decedent: verify under oath to register of deeds re decedent’s death instead of submitting certified copy of death record -
SB318State debt guaranties not public debt; delegation of authority by UW Board of Regents; UW-affiliated organizations provisions; certain UW institution employees considered state public officials and subject to the state code of ethics -
AB370State debt guaranties not public debt; delegation of authority by UW Board of Regents; UW-affiliated organizations provisions; certain UW institution employees considered state public officials and subject to the state code of ethics -
SB388Campaign finance: political action committee definition revised; public campaign financing trust fund created and income tax return provision -
AB972Campaign finance: political action committee definition revised; public campaign financing trust fund created and income tax return provision -
SB861Mass communications: reporting to the Ethics Commission revised; definition provisions -
AB929Mass communications: reporting to the Ethics Commission revised; definition provisions -
SB850State debt guaranties not public debt; delegation of authority by UW Board of Regents; UW-affiliated organizations provisions; certain UW institution employees considered state public officials and subject to the state code of ethics -
AB370State debt guaranties not public debt; delegation of authority by UW Board of Regents; UW-affiliated organizations provisions; certain UW institution employees considered state public officials and subject to the state code of ethics -
SB388Attempted homicide of a parent as grounds for involuntary TPR and evidence produced at a fact-finding hearing allowed to prove the ground -
AB386Attempted homicide of a parent as grounds for involuntary TPR and evidence produced at a fact-finding hearing allowed to prove the ground -
SB352Custodial interrogation of a juvenile by a law enforcement agency: notice of intent to juvenile’s parent, guardian, legal custodian, or Indian custodian required; statement made by juvenile as evidence provision -
AB983Evidence or court records re motion for recusal or judicial substitution: circuit, municipal, or appeals court judge or Supreme Court justice prohibited from destroying -
AB408Sexual contact with an animal, obscene depictions of, or facilitating access to animal for purposes of: felony penalties; child under age 13 and sex offender registration provisions; JRCCP may report [S.Amdt.1: court may order animal retained as evidence and assess expenses, and reporting mistreatment of dogs provisions added] -
SB139Marijuana: recreational use and medical use permitted; excise tax, labor peace agreement, registry ID cards, compassion centers, operating a motor vehicle under the influence, fair employment law, insurance, UI, and public assistance provisions; DATCP, DHS, and DOR duties; JRCCP may report -
AB220Marijuana: recreational use and medical use permitted; excise tax, labor peace agreement, registry ID cards, compassion centers, operating a motor vehicle under the influence, fair employment law, insurance, UI, and public assistance provisions; DATCP, DHS, and DOR duties; JRCCP may report -
SB377Medical marijuana program created, license provisions; Medical Marijuana Regulatory Commission created and attached to DOR; excise tax, criminal provisions, Prescription Drug Monitoring Program, fair employment law, UI, and WC provisions; JRCCP may report -
AB750Medical marijuana program created, license provisions; Medical Marijuana Regulatory Commission created and attached to DOR; excise tax, criminal provisions, Prescription Drug Monitoring Program, fair employment law, UI, and WC provisions; JRCCP may report -
SB683Tobacco products tax imposed on ``vapor products", definition and exemption provisions [Sec. 1752-1755, 1757, 9137 (1), 9437 (2); A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, exemption provisions removed, 1756m, 9437 (2i), deletes 1752, 9137 (1), 9437 (2); A.Amdt.1: further revisions, agreements with and refunds to Indian tribes provisions added, 1753b-w, 1755f-t, 1757b-w, 9437 (2m), deletes 1753, 1756m, 9437 (2i)] -
AB56Tobacco products tax imposed on ``vapor products", definition and exemption provisions [Sec. 1752-1755, 1757, 9137 (1), 9437 (2)] -
SB59Violence prevention grant committee established in DHS; grants to cities and counties for violence prevention programs; appropriation from excise tax on vapor products -
AB1030Violence prevention grant committee established in DHS; grants to cities and counties for violence prevention programs; appropriation from excise tax on vapor products -
SB909Tick-borne Disease Study Committee established, report required -
AB313Tick-borne Disease Study Committee established, report required -
SB300Transgender Equality Task Force created to study legal and societal barriers to equality for transgender, intersex, nonbinary, and gender nonconforming individuals and make recommendations to the Governor and Legislature; report required -
AB312Wireless services and infrastructure provider regulatory framework for state and political subdivisions, right-of-way provisions; setback requirements by political subdivisions for mobile service support structures authorized; Rights-of-Way Study Committee created, study required -
SB239Quarries extracting certain nonmetallic minerals: limitations on local regulation [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 760c-y, 761c-777m, 1103m; A.Amdt.1: ``nonconforming quarry site" definition revised] -
AB56DATCP: returns of food and certain products during the 2020 public health emergency; county fair aid eligibility modified [Sec. 32, 105 (8)] -
AB1038DATCP: returns of food and certain products during the 2020 public health emergency; county fair aid eligibility modified [Sec. 32, 105 (8)] -
SB932Child runaway’s presence at a foster home, group home, or shelter: deadline to notify child welfare agency and parent, guardian, or legal custodian revised; best interest of the child provision -
AB926Child runaway’s presence at a foster home, group home, or shelter: deadline to notify child welfare agency and parent, guardian, or legal custodian revised; best interest of the child provision -
SB832Custodial parent meeting W-2 eligibility requirements: monthly grants for child up to 12 weeks old [Sec. 630; original bill only] -
AB56Custodial parent meeting W-2 eligibility requirements: monthly grants for child up to 12 weeks old [Sec. 630] -
SB59Down syndrome diagnostic tests: certain health care practitioners and genetic counselors required to deliver certain information to parents or guardians; DHS duties and grant program -
SB908Family and individual reinvestment income tax credit created; working families tax credit sunsetted [Sec. 883, 884, 895; A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, removes reinvestment tax credit, deletes 884, 885; A.Amdt.1: deletes 883] -
AB56Family and individual reinvestment income tax credit created; working families tax credit sunsetted [Sec. 883, 884, 895] -
SB59Family and medical leave expansion [Sec. 1244-1248, 1250-1252, 1254-1268; original bill only] -