SB77,1953,1613 (c) If a juvenile placed in a secured correctional facility or a secured child caring
14institution fails to pay the surcharge under par. (a), the department shall assess and
15collect the amount owed from the juvenile's wages or other moneys. Any amount
16collected shall be transmitted to the state treasurer.
SB77,1954,417 (d) If the juvenile fails to pay the surcharge under par. (a), the court may vacate
18the surcharge and order other alternatives under this section, in accordance with the
19conditions specified in this chapter; or the court may suspend any license issued
20under ch. 29 for not less than 30 days nor more than 5 years, or suspend the juvenile's
21operating privilege, as defined in s. 340.01 (40), for not less than 30 days nor more
22than 5 years. If the court suspends any license under this subsection, the clerk of the
23court shall immediately take possession of the suspended license and forward it to
24the department which issued the license, together with a notice of suspension clearly
25stating that the suspension is for failure to pay a surcharge imposed by the court.

1If the surcharge is paid during the period of suspension, the suspension shall be
2reduced to the time period which has already elapsed and the court shall
3immediately notify the department which shall then return the license to the
SB77, s. 5264 5Section 5264. 938.343 (7) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB77,1954,86 938.343 (7) If the violation is related to the unsafe use of firearms, order the
7juvenile to attend a course under the hunter education and firearm safety program
8under s. 29.225 that includes the firearm safety component.
SB77, s. 5265 9Section 5265. 938.345 (1) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB77,1954,1010 938.345 (1) (c) Order payment of a forfeiture or surcharge.
SB77, s. 5266 11Section 5266. 938.355 (2) (b) 4. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB77,1954,1612 938.355 (2) (b) 4. If the juvenile is placed outside the juvenile's home, a
13designation of the amount of support, if any, to be paid by the juvenile's parent,
14guardian or trustee, specifying that the support obligation begins on the date of the
15placement, or a referral to the county designee child support agency under s. 59.07
59.53 (5) for establishment of child support.
SB77, s. 5267 17Section 5267. 938.357 (4) (b) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB77,1955,818 938.357 (4) (b) 2. If a juvenile whom the court has placed in a Type 2 child
19caring institution under s. 938.34 (4d) violates a condition of his or her placement in
20the Type 2 child caring institution, the child welfare agency operating the Type 2
21child caring institution shall notify the county department that has supervision over
22the juvenile and, if the county department agrees to a change in placement under this
23subdivision, the child welfare agency shall notify the department and the
24department, after consulting with the child welfare agency, may place the juvenile
25in a Type 1 secured correctional facility under the supervision of the department,

1without a hearing under sub. (1), for not more than 10 days. If a juvenile is placed
2in a Type 1 secured correctional facility under this subdivision, the county
3department that has supervision over the juvenile shall reimburse the child welfare
4agency operating the Type 2 child caring institution in which the juvenile was placed
5at the rate established under s. 46.037, and that child welfare agency shall reimburse
6the department at the rate specified in s. 301.26 (4) (d) 3m. 2., 3. or 4., whichever is
7applicable, for the cost of the juvenile's care while placed in a Type 1 secured
8correctional facility.
SB77, s. 5268 9Section 5268. 938.357 (4) (d) of the statutes is created to read:
SB77,1956,210 938.357 (4) (d) The department may transfer a juvenile who is placed in a Type
111 secured correctional facility to the Racine youthful offender correctional facility
12named in s. 302.01 if the juvenile is 15 years of age or over and the office of juvenile
13offender review in the department has determined that the conduct of the juvenile
14in the Type 1 secured correctional facility presents a serious problem to the juvenile
15or others. The factors that the office of juvenile offender review may consider in
16making that determination shall include, but are not limited to, whether and to what
17extent the juvenile's conduct in the Type 1 secured correctional facility is violent and
18disruptive, the security needs of the Type 1 secured correctional facility and whether
19and to what extent the juvenile is refusing to cooperate or participate in the
20treatment programs provided for the juvenile in the Type 1 secured correctional
21facility. Notwithstanding sub. (1), a juvenile is not entitled to a hearing regarding
22the department's exercise of authority under this paragraph unless the department
23provides for a hearing by rule. A juvenile may seek review of a decision of the
24department under this paragraph only by the common law writ of certiorari. If the
25department transfers a juvenile under this paragraph, the department shall send

1written notice of the transfer to the parent, guardian, legal custodian and
2committing court.
SB77, s. 5269 3Section 5269. 938.357 (4g) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB77,1956,104 938.357 (4g) (b) The department may waive the time period within which an
5aftercare plan must be prepared and submitted under par. (a) if the department
6anticipates that the juvenile will remain in the secured correctional facility or
7secured child caring institution for a period exceeding 8 months or if the juvenile is
8subject to s. 48.366 or 938.183 (2). If the department waives that time period, the
9aftercare provider designated under s. 938.34 (4n) shall prepare the aftercare plan
10within 30 days after the date on which the department requests the aftercare plan.
SB77, s. 5270 11Section 5270. 938.357 (5m) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB77,1956,2312 938.357 (5m) If a proposed change in placement changes a juvenile's placement
13from a placement in the juvenile's home to a placement outside the juvenile's home,
14the court shall order the juvenile's parent to provide a statement of income, assets,
15debts and living expenses to the court or the person or agency primarily responsible
16for implementing the dispositional order by a date specified by the court. The clerk
17of court shall provide, without charge, to any parent ordered to provide a statement
18of income, assets, debts and living expenses a document setting forth the percentage
19standard established by the department of health and family services industry, labor
20and job development
under s. 46.25 49.22 (9) and listing the factors that a court may
21consider under s. 46.10 301.12 (14) (c). If the juvenile is placed outside the juvenile's
22home, the court shall determine the liability of the parent in the manner provided
23in s. 46.10 301.12 (14).
SB77, s. 5271 24Section 5271. 938.36 (1) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
1938.36 (1) (a) If legal custody is transferred from the parent or guardian or the
2court otherwise designates an alternative placement for the juvenile by a disposition
3made under s. 938.183 (2), 938.34 or 938.345 or by a change in placement under s.
4938.357, the duty of the parent or guardian to provide support shall continue even
5though the legal custodian or the placement designee may provide the support. A
6copy of the order transferring custody or designating alternative placement for the
7juvenile shall be submitted to the agency or person receiving custody or placement
8and the agency or person may apply to the court for an order to compel the parent
9or guardian to provide the support. Support payments for residential services, when
10purchased or otherwise funded or provided by the department of corrections, or a
11county department under s. 46.215, 46.22, or 46.23, 51.42 or 51.437, shall be
12determined under s. 46.10 301.12 (14). Support payments for residential services,
13when purchased or otherwise funded by the department of health and family
14services, or a county department under s. 51.42 or 51.437, shall be determined under
15s. 46.10 (14).
SB77, s. 5272 16Section 5272. 938.36 (1) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB77,1958,217 938.36 (1) (b) In determining the amount of support under par. (a), the court
18may consider all relevant financial information or other information relevant to the
19parent's earning capacity, including information reported under s. 49.22 (2m) to the
20department of health and family services, industry, labor and job development or the
21county child and spousal support agency, under s. 46.25 (2m) 59.53 (5). If the court
22has insufficient information with which to determine the amount of support, the
23court shall order the juvenile's parent to furnish a statement of income, assets, debts
24and living expenses, if the parent has not already done so, to the court within 10 days

1after the court's order transferring custody or designating an alternative placement
2is entered or at such other time as ordered by the court.
SB77, s. 5273 3Section 5273. 938.36 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB77,1958,104 938.36 (2) If a juvenile whose legal custody has not been taken from a parent
5or guardian is given educational and social services, or medical, psychological or
6psychiatric treatment by order of the court, the cost thereof, if ordered by the court,
7shall be a charge upon the county. This section does not prevent recovery of
8reasonable contribution toward the costs from the parent or guardian of the juvenile
9as the court may order based on the ability of the parent or guardian to pay. This
10subsection is subject to s. 46.03 301.03 (18).
SB77, s. 5274 11Section 5274. 938.363 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB77,1959,1712 938.363 (1) A juvenile, the juvenile's parent, guardian or legal custodian, any
13person or agency bound by a dispositional order or the district attorney or
14corporation counsel in the county in which the dispositional order was entered may
15request a revision in the order that does not involve a change in placement, including
16a revision with respect to the amount of child support to be paid by a parent, or the
17court may on its own motion propose such a revision. The request or court proposal
18shall set forth in detail the nature of the proposed revision and what new information
19is available that affects the advisability of the court's disposition. The request or
20court proposal shall be submitted to the court. The court shall hold a hearing on the
21matter if the request or court proposal indicates that new information is available
22which affects the advisability of the court's dispositional order and prior to any
23revision of the dispositional order, unless written waivers of objections to the revision
24are signed by all parties entitled to receive notice and the court approves. If a hearing
25is held, the court shall notify the juvenile, the juvenile's parent, guardian and legal

1custodian, all parties bound by the dispositional order, the juvenile's foster parent,
2treatment foster parent or other physical custodian described in s. 48.62 (2), and the
3district attorney or corporation counsel in the county in which the dispositional order
4was entered at least 3 days prior to the hearing. A copy of the request or proposal
5shall be attached to the notice. If the proposed revision is for a change in the amount
6of child support to be paid by a parent, the court shall order the juvenile's parent to
7provide a statement of income, assets, debts and living expenses to the court and the
8person or agency primarily responsible for implementing the dispositional order by
9a date specified by the court. The clerk of court shall provide, without charge, to any
10parent ordered to provide a statement of income, assets, debts and living expenses
11a document setting forth the percentage standard established by the department of
12health and family services industry, labor and job development under s. 46.25 (9)
1349.22 (9) and listing the factors that a court may consider under s. 46.10 (14) (c). If
14all parties consent, the court may proceed immediately with the hearing. No revision
15may extend the effective period of the original order, or revise an original order under
16s. 938.34 (3) (f) or (6) (am) to impose more than 30 days of detention, nonsecure
17custody or inpatient treatment on a child.
SB77, s. 5275 18Section 5275. 938.365 (2g) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB77,1959,2419 938.365 (2g) (a) At the hearing the person or agency primarily responsible for
20providing services to the juvenile shall file with the court a written report stating to
21what extent the dispositional order has been meeting the objectives of the plan for
22the juvenile's rehabilitation or care and treatment. The office of juvenile offender
23review program may file a written report regarding any juvenile examined by the
SB77, s. 5276 25Section 5276. 938.396 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
1938.396 (4) When a court revokes, suspends or restricts a juvenile's operating
2privilege under this chapter, the department of transportation shall not disclose
3information concerning or relating to the revocation, suspension or restriction to any
4person other than a court, district attorney, county corporation counsel, city, village
5or town attorney, law enforcement agency, or the minor juvenile whose operating
6privilege is revoked, suspended or restricted, or his or her parent or guardian.
7Persons entitled to receive this information may not disclose the information to other
8persons or agencies. This subsection does not apply to any information requested by
9the department of industry, labor and job development under s. 49.22 (2m).
SB77, s. 5277 10Section 5277. 938.48 (4) of the statutes is amended to read: