NR 660.10(63)(63) “Injection well” means a well into which fluids are injected. NR 660.10 NoteNote: See also “underground injection.”
NR 660.10(64)(64) “Inner liner” means a continuous layer of material placed inside a tank or container which protects the construction materials of the tank or container from the contained waste or reagents used to treat the waste. NR 660.10(65)(65) “Installation inspector” means a person who, by reason of that person’s knowledge of the physical sciences and the principles of engineering, acquired by a professional education and related practical experience, is qualified to supervise the installation of tank systems. NR 660.10(65m)(65m) “Intermediate facility” means a facility that stores hazardous secondary material for more than 10 days, other than a hazardous secondary material generator or reclaimer of such material. NR 660.10(66)(66) “International shipment” means the transportation of hazardous waste into or out of the jurisdiction of the United States. NR 660.10(67)(67) “Lamp”, also referred to as “universal waste lamp,” is defined as the bulb or tube portion of an electric lighting device. A lamp is specifically designed to produce radiant energy, most often in the ultraviolet, visible and infra-red regions of the electromagnetic spectrum. Examples of common universal waste electric lamps include, but are not limited to, fluorescent, high intensity discharge, neon, mercury vapor, high pressure sodium and metal halide lamps. NR 660.10(67m)(67m) “Land-based unit” means an area where hazardous secondary material are placed in or on the land before recycling. This definition does not include land-based production units. NR 660.10(68)(68) “Landfill” means a disposal facility or part of a facility where hazardous waste is placed in or on land and which is not a pile, a land treatment facility, a surface impoundment, an underground injection well, a salt dome formation, a salt bed formation, an underground mine, a cave or a corrective action management unit. NR 660.10(69)(69) “Landfill cell” means a discrete volume of a hazardous waste landfill which uses a liner to provide isolation of wastes from adjacent cells or wastes. Examples of landfill cells are trenches and pits. NR 660.10(70)(70) “Land treatment facility” means a facility or part of a facility at which hazardous waste is applied onto or incorporated into the soil surface; such facilities are disposal facilities if the waste will remain after closure. NR 660.10(70m)(70m) “Large quantity generator” means a generator that generates any of the following amounts in a calendar month: NR 660.10(70m)(a)(a) Greater than or equal to 1,000 kilograms of non-acute hazardous waste. NR 660.10(70m)(c)(c) Greater than 100 kilograms of any residue or contaminated soil, water, or other debris resulting from the cleanup of a spill, into or on any land or water, of any acute hazardous waste listed in s. NR 661.0031 or 661.0033 (5). NR 660.10(71)(71) “Leachate” means any liquid, including any suspended components in the liquid, that has percolated through or drained from hazardous waste. NR 660.10(72)(72) “Leak detection system” means a system capable of detecting the failure of either the primary or secondary containment structure or the presence of a release of hazardous waste or accumulated liquid in the secondary containment structure. Such a system shall employ operational controls (e.g., daily visual inspections for releases into the secondary containment system of aboveground tanks) or consist of an interstitial monitoring device designed to detect continuously and automatically the failure of the primary or secondary containment structure or the presence of a release of hazardous waste into the secondary containment structure. NR 660.10(73)(73) “Liner” means a continuous layer of natural or human-made materials, beneath or on the sides of a waste pile, surface impoundment, landfill or landfill cell, which restricts the downward or lateral escape of hazardous waste, hazardous waste constituents or leachate. NR 660.10(75)(75) “Management” or “hazardous waste management” means the systematic control of the collection, source separation, storage, transportation, processing, treatment, recovery and disposal of hazardous waste. NR 660.10(76)(76) “Manifest” has the meaning given in s. 291.01 (11), Stats. “Manifest” also means the shipping document EPA Form 8700–22 and, if necessary, EPA form 8700-22A, or the electronic manifest, originated and signed by the generator or offeror according to the instructions in the appendix to 40 CFR part 262 and the applicable requirements of chs. NR 662 to 665. NR 660.10(77)(77) “Manifest tracking number” means the alphanumeric identification number, a unique 3 letter suffix preceded by 9 numerical digits, which is pre-printed in Item 4 of the manifest by a registered source. NR 660.10(77m)(77m) “Mercury-containing equipment” means a device or part of a device (including thermostats, but excluding batteries and lamps) that contains elemental mercury integral to its function. NR 660.10(78)(78) “Military munitions” means all ammunition products and components produced or used by or for the U.S. department of defense or the U.S. armed services for national defense and security, including military munitions under the control of the department of defense, the U.S. coast guard, the U.S. department of energy (DOE) and national guard personnel. The term military munitions includes: confined gaseous, liquid and solid propellants, explosives, pyrotechnics, chemical and riot control agents, smokes and incendiaries used by DOD components, including bulk explosives and chemical warfare agents, chemical munitions, rockets, guided and ballistic missiles, bombs, warheads, mortar rounds, artillery ammunition, small arms ammunition, grenades, mines, torpedoes, depth charges, cluster munitions and dispensers, demolition charges and devices and components thereof. Military munitions do not include wholly inert items, improvised explosive devices and nuclear weapons, nuclear devices and nuclear components thereof. However, the term does include non-nuclear components of nuclear devices, managed under DOE’s nuclear weapons program after all required sanitization operations under the atomic energy act of 1954 (42 USC parts 2011 to 2114), as amended, have been completed. NR 660.10(79)(79) “Mining overburden returned to the mine site” means any material overlying an economic mineral deposit which is removed to gain access to that deposit and is then used for reclamation of a surface mine. NR 660.10(80)(80) “Miscellaneous unit” means a hazardous waste management unit where hazardous waste is treated, stored or disposed of and that is not a container, tank, surface impoundment, pile, land treatment unit, landfill, incinerator, boiler, industrial furnace, underground injection well, containment building, corrective action management unit, unit eligible for a research, development and demonstration license under s. NR 670.065, or staging pile. NR 660.10(81)(81) “Movement” means that hazardous waste transported to a facility in an individual vehicle. NR 660.10(82)(82) “New hazardous waste management facility” or “new facility” means a facility that began operation, or for which construction commenced, after November, 19, 1980. NR 660.10(83)(83) “New tank system” or “new tank component” means a tank system or component that will be used for the storage or treatment of hazardous waste and for which installation has commenced after March 1, 1991; except, however, for purposes of ss. NR 664.0193 (7) (b) and 665.0193 (7) (b), a new tank system is one for which construction commences after July 14, 1986.