(b) The county highway commissioner shall make and file in the office of the county clerk and in the commissioner's own office duplicate reports showing the determinations required to be made by the commissioner under par.
(c) Notice shall be given by the county clerk that such report is on file and open for review at this office, and will be so continued for the space of 10 days after the date of such notice, and that on a day named therein, which shall not be more than 3 days after the expiration of said 10 days, the county highway commissioner or such committee of the county board as may be appointed by resolution therefor will be present and will hear all objections that may be made to such report.
(d) Such notice shall be published as a class 2 notice, under ch.
(e) No irregularity in the form of such report nor of said notice shall affect its validity if it fairly contains the information required to be conveyed thereby.
(f) At the time specified for hearing objections to said report, the county highway commissioner or the committee shall hear all parties interested, who appear for that purpose, reduce to writing all objections that may be made and all evidence that may be offered to sustain the same, and may review, modify and correct said report as they deem just, and thereupon a complete final report shall be made and filed by the county highway commissioner or the committee with the county clerk, together with all objections and evidence taken to sustain the same, and the proof of publication of said notice, as above specified, which shall be received in all cases as presumptive evidence of the facts therein stated.
(g) No irregularity in the form of said report or manner of conducting the proceedings or in the proof of publication shall affect the legality of said report, unless it appears that the owners of the property affected by the proceedings were clearly misled by such irregularity and have not had an opportunity to be heard. At such hearing the county highway commissioner or any member of the committee may administer oaths as necessary when conducting such hearing.
(h) The county clerk shall publish as a class 2 notice, under ch.
985, that said report is on file in the county clerk's office and that the county board will, at a meeting to be held at the time stated in the notice, consider said report and hear all objections that may be made thereto, and determine what proportion of the cost of the improvement, if any, shall be paid by the county. The county board may at such meeting confirm or correct such report or refer it back to the county highway commissioner or to its committee for further consideration.
(i) Subject to the limitations hereinbefore mentioned the county board may determine the amount to be paid by the real estate as benefits on account of improvements of a street or parkway and the amount that should be paid by the county.
(j) When the final determination has been reached by the county board, the county clerk shall publish as a class 2 notice, under ch.
985, that a final determination has been made as to the damages that will accrue to the real estate because of the change of an established grade or the benefits and damages to be assessed to the real estate in case of the proposed improvement.
(k) The owner of any parcel of land affected by the county board's final determination as to damages who feels aggrieved thereby, may within 20 days after the date of the final determination appeal therefrom to the circuit court of the county in which the affected property is located, by causing a written notice of appeal to be served upon the county clerk, and by executing a bond to the county in the sum of $50, with 2 sureties, to be approved by the county clerk, and conditioned for the faithful prosecution of the appeal, and the payment of all costs that may be adjudged against the owner. The county clerk, in case such appeal is taken, shall file a brief statement of the proceedings had in the matter before the county board with its decision thereon, and shall transmit the same with all the papers in the matter to the clerk of the circuit court. Such appeal shall be tried and determined in the same manner as cases originally commenced in the circuit court; if the claimant recovers a greater sum than the claimant was allowed by the county board the claimant shall recover costs, otherwise the county shall recover costs. No appeal shall affect or delay the proceedings for making the improvement or any contract which may be entered into therefor, but a certificate or improvement bond, as the case may be, against the lot or parcel of real estate in question, for the amount of benefits assessed to that lot, shall be issued notwithstanding such appeal, and in case the appellant shall succeed, the difference between the amount charged in the certificate or bond so issued and the amount adjudged to be paid as benefits accruing to the parcel of real estate described in the certificate or bond shall be paid by the county.
(L) The appeal given by par.
(k) from the report of the county highway commissioner or committee of the county board, as confirmed by the county board, shall be the only remedy of the owner of any parcel of land or any person interested therein, for the redress of any grievance the person may have by the making of such improvement, or of the change of any established grade covered by said report, or of any assessment or tax levied on account thereof.
(a) When under a plan for a county system of streets and parkways adopted by the county board pursuant to s.
27.04, any improvement is made and the cost is in whole or in part chargeable to the real estate to be benefited thereby, the county board may provide that the amount so charged may be paid with certificates against the parcels of real estate so benefited, or in special improvement bonds, or from the proceeds of the sale of such bonds, or that payments may be made part in certificates, part in cash, and part in special improvement bonds.
(b) Such certificates or bonds shall be in such form and bear such interest not exceeding 6 percent per year as the county board may prescribe, shall be executed as provided in s.
67.08 (1) and may be registered under s.
67.09. They may be made payable to the bearer with interest coupons attached, and the county board may bind the county to make good deficiencies in the collection up to but not exceeding the principal and interest, at the rate fixed, and for the time specified, upon such terms and conditions as the county board may prescribe. If the county board makes good any such deficiencies the county shall become the owner of the certificate or bond and shall succeed to all the rights of such owner in addition to all other rights of the county provided by law in cases of delinquent taxes on lands.
(8) Certificates. Whenever any work or improvement chargeable in whole or in part to the property specially benefited has been completed and the same approved by the county board, the contractor or the county shall be entitled to the certificate therefor as to each parcel of land against which benefits shall have been assessed for the amount chargeable thereto. After the expiration of 9 months from the date of said certificate the same shall be conclusive evidence of the legality of all proceedings up to and inclusive of the issue thereof and it may be transferred by endorsement; provided, however, that this provision shall not affect any appeal from the final determination by the county board. If said certificates are not paid before October 15 in the year in which they are issued, the same may on or before the first day of November in each year, be filed with the county clerk, whose statement of special assessments which shall be paid in the next tax shall include an amount sufficient to pay said certificate with interest thereon at the rate provided in said certificate to the time when the county clerk is required to make return of delinquent taxes, and thereafter the same proceedings shall be had as in case of other taxes.
(9) County improvement notice; bonds. 27.065(9)(a)(a) As soon as the amount chargeable to the real estate under this section is finally determined, the county board shall cause a notice to be published as a class 1 notice, under ch.
985, in substantially the following form:
County Improvement Notice.
Notice is hereby given that under the plan for the county parkway system adopted by the county board, a contract has been (or is about to be) let (or noncontract work be done) for .... (describe the work and location), and that the expense of said improvement chargeable to the real estate has been determined as to each parcel of said real estate, and a statement of the same is on file with the county clerk. It is proposed to issue bonds chargeable only to the real estate to pay the special assessments, and such bonds will be issued covering all of said assessments, except in cases where the owners of the property file with the county clerk, within 30 days after the date hereof, a written notice that they elect to pay the special assessments or a part thereof on their property, describing the same, on presentation of the certificates.
(b) After the expiration of said 30 days the county board may issue special improvement bonds covering all of the assessments except such as the owners have filed notices of election to pay as provided in this section. These bonds shall be executed as provided in s.
67.08 (1) and shall include a statement that they are chargeable to particular property, specifying against which parcels assessments have been made to pay the cost of improvement. This statement need not set forth the particular description of the property at length but shall be sufficient if it contains a reference to the record of such description in the office of the register of deeds of the county, and such particular description of all lands covered by said assessments shall be recorded in the office of the register of deeds of the county wherein said lands are situated in addition to being filed in the office of the county clerk.
(c) Said bonds may be annual or semiannual interest coupon bonds or bonds that are registered under s.
67.09 without interest coupons, as the county board may direct, the total issue in each case shall be payable in annual installments for a period not exceeding 10 years from the date of issue, and shall draw interest at a rate not exceeding 6 percent per year, interest payable annually or semiannually, as the county board may direct; such bonds may be of such denomination as the county board shall determine and shall be sold at not less than par. The proceeds of the sale of such bonds shall be credited by the county treasurer to the special fund for the improvement of such streets or parkways, and may be paid to the contractor for such work when payment is due and the county board shall so direct, or the contractor may take such bonds as payment for work done with the permission of the county board.
(d) The county clerk shall carefully prepare a statement of the special assessments on which the bonds were issued, and record the same, together with a copy of said bonds, in the clerk's office.
(e) The county treasurer shall, out of the special fund hereby created for that purpose, pay the interest on and the principal of said bonds, as the same become due and charge the same to said fund.
(f) In each year after the issuing of said bonds, until all of them are paid, the county clerk, in the clerk's certification of the state and county tax and charges to the clerks of the cities, towns or villages wherein the land covered by said bonds is located, shall include sufficient of the special assessment on each such parcel of land to pay the annual installment of the principal and interest of said special assessment, and this amount shall be extended on the tax roll for the year as a special tax on such property. Thereafter this tax shall be treated in all respects as any other county tax, and when collected the same shall be a special fund for the payment of such bonds and interest, and shall be used for no other purpose. The county treasurer shall, out of this special fund, pay the interest on and the principal of said bonds. Any bondholder or bondholders may redeem from any tax certificate, as fully as if owners of the land, under s.
(g) The county may advance or pay any funds required under this section or may purchase any such bonds and shall in such case be entitled to all the rights of any 3rd person in connection therewith, including the right to sell or otherwise dispose of such bonds.
(h) Except as otherwise provided herein or inconsistent herewith, s.
66.0713 shall apply to certificates and bonds issued hereunder.
(a) The special improvement bonds herein mentioned shall be equal liens against all lots, parts of lots or parcels of land against which special assessments have been made, without priority one over another, which liens shall take precedence of all other claims or liens thereon, except a lien under s.
292.31 (8) (i) or
292.81, and when issued shall transfer to the holders thereof all the right, title and interest of such county in and to the assessment made on account of the improvement mentioned therein and the liens thereby created, with full power to enforce the collection thereof by foreclosure in the manner mortgages on real estate are foreclosed. The time of redemption therefrom shall be fixed by the court, and a copy of the bond foreclosed may be filed as a part of the judgment roll in said action in lieu of the original thereof.
(b) If within 90 days after the issuance of a tax certificate under s.
74.57, the amount to pay any installment of principal or interest shall not have been collected, the owner or owners of at least one-third in par value of the bonds issued on any single improvement may proceed in the name of that owner or names of those owners to collect the same by foreclosure thereof, and shall recover, in addition to the amount of said bonds and interest, all costs against the property of the party or parties in default.