60.30(4) (4)Term of office.
60.30(4)(a)(a) Every elected town officer shall hold the office for 2 years.
60.30(4)(b) (b) The regular term of elected town officers, other than the town assessor, commences on the 2nd Tuesday of April in the year of their election. The regular term of an elected assessor commences on June 1 in the year of the assessor's election.
60.30(5) (5)Temporary vacancy.
60.30(5)(a)(a) If any elected town officer, other than a town board supervisor, is absent or temporarily incapacitated from any cause, the town board may appoint, if there is no deputy officer for the office, a suitable person to discharge the duties of the office until the officer returns or the disability is removed, except that the appointment procedures of this paragraph apply to a town board supervisor if he or she is absent because of entry into the U.S. armed forces. Appointees shall file the official oath and bond required under s. 60.31.
60.30(5)(b) (b) If any elected town officer, other than a town board supervisor, refuses to perform any official duty, the town board may appoint a suitable person to perform those duties which the officer refuses to perform. An appointee shall file the official oath and bond required of the office under s. 60.31. This paragraph does not preclude a finding that refusal to perform official duties constitutes cause under s. 17.13 (3).
60.30(6) (6)Town officers residing in new incorporated municipality or annexed territory. Notwithstanding s. 17.03 (4), if, due to incorporation or annexation, any town officer, except a town board supervisor or a municipal judge, becomes a resident of a city or village, the officer shall continue in the town office and discharge the duties of the office until completion of the term for which elected.
60.30 History History: 1983 a. 532, 538; 1991 a. 39; 1993 a. 246; 1995 a. 34; 1997 a. 27; 2001 a. 103.
60.305 60.305 Combined and part-time offices.
60.305(1) (1)Clerk and treasurer. Except as provided under sub. (3), the town meeting may:
60.305(1)(a) (a) Combine the offices of town clerk and town treasurer. If the offices are combined, the town board shall provide for an annual audit under s. 60.43 (2).
60.305(1)(b) (b) Designate as part-time the office of town clerk, the office of town treasurer or the combined office of town clerk and town treasurer.
60.305(2) (2)Clerk and assessor. Except as provided under sub. (3), the town meeting may combine the offices of town clerk and town assessor. If a person elected to a combined office is not certified under s. 73.09 by June 1 of the year elected, the combined office is vacant.
60.305(3) (3)Town in county with only one town.
60.305(3)(a)(a) In the town in any county containing only one town, the town board may, by resolution:
60.305(3)(a)1. 1. Combine 2 or more town offices.
60.305(3)(a)2. 2. Designate any town office as a part-time position.
60.305(3)(a)3. 3. Combine, if concurred in by the county board, the offices of town clerk and county clerk and any other town and county offices if the offices combined are not incompatible and the combination is not expressly forbidden by law.
60.305(3)(b) (b) If the town board and county board agree to combine a county and town office under this subsection, the election to fill the combined office shall be under s. 59.20 (2). No separate election for the town office may be held until the county board, by resolution, revokes the combination and the town board, by resolution, concurs.
60.305(4) (4)General provisions.
60.305(4)(a)(a) A combination of offices under this section takes effect on the latest date that any current term of an office to be combined expires.
60.305(4)(b) (b) Except as provided under sub. (3) (b) for combined town and county offices, the election to fill any combined office shall be under s. 60.30.
60.305(4)(c) (c) The combination of town offices may be revoked in the same way that they were combined. No separate election for a town office, if combined, may be held until the combination is so revoked.
60.305 History History: 1983 a. 532; 1995 a. 201.
60.305 Annotation Compensation may be increased to the clerk for service on the board of review if the clerk has been designated part-time by the town meeting. 79 Atty. Gen. 176.
60.307 60.307 Appointment of town assessors.
60.307(1) (1)Applicability. This section does not apply to any town within the jurisdiction of a county assessor under s. 70.99.
60.307(2) (2)Town meeting authorization. If authorized by the town meeting under s. 60.10 (2) (j), the town board may select assessors by appointment.
60.307(3) (3)Method of selection. If authorized under sub. (2), a town board may appoint an assessor and any assistants by one of the following methods: