AN ACT (relating clause)
Substitute amendment 1, adoption: Ayes, 11; Noes, 0.
Without recommendation [rule 19].
(3) The report of the committee shall be reproduced in the journal. Notwithstanding subs. (1) and (2), the chief clerk shall record in the journal that a bill is reported without recommendation whenever the bill is withdrawn from committee under rule 15 (6) before the committee's vote on the bill.
Assembly Rule 20. Committee reports concerning proposed rules. Each committee to which a proposed administrative rule is referred under rule 3 (1) (r) shall submit a report within the review period specified in section 227.19 (4) (b) of the statutes in the form specified in this rule, authenticated by the personal signature of the chairperson or cochairpersons. The report of the committee shall be reproduced in the journal. Whenever a committee schedules a public hearing or meeting with an agency representative concerning a proposed rule, or whenever modifications to a proposed rule are agreed to be made or received, the committee shall submit an interim report. The form of the report is as follows:
(1) For standing committees:
The committee on .......... reports [and recommends]:
Clearinghouse Rule [year]-1
An Order of the.... (name of agency) relating to rules concerning....
Public hearing scheduled.
(list date, time, and place of public hearing)
Clearinghouse Rule [year]-2
An Order of the.... (name of agency) relating to rules concerning....
(list date, time, and place of meeting)
Clearinghouse Rule [year]-3
An Order of the.... (name of agency) relating to rules concerning....
Modifications to be made by agency.
Clearinghouse Rule [year]-4
An Order of the.... (name of agency) relating to rules concerning....
Modifications received from agency.
Clearinghouse Rule [year]-5
An Order of the.... (name of agency) relating to rules concerning....
No action taken.
Clearinghouse Rule [year]-6
An Order of the.... (name of agency) relating to rules concerning....
Objection: Ayes, 5; Noes, 1; Absent, 1.
Clearinghouse Rule [year]-7