NR 440.445(4)(e)4.b.b. Initial and periodic adjustment of the bag leak detection system including how the alarm set-point will be established. NR 440.445(4)(e)4.c.c. Operation of the bag leak detection system including quality assurance procedures. NR 440.445(4)(e)4.d.d. How the bag leak detection system will be maintained including a routine maintenance schedule and spare parts inventory list. NR 440.445(4)(e)5.5. The initial adjustment of the system shall, at a minimum, consist of establishing the baseline output by adjusting the sensitivity (range) and the averaging period of the device, and establishing the alarm set points and the alarm delay time, if applicable. NR 440.445(4)(e)6.6. Following initial adjustment, the owner or operator may not adjust the averaging period, alarm set point, or alarm delay time without approval from the department except as provided for in subd. 6. a. and b. NR 440.445(4)(e)6.a.a. Once per quarter, the owner or operator may adjust the sensitivity of the bag leak detection system to account for seasonal effects including temperature and humidity according to the procedures identified in the site-specific monitoring plan required under subd. 4. NR 440.445(4)(e)6.b.b. If opacities greater than zero percent are observed over 4 consecutive 15-second observations during the daily opacity observations required under par. (c) and the alarm on the bag leak detection system does not sound, the owner or operator shall lower the alarm set point on the bag leak detection system to a point where the alarm would have sounded during the period when the opacity observations were made. NR 440.445(4)(e)7.7. For negative pressure, induced air baghouses, and positive pressure baghouses that are discharged to the atmosphere through a stack, the bag leak detection sensor shall be installed downstream of the baghouse and upstream of any wet scrubber. NR 440.445(4)(e)8.8. Where multiple detectors are required, the system’s instrumentation and alarm may be shared among detectors. NR 440.445(4)(f)(f) For each bag leak detection system installed according to par. (e), the owner or operator shall initiate procedures to determine the cause of all alarms within one hour of an alarm. Except as provided for under par. (g), the cause of the alarm shall be alleviated within 3 hours of the time the alarm occurred by taking whatever corrective actions are necessary. Corrective actions may include the following: NR 440.445(4)(f)1.1. Inspecting the baghouse for air leaks, torn or broken bags or filter media, or any other condition that may cause an increase in particulate emissions. NR 440.445(4)(f)3.3. Replacing defective bags or filter media or otherwise repairing the control device. NR 440.445(4)(f)5.5. Cleaning the bag leak detection system probe or otherwise repairing the bag leak detection system. NR 440.445(4)(g)(g) In approving the site-specific monitoring plan required in par. (e) 4., the department may allow owners or operators more than 3 hours to alleviate specific conditions that cause an alarm if the owner or operator identifies the condition that could lead to an alarm in the monitoring plan, adequately explains why it is not feasible to alleviate the condition within 3 hours of the time the alarm occurred, and demonstrates that the requested additional time will ensure alleviation of the condition as expeditiously as practicable. NR 440.445(5)(a)(a) The owner or operator subject to the provisions of this section shall maintain records of the following information: NR 440.445(5)(b)(b) Except as provided under 40 CFR 60.274a(e), the owner or operator subject to the provisions of this section shall check and record on a once-per-shift basis the furnace static pressure (if a DEC system is in use, and a furnace static pressure gauge is installed according to par. (f)) and either: check and record the control system fan motor amperes and damper position on a once-per-shift basis; install, calibrate and maintain a monitoring device that continuously records the volumetric flow rate through each separately ducted hood, or install, calibrate and maintain a monitoring device that continuously records the volumetric flow rate at the control device inlet and check and record damper positions on a once-per-shift basis. The monitoring device may be installed in any appropriate location in the exhaust duct such that reproducible flow rate monitoring will result. The flow rate monitoring device shall have an accuracy of ± 10% over its normal operating range and shall be calibrated according to the manufacturer’s instructions. The department may require the owner or operator to demonstrate the accuracy of the monitoring device relative to Methods 1 and 2 of 40 CFR part 60, Appendix A, incorporated by reference in s. NR 440.17 (1). NR 440.445(5)(c)(c) When the owner or operator of an affected facility is required to demonstrate compliance with the standards under sub. (3) (a) 3., and at any other time that the department may require either: the control system fan motor amperes and all damper positions, the volumetric flow rate through each separately ducted hood, or the volumetric flow rate at the control device inlet and all damper positions shall be determined during all periods in which a hood is operated for the purpose of capturing emissions from the affected facility subject to par. (b). The owner or operator may petition the department for reestablishment of these parameters whenever the owner or operator can demonstrate to the department’s satisfaction that the affected facility operating conditions upon which the parameters were previously established are no longer applicable. The values of these parameters as determined during the most recent demonstration of compliance shall be maintained at the appropriate level for each applicable period. Operation at other than baseline values may be subject to the requirements of sub. (7) (c). NR 440.445(5)(d)(d) Except as provided under 40 CFR 60.274a (e), the owner or operator shall perform monthly operational status inspections of the equipment that is important to the performance of the total capture system, that is, pressure sensors, dampers and damper switches. This inspection shall include observations of the physical appearance of the equipment such as presence of holes in ductwork or hoods, flow constrictions caused by dents or accumulated dust in ductwork and fan erosion. Any deficiencies shall be noted and proper maintenance performed. NR 440.445 NoteNote: Under 40 CFR 60.274a (e), the owner or operator may petition the administrator to approve any alternative to monthly operational status inspections that will provide a continuous record of the operation of each emission capture system. NR 440.445(5)(f)(f) Except as provided for under 40 CFR 60.274a (e), if emissions during any phase of the heat time are controlled by the use of a DEC system the owner or operator shall install, calibrate and maintain a monitoring device that allows the pressure in the free space inside EAF to be monitored. The pressure shall be recorded as 15-minute integrated averages. The monitoring device may be installed in any appropriate location in the EAF or DEC duct prior to the introduction of ambient air such that reproducible results will be obtained. The pressure monitoring device shall have an accuracy of ±5mm of water gauge over its normal operating range and shall be calibrated according to the manufacturer’s instruction. NR 440.445(5)(g)(g) Except as provided in 40 CFR 60.274a (e), when the owner or operator of an EAF controlled by a DEC is required to demonstrate compliance with the standard under sub. (3) (a) 3., and at any other time the department may require, the pressure in the free space inside the furnace shall be determined during the melting and refining periods using the monitoring device required under par. (f). The owner or operator may petition the department for reestablishment of the 15-minute integrated average of the pressure whenever the owner or operator can demonstrate to the department’s satisfaction that the EAF operating conditions upon which the pressures were previously established are no longer applicable. The pressure determined during the most recent demonstration of compliance shall be maintained at all times when the EAF is operating in a meltdown and refining period. Operation at higher pressures may be considered by the department to be unacceptable operation and maintenance of the affected facility.