SB93-SSA2, s. 74
74. 943.13 (1e) (aL) of the statutes is created to read:
(1e) (aL) "Carry" has the meaning given in s. 175.60 (1) (ag).
SB93-SSA2, s. 75
75. 943.13 (1e) (bm) of the statutes is created to read:
(1e) (bm) "Licensee" means a licensee, as defined in s. 175.60 (1) (d), or
22an out-of-state licensee, as defined in s. 175.60 (1) (g).
SB93-SSA2, s. 76
76. 943.13 (1e) (cm) of the statutes is created to read:
(1e) (cm) "Nonresidential building" includes a nursing home as defined
25in s. 50.01 (3), a community-based residential facility as defined in s. 50.01 (1g), a
1residential care apartment complex as defined in s. 50.01 (1d), an adult family home
2as defined in s. 50.01 (1), and a hospice as defined in s. 50.90 (1).
SB93-SSA2, s. 77
77. 943.13 (1e) (g) of the statutes is created to read:
(1e) (g) "Out-of-state licensee" has the meaning given in s. 175.60 (1)
SB93-SSA2, s. 78
78. 943.13 (1e) (h) of the statutes is created to read:
(1e) (h) "Special event" means an event that is open to the public, is for
8a duration of not more than 3 weeks, and either has designated entrances to and from
9the event that are locked when the event is closed or requires an admission.
SB93-SSA2, s. 79
79. 943.13 (1m) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
(1m) (b) Enters or remains on any land of another after having been
12notified by the owner or occupant not to enter or remain on the premises.
13paragraph does not apply to a licensee or out-of-state licensee if the owner's or
14occupant's intent is to prevent the licensee or out-of-state licensee from carrying a
15firearm on the owner's or occupant's land.
SB93-SSA2, s. 80
80. 943.13 (1m) (c) of the statutes is created to read:
(1m) (c) 1. While carrying a firearm, enters or remains at a residence
18that the actor does not own or occupy after the owner of the residence, if he or she
19has not leased it to another person, or the occupant of the residence has notified the
20actor not to enter or remain at the residence while carrying a firearm or with that
21type of firearm. In this subdivision, "residence," with respect to a single-family
22residence, includes the residence building and the parcel of land upon which the
23residence building is located, and "residence," with respect to a residence that is not
24a single-family residence, does not include any common area of the building in which
1the residence is located or any common areas of the rest of the parcel of land upon
2which the residence building is located.
1m. While carrying a firearm, enters or remains in a common area in a building,
4or on the grounds of a building, that is a residence that is not a single-family
5residence if the actor does not own the residence or does not occupy any part of the
6residence, if the owner of the residence has notified the actor not to enter or remain
7in the common area or on the grounds while carrying a firearm or with that type of
8firearm. This subdivision does not apply to a part of the grounds of the building if
9that part is used for parking and the firearm is in a vehicle driven or parked in that
2. While carrying a firearm, enters or remains in any part of a nonresidential
12building, grounds of a nonresidential building, or land that the actor does not own
13or occupy after the owner of the building, grounds, or land, if that part of the building,
14grounds, or land has not been leased to another person, or the occupant of that part
15of the building, grounds, or land has notified the actor not to enter or remain in that
16part of the building, grounds, or land while carrying a firearm or with that type of
17firearm. This subdivision does not apply to a part of a building, grounds, or land
18occupied by the state or by a local governmental unit, to a privately or publicly owned
19building on the grounds of a university or college, or to the grounds of or land owned
20or occupied by a university of college, or, if the firearm is in a vehicle driven or parked
21in the parking facility, to any part of a building, grounds, or land used as a parking
3. While carrying a firearm, enters or remains at a special event if the
24organizers of the special event have notified the actor not to enter or remain at the
25special event while carrying a firearm or with that type of firearm. This subdivision
1does not apply, if the firearm is in a vehicle driven or parked in the parking facility,
2to any part of the special event grounds or building used as a parking facility.
4. Enters or remains in any part of a building that is owned, occupied, or
4controlled by the state or any local governmental unit, excluding any building or
5portion of a building under s. 175.60 (16) (a), if the state or local governmental unit
6has notified the actor not to enter or remain in the building while carrying a firearm
7or with that type of firearm. This subdivision does not apply to a person who leases
8residential or business premises in the building or, if the firearm is in a vehicle driven
9or parked in the parking facility, to any part of the building used as a parking facility.
5. Enters or remains in any privately or publicly owned building on the grounds
11of a university or college, if the university or college has notified the actor not to enter
12or remain in the building while carrying a firearm or with that type of firearm. This
13subdivision does not apply to a person who leases residential or business premises
14in the building or, if the firearm is in a vehicle driven or parked in the parking facility,
15to any part of the building used as a parking facility.
SB93-SSA2, s. 81
81. 943.13 (2) of the statutes is renumbered 943.13 (2) (am), and
17943.13 (2) (am) (intro.) and 1., as renumbered, are amended to read:
(2) (am) (intro.) A person has received notice from the owner or occupant
19within the meaning of sub. (1m) (b), (e) or (f) if he or she has been notified personally,
20either orally or in writing, or if the land is posted. Land is considered to be posted
21under this
subsection paragraph under either of the following procedures:
1. If a sign at least 11 inches square is placed in at least 2 conspicuous places
23for every 40 acres to be protected. The sign must
carry provide an appropriate notice
24and the name of the person giving the notice followed by the word "owner" if the
25person giving the notice is the holder of legal title to the land and by the word
1"occupant" if the person giving the notice is not the holder of legal title but is a lawful
2occupant of the land. Proof that appropriate signs as provided in this
paragraph 3subdivision were erected or in existence upon the premises to be protected prior to
4the event complained of shall be prima facie proof that the premises to be protected
5were posted as provided in this
paragraph subdivision.
SB93-SSA2, s. 82
82. 943.13 (2) (bm) of the statutes is created to read:
(2) (bm) 1. In this paragraph, "sign" means a sign that states a
8restriction imposed under subd. 2. that is at least 5 inches by 7 inches.
2. a. For the purposes of sub. (1m) (c) 1m., an owner of a residence that is not
10a single-family residence has notified an individual not to enter or remain in a part
11of that building, or on the grounds of that building, while carrying a firearm or with
12a particular type of firearm if the owner has posted a sign that is located in a
13prominent place near all of the entrances to the part of the building to which the
14restriction applies or near all probable access points to the grounds to which the
15restriction applies and any individual entering the building or the grounds can be
16reasonably expected to see the sign.
am. For the purposes of sub. (1m) (c) 2., 4., and 5., an owner or occupant of a
18part of a nonresidential building, the state or a local governmental unit, or a
19university or a college has notified an individual not to enter or remain in a part of
20the building while carrying a firearm or with a particular type of firearm if the owner,
21occupant, state, local governmental unit, university, or college has posted a sign that
22is located in a prominent place near all of the entrances to the part of the building
23to which the restriction applies and any individual entering the building can be
24reasonably expected to see the sign.
1b. For the purposes of sub. (1m) (c) 2., an owner or occupant of the grounds of
2a nonresidential building or of land has notified an individual not to enter or remain
3on the grounds or land while carrying a firearm or with a particular type of firearm
4if the owner or occupant has posted a sign that is located in a prominent place near
5all probable access points to the grounds or land to which the restriction applies and
6any individual entering the grounds or land can be reasonably expected to see the
c. For the purposes of sub. (1m) (c) 3., the organizers of the special event have
9notified an individual not to enter or remain at the special event while carrying a
10firearm or with a particular type of firearm if the organizers have posted a sign that
11is located in a prominent place near all of the entrances to the special event and any
12individual attending the special event can be reasonably expected to see the sign.