AB133-ASA1,878,224 71.25 (9) (dr) 1. For taxable years beginning after December 31, 1999, receipts
25from a service are attributed to the state where the purchaser of the service received

1the benefit of the service. The benefit of a service is received in this state if any of
2the following applies:
AB133-ASA1,878,33 a. The service relates to real property that is located in this state.
AB133-ASA1,878,54 b. The service relates to tangible personal property that is located in this state
5at the time that the service is received.
AB133-ASA1,878,66 c. The service is provided to a person who is located in this state.
AB133-ASA1,878,77 d. The service is provided to a person doing business in this state.
AB133-ASA1,878,88 e. The service is performed at a location in this state.
AB133-ASA1,878,179 2. If the purchaser of a service receives the benefit of a service in more than one
10state, the receipts from the performance of the service are included in the numerator
11of the sales factor under par. (a) according to the portion of the service received in this
12state. If the state where a purchaser received the benefit of a service cannot be
13determined, the benefit of a service is received in the state where the purchaser, in
14the regular course of the purchaser's business, ordered the service. If the state where
15a purchaser ordered a service cannot be determined, the benefit of the service is
16received in the state where the purchaser, in the regular course of the purchaser's
17business, receives a bill for the service.
AB133-ASA1,878,2118 3. If the taxpayer is not subject to income tax in the state in which the benefit
19of the service is received, the benefit of the service is received in this state to the
20extent that the taxpayer's employes or representatives performed services from a
21location in this state.
AB133-ASA1, s. 1736b 22Section 1736b. 71.25 (9) (ds) of the statutes is created to read:
AB133-ASA1,879,223 71.25 (9) (ds) 1. For taxable years beginning after December 31, 1999, the gate
24receipts from professional sporting events are attributed to the state in which the

1taxpayer's sports facility is located. Gate receipts include the taxpayer's in-state
2gate receipts and the taxpayer's share of out-of-state gate receipts.
AB133-ASA1,879,83 2. For taxable years beginning after December 31, 1999, radio and television
4receipts received by the taxpayer from a professional sports association contract with
5a communications network are attributed to this state in proportion to the number
6of events held in this state in which the taxpayer's team is a participant and that are
7related to the contract compared to the total number of events in which the
8taxpayer's team is a participant and that are related to the contract.
AB133-ASA1, s. 1736c 9Section 1736c. 71.25 (9) (dt) of the statutes is created to read:
AB133-ASA1,879,1310 71.25 (9) (dt) 1. For taxable years beginning after December 31, 1999, the gross
11receipts from radio and television broadcasting, including advertising revenue, are
12attributed to this state in proportion to the audience in this state as compared to the
13total audience.
AB133-ASA1,879,1614 2. For taxable years beginning after December 31, 1999, the gross receipts from
15newspapers and magazines, including advertising revenue, are attributed to this
16state in proportion to the circulation in this state as compared to the total circulation.
AB133-ASA1, s. 1736d 17Section 1736d. 71.25 (9) (dw) of the statutes is created to read:
AB133-ASA1,879,2218 71.25 (9) (dw) 1. Except as provided in subds. 2. and 3., if a person doing
19business in this state and outside this state owns a business that is subject to
20apportionment under sub. (6) or s. 71.04 (4) and a business that is a subject to
21apportionment under sub. (10), the person shall apportion income as provided under
22sub. (6) or s. 71.04 (4).
AB133-ASA1,880,623 2. A person who has filed a tax return and who has reported income on the
24return as apportioned under subd. 1 may request permission from the department
25to use an alternative apportionment method in the next taxable year, if the person

1receives at least 50% of the person's total gross receipts in a taxable year from a
2business described under sub. (10) (c). If the department grants permission to a
3person to use an alternative apportionment method under this subdivision, the
4person may not use the alternative method, and shall apportion income under subd.
51., if the person receives less than 50% of the person's total gross receipts in a taxable
6year from a business described under sub. (10) (c).
AB133-ASA1,880,97 3. The department may require that a person who is subject to apportionment
8under this subsection use an alternative apportionment method to accurately reflect
9income that is attributable to this state.
AB133-ASA1, s. 1737 10Section 1737. 71.25 (9) (e) (title) of the statutes is repealed.
AB133-ASA1, s. 1738 11Section 1738. 71.25 (9) (f) (title) of the statutes is repealed.
AB133-ASA1, s. 1738g 12Section 1738g. 71.25 (9d) of the statutes is created to read:
AB133-ASA1,880,1313 71.25 (9d) Financial organizations. (a) Definitions. In this subsection:
AB133-ASA1,880,1514 1. "Billing address" means the address to which a taxpayer under this
15subsection sends a notice, statement or bill to the taxpayer's customer.
AB133-ASA1,880,1616 2. "Credit card" includes a debit card and a travel and entertainment card.
AB133-ASA1,880,1917 3. "Credit card reimbursement fee" means the fee that a taxpayer receives from
18a merchant's bank because a person to whom the taxpayer has issued a credit card
19has paid for merchandise or services sold by the merchant with the credit card.
AB133-ASA1,881,620 4. "Financial organization" means a bank; a savings bank; a bank holding
21company; a savings and loan association; a trust company; a credit union, except a
22credit union that is exempt from taxes under s. 71.26 (1) (a); a production credit
23association; or an agency or branch of a foreign depository; whether chartered under
24the laws of this state, another state or territory, the laws of the United States or the
25laws of a foreign county. "Financial organization" includes a corporation that derives

1at least 50% of its total gross income from finance leases, including direct finance
2leases and leverage leases as defined by rule, and a corporation that derives at least
350% of its total gross income from an activity that a financial organization performs,
4except that "financial organization" does not include an insurance company that is
5taxable under s. 71.43 or a real estate broker, securities dealer or broker-dealer that
6is taxable under s. 71.26.
AB133-ASA1,881,167 5. "Loan" means any extension of credit or creation of debt that results from
8direct negotiations between the taxpayer under this subsection and the taxpayer's
9customer; the purchase, in whole or in part, of an extension of credit; and
10participations, syndications and leases that are considered loans for federal income
11tax purposes. "Loan" does not include loans under section 595 of the Internal
12Revenue Code; futures or forward contracts; options; notional principal contracts;
13credit card receivables; purchased credit card relationships; noninterest bearing
14balances that are due from depository institutions; cash items in the process of
15collection; federal funds sold; securities; assets held in a trading account; and
16interest in any mortgage-backed or assets-backed security.
AB133-ASA1,881,1917 6. "Merchant discount" means a fee or discount that is charged to a merchant
18for accepting a credit card as payment for merchandise or services that are sold to
19the credit card holder.
AB133-ASA1,881,2120 7. "State" means a state of the United States, the District of Columbia, the
21commonwealth of Puerto Rico or a territory or possession of the United States.