NR 428.25(1)(b)2.2. ‘Implementation.’ The department shall review the proposed averaging program provided in the notification and unless the department, within 30 days of receiving the proposed averaging program, requests additional information or revisions to the program, the owner or operator shall comply with the submitted emissions averaging program. NR 428.25(1)(b)3.3. ‘Compliance demonstration.’ The owner or operator of emissions units participating in the averaging program shall submit a compliance report containing the following information by March 1 of the calendar year following the averaging program year: NR 428.25(1)(b)3.a.a. The annual and ozone season actual heat input by fuel type for each emissions unit in the averaging program. NR 428.25(1)(b)3.b.b. The annual and ozone season actual NOx mass emissions for each emissions unit. NR 428.25(1)(b)3.c.c. The annual and ozone season actual average NOx emission rate for each emissions unit calculated as follows: where:
ERavg is the annual or ozone season average emission rate for each emissions unit
NOx Mass is the total NOx mass emissions for the averaging period
HIj is the heat input for fuel type j for the averaging period
n is the number of fuels fired during the averaging period
NR 428.25(1)(b)3.d.d. The annual and ozone season actual NOx mass emissions and heat input in aggregate for all emissions units. NR 428.25(1)(b)3.e.e. The annual and ozone season actual aggregate NOx emission rate for all emissions units. This emission rate is the summation of the total mass of NOx emissions for all emissions units divided by the total heat input for all emissions units and is calculated as follows: where:
ERaggr is the emission rate in aggregate for all emissions units on an annual or ozone season basis
NOx Massu is the total NOx mass emissions for emissions unit u, for the averaging period
HIu is the total heat input for each emissions unit u, for the averaging period
n is the number of emissions units participating in averaging
NR 428.25(1)(b)3.f.f. The annual and ozone season aggregate emission limitation for all emissions units. These emission limitations are the summation of the product of each unit’s actual heat input and emission limitation by fuel type divided by the summation of the actual heat input for all emissions units. The aggregate emission limitations shall be calculated as follows: where:
ELaggr is the aggregate emission limit for all emissions units on an annual or ozone season basis
HIf is the heat input for fuel f, for unit u
ELf is the emission limit for fuel f, for unit u
HIu is the total heat input for emissions unit u, for the averaging period
n is the number of emissions units participating in averaging
j is the number of fuels for unit u
NR 428.25(1)(b)3.g.g. Compliance on an annual and ozone season basis is demonstrated if the aggregate emission rate required in subd. 3. e. is less than the aggregate emission limit required in subd. 3. f., and the NOx mass emissions required in subd. 3. b. is less than the mass emissions cap required in subd. 1. f.