School mental health programs aid [Admin.Code PI 31] - CR 18-084
Use of inclusive language under Governor Evers Executive Order #15 [Admin.Code DHS 5.07, 10.41 (note), 60.01, 61.021, 61.022, 61.06, 61.10, 61.40, 61.76, 61.79, 63.02, 63.06, 63.09, 88.10, 101.03, 103.06, 104.01, 105.36, 106.02, 106.06, 107.06, 110.54, 124.06, 129.05, 129.07, 129.08, 134.60, 134.82, 134.83, 134.84, 152.04] - CR 20-068
mental health _ hospitals and institutesMental health — Hospitals and institutes, see also Prison
Custody and control of ch. 980, Wis.Stats., patients [Admin.Code DHS 95.03, 95.06, 95.08, 95.10] - CR 18-066
Youth crisis stabilization facilities [Admin.Code DHS 50] - CR 19-077
metabolic disorderMetabolic disorder, see Disease
metropolitan transportationMetropolitan transportation
Local public transit services: administration of grant programs to administer federal and state funds [Admin.Code Trans 3.01, 3.02, 3.03, 3.04, 4 Table of Contents, 4.02, 4.04, 4.05, 4.06, 4.07, 4.08, 4.09, 6 Table of Contents, 6.01, 6.02, 6.03, 6.04, 6.05 (title), 6.06, 6.07, 6.10, 6.12, 8 Table of Contents, 8.01, 8.02, 8.03, 8.04] - CR 18-065
mfl _managed forest land_MFL (managed forest land), see Forestry
midwifeMidwife, see Medical service — Occupations
military personnelMilitary personnel, see also Veteran, and its subheadings
Educator licenses for military spouses [Admin.Code PI 34.0405] - CR 19-029
Real estate appraisers: reciprocal credentials for service members and former service members and their spouses and classification of [Admin.Code SPS 85.120, 85.230, 85.500] - CR 20-086
Reciprocal chiropractic credentials for service members, former service members, and their spouses [Admin.Code Chir 3.025] - CR 20-037
Reciprocal CPA credentials for service members, former service members, and their spouses [Admin.Code Accy 3 subch. II (title), 3.102 (title), 3.103] - CR 20-042
Reciprocal physical therapy credentials for service members, former service members, and their spouses [Admin.Code PT 1.03] - CR 20-054
military serviceMilitary service, see Military personnel; Veteran
milkMilk, see Dairy product; Dairy product — Regulation
milwaukee _ schoolMilwaukee — School
Rules governing the MPCP as a result of 2017 Wisconsin Acts 36 and 59 and other changes [Admin.Code PI 35.02, 35.03, 35.04, 35.05, 35.06, 35.07, 35.08, 35.09, 35.10, 35.11, 35.12, 35.13, 35.14, 35.15, 35.17, 35.19] - CR 19-120
mines, pits, and quarriesMines, pits, and quarries
Nonferrous metallic mineral exploration, bulk sampling, prospecting, and mining and nonferrous mining waste management [Admin.Code NR 130, 131, 132, 182] - CR 20-043
minorsMinors, see Youth
motor carrierMotor carrier, see Bus and truck
motor vehicle _ dealers and finance companiesMotor vehicle — Dealers and finance companies
Motor vehicle trade practices: warranty reimbursement [Admin.Code Trans 139.06] - CR 19-059
motor vehicle _ drunken drivingMotor vehicle — Drunken driving, see Drunken driving
motor vehicle _ equipmentMotor vehicle — Equipment
Breath alcohol ignition interlock devices [Admin.Code Trans 313.01, 313.02, 313.03, 313.04, 313.06, 313.07, 313.08, 313.09, 313.10, 313.105, 313.11, 313.12, 313.13, 313.14, 313.15, 313.16] - CR 20-020