PFAS municipal grant program created [Sec. 354, 2672, 9132 (3)] [original bill only] - AB68
PFAS municipal grant program created [Sec. 354, 2672, 9132 (3)] - SB111
Private on-site wastewater treatment system replacement or rehabilitation: eliminate repeal of grant program; septage characterization study required - AB444
Private on-site wastewater treatment system replacement or rehabilitation: eliminate repeal of grant program; septage characterization study required - SB439
Private on-site wastewater treatment system replacement or rehabilitation: sunset of grant program delayed; DSPS duties; septage characterization study required - AB123
Private on-site wastewater treatment system replacement or rehabilitation: sunset of grant program delayed; DSPS duties; septage characterization study required - SB84
Property assessed clean energy (PACE) program changes - AB719
Property assessed clean energy (PACE) program changes - SB692
Property assessed clean energy (PACE) program: PSC to develop model ordinance and advertise availability as part of Focus on Energy program [Sec. 2401, 2413] [original bill only] - AB68
Property assessed clean energy (PACE) program: PSC to develop model ordinance and advertise availability as part of Focus on Energy program [Sec. 2401, 2413] - SB111
Shared revenue payments decreased same amount municipality reduces certain law enforcement officer funding - AB111
Shared revenue payments decreased same amount municipality reduces certain law enforcement officer funding [S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, paid fire department members and emergency medical responders added, other conditions added] - SB119
State procurement of products and services from Wisconsin-based businesses and setting goals for local governments - AB1089
State procurement of products and services from Wisconsin-based businesses and setting goals for local governments - SB1040
Suicide prevention programming grants and suicide by firearm prevention grants - AB444
Suicide prevention programming grants and suicide by firearm prevention grants - SB439
Testing privately owned wells or water supplies re groundwater quality and contamination and education and outreach re well testing: DNR grants for local governments created - AB1064
Testing privately owned wells or water supplies re groundwater quality and contamination and education and outreach re well testing: DNR grants for local governments created - SB1002
Urban storm water, flood control, and riparian restoration bonding authority [Sec. 507; A.Sub.Amdt.2: Sec. 99] - AB68
Urban storm water, flood control, and riparian restoration bonding authority [Sec. 507] - SB111
Wild parsnip declared a noxious weed by local governments or American Indian tribes or bands: grants to control, monitor, and eliminate; Bureau of Natural Heritage Conservation funding - AB343
Wild parsnip declared a noxious weed by local governments or American Indian tribes or bands: grants to control, monitor, and eliminate; Bureau of Natural Heritage Conservation funding - SB346
municipality _ fire departmentMunicipality — Fire department, see Fire department; Milwaukee — Fire department
municipality _ health departmentMunicipality — Health department, see Public health
municipality _ incorporationMunicipality — Incorporation
Local land use restrictions revised re newly incorporated cities and villages - AB894
Local land use restrictions revised re newly incorporated cities and villages - SB835
municipality _ officersMunicipality — Officers
Absentee ballot changes re application, automatic receipt, photo ID requirement, unsolicited mailing or transmission of application or ballot, and canvassing; completed electronic voter registration applications retained; JRCCP may report - AB201