15.46 Department of transportation; creation. 15.465 Same; attached board. 15.49 Department of veterans affairs; creation. 15.495 Same; attached commission. SUBCHAPTER III
15.57 Educational communications board; creation. 15.61 Elections commission; creation. 15.62 Ethics commission; creation. 15.67 Higher educational aids board; creation. 15.675 Same; attached board. 15.70 Historical society. 15.705 Same; attached boards. 15.73 Office of commissioner of insurance; creation. 15.76 Investment board; creation. 15.78 Public defender board. 15.79 Public service commission; creation. 15.795 Same; attached office. 15.91 Board of regents of the University of Wisconsin System; creation. 15.915 Same; attached boards and commissions. 15.917 Same; attached council. 15.94 Technical college system board; creation. GENERAL PROVISIONS