AB977,29 19Section 29 . 16.765 (7) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB977,14,520 16.765 (7) (intro.) When a violation of this section has been determined by the
21department, the contracting agency, the University of Wisconsin Hospitals and
22Clinics Authority, the Fox River Navigational System Authority, the Wisconsin
23Aerospace Authority, the Lower Fox River Remediation Authority, the Wisconsin
24Quality Home Care Authority,
the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation,
25or the Bradley Center Sports and Entertainment Corporation, the contracting

1agency, the University of Wisconsin Hospitals and Clinics Authority, the Fox River
2Navigational System Authority, the Wisconsin Aerospace Authority, the Lower Fox
3River Remediation Authority, the Wisconsin Quality Home Care Authority, the
4Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation, or the Bradley Center Sports and
5Entertainment Corporation shall:
AB977,30 6Section 30 . 16.765 (7) (d) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB977,14,137 16.765 (7) (d) Direct the violating party to take immediate steps to prevent
8further violations of this section and to report its corrective action to the contracting
9agency, the University of Wisconsin Hospitals and Clinics Authority, the Fox River
10Navigational System Authority, the Wisconsin Aerospace Authority, the Lower Fox
11River Remediation Authority, the Wisconsin Quality Home Care Authority, the
12Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation, or the Bradley Center Sports and
13Entertainment Corporation.
AB977,31 14Section 31 . 16.765 (8) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB977,15,715 16.765 (8) If further violations of this section are committed during the term
16of the contract, the contracting agency, the Fox River Navigational System Authority,
17the Wisconsin Aerospace Authority, the Lower Fox River Remediation Authority, the
18Wisconsin Quality Home Care Authority,
the Wisconsin Economic Development
19Corporation, or the Bradley Center Sports and Entertainment Corporation may
20permit the violating party to complete the contract, after complying with this section,
21but thereafter the contracting agency, the Fox River Navigational System Authority,
22the Wisconsin Aerospace Authority, the Lower Fox River Remediation Authority, the
23Wisconsin Quality Home Care Authority,
the Wisconsin Economic Development
24Corporation, or the Bradley Center Sports and Entertainment Corporation shall
25request the department to place the name of the party on the ineligible list for state

1contracts, or the contracting agency, the Fox River Navigational System Authority,
2the Wisconsin Aerospace Authority, the Lower Fox River Remediation Authority, the
3Wisconsin Quality Home Care Authority,
the Wisconsin Economic Development
4Corporation, or the Bradley Center Sports and Entertainment Corporation may
5terminate the contract without liability for the uncompleted portion or any materials
6or services purchased or paid for by the contracting party for use in completing the
AB977,32 8Section 32 . 16.85 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB977,15,189 16.85 (2) To furnish engineering, architectural, project management, and other
10building construction services whenever requisitions therefor are presented to the
11department by any agency. The department may deposit moneys received from the
12provision of these services in the account under s. 20.505 (1) (kc) or in the general
13fund as general purpose revenue — earned. In this subsection, “agency" means an
14office, department, independent agency, institution of higher education, association,
15society, or other body in state government created or authorized to be created by the
16constitution or any law, which is entitled to expend moneys appropriated by law,
17including the legislature and the courts, but not including an authority created in
18subch. II of ch. 114 or in ch. 52, 231, 233, 234, 237, 238, or 279.
AB977,33 19Section 33 . 16.865 (8) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB977,16,920 16.865 (8) Annually in each fiscal year, allocate as a charge to each agency a
21proportionate share of the estimated costs attributable to programs administered by
22the agency to be paid from the appropriation under s. 20.505 (2) (k). The department
23may charge premiums to agencies to finance costs under this subsection and pay the
24costs from the appropriation on an actual basis. The department shall deposit all
25collections under this subsection in the appropriation account under s. 20.505 (2) (k).

1Costs assessed under this subsection may include judgments, investigative and
2adjustment fees, data processing and staff support costs, program administration
3costs, litigation costs, and the cost of insurance contracts under sub. (5). In this
4subsection, “agency" means an office, department, independent agency, institution
5of higher education, association, society, or other body in state government created
6or authorized to be created by the constitution or any law, that is entitled to expend
7moneys appropriated by law, including the legislature and the courts, but not
8including an authority created in subch. II of ch. 114 or in ch. 52, 231, 232, 233, 234,
9237, 238, or 279.
AB977,34 10Section 34 . 19.42 (10) (s) of the statutes is created to read:
AB977,16,1211 19.42 (10) (s) The executive director and members of the board of directors of
12the Wisconsin Quality Home Care Authority.
AB977,35 13Section 35. 19.42 (13) (o) of the statutes is created to read:
AB977,16,1514 19.42 (13) (o) The executive director and members of the board of directors of
15the Wisconsin Quality Home Care Authority.
AB977,36 16Section 36 . 19.82 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB977,16,2517 19.82 (1) “Governmental body" means a state or local agency, board,
18commission, committee, council, department or public body corporate and politic
19created by constitution, statute, ordinance, rule or order; a governmental or
20quasi-governmental corporation except for the Bradley center sports and
21entertainment corporation; a local exposition district under subch. II of ch. 229; a
22long-term care district under s. 46.2895; or a formally constituted subunit of any of
23the foregoing, but excludes any such body or committee or subunit of such body which
24is formed for or meeting for the purpose of collective bargaining under subch. I, IV,
V, or VI of ch. 111.
1Section 37. 19.85 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB977,17,52 19.85 (3) Nothing in this subchapter shall be construed to authorize a
3governmental body to consider at a meeting in closed session the final ratification or
4approval of a collective bargaining agreement under subch. I, IV, or V, or VI of ch. 111
5which has been negotiated by such body or on its behalf.
AB977,38 6Section 38 . 19.86 of the statutes is amended to read:
AB977,17,12 719.86 Notice of collective bargaining negotiations. Notwithstanding s.
819.82 (1), where notice has been given by either party to a collective bargaining
9agreement under subch. I, IV, or V, or VI of ch. 111 to reopen such agreement at its
10expiration date, the employer shall give notice of such contract reopening as provided
11in s. 19.84 (1) (b). If the employer is not a governmental body, notice shall be given
12by the employer's chief officer or such person's designee.
AB977,39 13Section 39 . 20.425 (1) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB977,17,1514 20.425 (1) (a) General program operations. The amounts in the schedule for
15the purposes provided in subchs. I, IV, and V , and VI of ch. 111 and s. 230.45 (1).
AB977,40 16Section 40 . 20.425 (1) (i) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB977,18,417 20.425 (1) (i) Fees, collective bargaining training, publications, and appeals.
18The amounts in the schedule for the performance of fact-finding, mediation,
19certification, and arbitration functions, for the provision of copies of transcripts, for
20the cost of operating training programs under ss. 111.09 (3), 111.71 (5m) (5), and
21111.94 (3), for the preparation of publications, transcripts, reports, and other copied
22material, and for costs related to conducting appeals under s. 230.45. All moneys
23received under ss. 111.09 (1) and (2), 111.70 (4) (d) 3. b., 111.71 (1) and (2), 111.83 (3)
111.94 (1) and (2), 111.9993, and 230.45 (3), all moneys received from arbitrators
25and arbitration panel members, and individuals who are interested in serving in

1such positions, and from individuals and organizations who participate in other
2collective bargaining training programs conducted by the commission, and all
3moneys received from the sale of publications, transcripts, reports, and other copied
4material shall be credited to this appropriation account.
AB977,41 5Section 41 . 20.505 (1) (ks) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB977,18,166 20.505 (1) (ks) Collective bargaining grievance arbitrations. The amounts in
7the schedule for the payment of the state's share of costs related to collective
8bargaining grievance arbitrations under s. 111.86 and related to collective
9bargaining grievance arbitrations under s. 111.993
. All moneys received from state
10agencies for the purpose of reimbursing the state's share of the costs related to
11grievance arbitrations under s. 111.86 and to reimburse the state's share of costs for
12training related to grievance arbitrations, and all moneys received from institutions,
13as defined in s. 36.05 (9), for the purpose of reimbursing the state's share of the costs
14related to grievance arbitrations under s. 111.993 and to reimburse the state's share
15of costs for training related to grievance arbitrations
shall be credited to this
16appropriation account.
AB977,42 17Section 42 . 20.505 (1) (kz) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB977,18,2418 20.505 (1) (kz) General program operations. The amounts in the schedule to
19administer state employment relations functions and the civil service system under
20subch. subchs. V and VI of ch. 111 and ch. 230, to pay awards under s. 230.48, and
21to defray the expenses of the state employees suggestion board. All moneys received
22from state agencies for materials and services provided by the division of personnel
23management in the department of administration shall be credited to this
AB977,43 25Section 43 . 20.917 (3) (b) of the statutes is amended to read: