Right to vote of persons barred from voting re certain felony convictions restored after incarceration period ends; voter registration forms and voting procedure provisions - AB1071
Voter education instruction required in each elementary and high school grade and incorporated into model academic standards for social studies - AB460
Voter education instruction required in each elementary and high school grade and incorporated into model academic standards for social studies - SB459
voting machineVoting machine
Election law changes: temporary orders on conduct, recounts, domestic abuse and sexual assault victim service providers, recall petition, notice of a referendum, delivery of certified statements, election inspectors for canvassing absentee ballots, write-in candidates for city office, independent candidates on partisan primary ballot, maintaining poll lists, notice of ballot when using electronic voting system, paper copies of registration list, counting write-in votes, rules on forms of election notices, and establishing ward lines - AB304
Election law changes: temporary orders on conduct, recounts, domestic abuse and sexual assault victim service providers, recall petition, notice of a referendum, delivery of certified statements, election inspectors for canvassing absentee ballots, write-in candidates for city office, independent candidates on partisan primary ballot, maintaining poll lists, notice of ballot when using electronic voting system, paper copies of registration list, counting write-in votes, rules on forms of election notices, and establishing ward lines - SB178
Election revisions: voter registration list when a voter moves, DOT and Elections Commission data sharing, electronic voting equipment, municipal clerk training and vacancies, polling place incident reports, default dates in the official registration list, and regular review of forms - AB1005
Election revisions: voter registration list when a voter moves, DOT and Elections Commission data sharing, electronic voting equipment, municipal clerk training and vacancies, polling place incident reports, default dates in the official registration list, and regular review of forms - SB934
Electronic voting system or automatic tabulating equipment: extend time to maintain data after an election - AB848
Electronic voting system or automatic tabulating equipment: extend time to maintain data after an election - SB803
vulnerable personVulnerable person, see Intellectual disabilities; Mental health; Senior citizen
wageWage, see also Public employee — Salary
CESA employees may request wage payments over a 12-month period - AB361
CESA employees may request wage payments over a 12-month period - SB358
Counting tips of tipped employees: DWD to promulgate rules re employer use of electronic signature to acknowledge gratuities - AB50
Counting tips of tipped employees: DWD to promulgate rules re employer use of electronic signature to acknowledge gratuities - SB50
Earned income access service provider required to register with the Division of Banking, report required - AB1099
Earned income from employment disregarded re eligibility for certain public assistance programs, conditions specified - AB930
Earned income from employment disregarded re eligibility for certain public assistance programs, conditions specified - SB882
Employed inmate’s salary or wages: adding child or family support, restitution, and certain fees to withholdings - AB1151
Employed inmate’s salary or wages: adding child or family support, restitution, and certain fees to withholdings - SB1069
Employer-mandated medical isolation re COVID-19: pay during and use of paid leave requirements - AB1017
Employer-mandated medical isolation re COVID-19: pay during and use of paid leave requirements - SB949
“Sales price” and “purchase price” excludes additional charges to the sale in lieu of a tip or gratuity for sales and use tax purposes; JSCTE appendix report - AB1189
Student teacher hourly wage: school boards required to pay and DPI to reimburse - AB1157
Student teacher hourly wage: school boards required to pay and DPI to reimburse - SB1062
UI wage disqualification threshold repealed [Sec. 1758, 1759, 9350 (6), 9450 (6)] [original bill only] - AB68
UI wage disqualification threshold repealed [Sec. 1758, 1759, 9350 (6), 9450 (6)] - SB111