(b) The following entities may organize as community action agencies:
1. Any private, nonprofit community organization, including any migrant or seasonal farm worker organization.
3. Any entity designated by the community services administration as a community action agency under
42 USC 2790 to
2797, in effect on August 1, 1981, for federal fiscal year 1981, unless the agency lost its designation. Any such entity is deemed to meet the conditions under
par. (a) 1.
(c) The approval of a community action agency may be rescinded but only if there is good cause and if the decision to rescind is made by both the legislative body of the county, city, village or town that granted the approval and the secretary. At least 90 days before rescinding approval, the legislative body or secretary shall notify the community action agency of its reasons for the action and hold a public hearing in the community concerning the action.
49.265(3)(a)(a) A community action agency shall do all of the following:
1. Administer funds received under
sub. (4) and funds from other sources provided to support a community action program.
2. Set personnel, program and fiscal policies. Each community action agency shall set policies and procedures governing employee compensation and employment qualifications for itself and its agents. These policies and procedures shall ensure that employment practices are impartial and are designed to employ only competent persons, and shall guard against personal or financial conflicts of interest. Each community action agency shall also define the duties of its employees regarding advocacy on behalf of poor persons.
3. Involve, to the greatest extent practicable, poor persons in developing and implementing programs in order to ensure that these programs:
a. Will stimulate the capabilities of these persons for self-advancement.
4. Allow poor persons to influence the character of programs operated by the community action agency.
5. Involve members of the community in planning, conducting and evaluating its programs.
6. Conduct its program in a manner free of discrimination based on political affiliation and of personal or familial favoritism. Each community action agency shall establish policies and procedures to carry out this requirement and to hold staff members accountable for complying with matters governed by this section and by other state or federal laws, rules or regulations.
7. Release any record of the community action agency for examination or copying upon request, unless disclosure would constitute an unwarranted invasion of an individual's privacy. Each community action agency shall require its agents to make their records similarly available. Each community action agency shall hold public hearings on request to provide information and to receive comments about its activities.
8. Appoint a representative or representatives to the citizen advisory committee under
s. 49.325 (3) (a), in order to participate in developing and implementing programs designed to serve the poor.
3. Create a community action program. If the community action agency creates a program, it shall plan, coordinate, administer and evaluate the program. A community action program may include provisions that will help poor persons:
d. Obtain and maintain adequate housing and a suitable living environment.
f. Obtain emergency assistance. Through its program, the community action agency may provide emergency supplies or services to meet basic needs.