(4) With the prior consent of the majority leader and the minority leader and upon the motion by one of them under any order of business at any time, any member may be granted the floor for the purpose of introducing former members, state officers, and other persons of unusual achievement as guests of the senate. The member making the introduction shall submit in writing to the chief clerk the names of the guests so introduced.
(4m) Members may submit to the chief clerk in writing a listing of individuals who witnessed a part of the day's meeting or in whose honor the members would like to adjourn. The list, together with the record of the guests introduced on that legislative day under sub.
(4), shall be entered at the end of the day's journal.
(5) Any member wishing to have his or her name added or removed as a coauthor or cosponsor of a proposal or amendment shall provide the chief clerk with a written request to do so prior to the proposal being messaged. The chief clerk shall promptly record the request in the journal and include the request in the official history of the proposal. An oral request during the proceedings of the senate to be made, or to be removed as, a coauthor or cosponsor of a proposal or amendment is not in order.
(6) Any action that would occur on the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, or 8th order of business during a daily session, but that actually occurs after the completion of the applicable order of business on that day, is considered to have occurred on the applicable order of business for the purpose of producing the journal.
Senate Rule 18.
Daily calendar. sr18(1)(1)
All proposals, appointments, or other business, referred to a committee and reported by it to the senate or withdrawn from it by the senate, all proposals or amendments received from the assembly for senate concurrence, and all reports from conference committees and veto messages received by the senate, shall be placed in the committee on senate organization. Any such business deposited with the chief clerk on a day when the senate does not meet may be placed in the committee on senate organization immediately. The committee on senate organization shall establish a calendar at least 18 hours prior to the commencement of the session to which the calendar applies, but the distributed calendar, as provided under sub.
(2), may not be changed within such 18-hour period. In establishing a calendar under this subsection, the committee on senate organization shall place a proposal, appointment, or other business on the calendar when directed to do so by a majority vote of the senate.
(1b) Messages from the assembly or from the governor may be received and read, and any proposal referenced in the messages that is an assembly proposal initially received for consideration of the senate shall be referred. Any other proposals referenced in the messages shall be taken up immediately unless referred by the presiding officer to a standing committee.
sr18(1m)(1m) Notwithstanding sub.
(1) and rule
41 (1) (c), no bill may be placed on a calendar that has not received a public hearing. The committee on senate organization may waive the public hearing requirement under this subsection.
(2) The sergeant at arms shall distribute a copy of the calendar to all members before the calendar is acted upon.
(3) The distributed calendar shall show the business scheduled to be taken up on the current day, organized according to the orders of business established by rule
17 (1). For proposals on 2nd reading, the calendar shall show all pending committee reports.
(4) Unless otherwise ordered, after completion of the 9th order of business of the current calendar day, and before consideration of the 10th and succeeding orders, unfinished calendars shall be taken up and completed.
(5) Every proposal ordered engrossed and read a 3rd time, unless otherwise ordered by the senate, shall be taken up under the 13th order of business on the senate's next business day.
Senate Rule 19.
Committee of the whole. During the consideration of any proposal or other matter, the senate may, on motion, which motion is debatable, resolve itself into a committee of the whole for the consideration of the proposal or other matter. The rules of the senate govern, as far as practicable, the proceedings in committee of the whole, except that a member may speak more than twice on the same subject; that a call for the ayes and noes or for the previous question cannot be made in the committee; the committee may not recess; and may not postpone to a future time a subject before it for consideration. The committee shall elect one of its members as chairperson of the committee of the whole.
Senate Rule 20.
Standing committees of senate. sr20(1)(a)(a)
Except as provided in par.
(b), the members of the committee on senate organization are:
1. The majority leader as chairperson.
2. The president.
3. The assistant majority leader.
4. The minority leader.
5. The assistant minority leader.
(b) If the 2 major political parties are represented in the senate by equal membership, the members of the committee on senate organization are:
1. The president.
2. The former majority and minority leaders and former majority and minority assistant leaders. The former majority leader shall be the chairperson.
3. The former minority caucus chairperson.
(c) The other standing committees of the senate shall be created by the committee on senate organization as near to the commencement of the biennial session as possible.