77.82(2m)(dm)2.2. Any amount not credited to the appropriation under s. 20.370 (2) (cx), as calculated in subd. 1., shall be deposited into the conservation fund for forestry purposes. 77.82(3)(ag)(ag) A proposed management plan shall cover the entire acreage of each parcel subject to the application and shall be prepared by an independent certified plan writer or by the department if par. (am) applies. 77.82(3)(am)(am) If the department determines that an applicant is not able to have a proposed management plan prepared by a certified independent plan writer, the department shall prepare the plan. The department shall promulgate rules establishing the criteria that shall be met in order to determine that an applicant is unable to prepare such a plan. 77.82(3)(ar)(ar) For a proposed management plan prepared by an independent certified plan writer, the department, after considering the owner’s forest management objectives as stated under sub. (2) (e), shall review and either approve or disapprove the proposed management plan. If the department disapproves the proposed plan, it shall inform the applicant of the changes necessary to qualify the plan for approval upon subsequent review. At the request of the applicant, the department may agree to complete the proposed management plan. 77.82(3)(c)(c) To qualify for approval, a management plan shall include all of the following: 77.82(3)(c)2.2. The legal description of the parcel or of the area in which the parcel is located. 77.82(3)(c)3.3. A statement of the owner’s forest management objectives. 77.82(3)(c)4.4. A map, diagram or aerial photograph which identifies both forested and unforested areas of the land, using conventional map symbols indicating the species, size and density of vegetation and the other major features of the land. 77.82(3)(c)5.5. A map, diagram or aerial photograph which identifies the areas designated as open and closed under s. 77.83. 77.82(3)(c)6.6. A description of the forestry practices, including harvesting, thinning and reforestation, that will be undertaken during the term of the order, specifying the period of time in which each will be completed. 77.82(3)(c)7.7. A description of soil conservation practices that may be necessary to control any soil erosion that may result from the forestry practices specified under subd. 6. 77.82(3)(d)(d) The management plan may also specify activities that will be undertaken for the management of forest resources other than trees, including wildlife habitat, watersheds and aesthetic features. 77.82(3)(e)(e) A management plan shall contain a statement that the owner agrees to comply with all of its terms and with the conditions of this subchapter and shall be signed by the owner and a representative of the department. 77.82(3)(f)(f) An owner and the department may mutually agree to amend a management plan. 77.82(3)(g)(g) The department shall certify plan writers and shall promulgate rules specifying the qualifications that a person must satisfy to become a certified plan writer. For management plans prepared or completed by the department under this subsection, the department may contract with plan writers certified by the department to prepare and complete these plans. 77.82(3)(h)1.1. Under this paragraph, “large ownership” means 1,000 or more acres of land designated as managed forest land that has the same owner. 77.82(3)(h)2.2. The department may promulgate rules that subject large ownerships to management plan requirements that deviate from the requirements under pars. (ag) to (g). 77.82(4)(4) Additions to managed forest land. An owner of land that is designated as managed forest land may file an application with the department to designate as managed forest land an additional parcel of land if the additional parcel is contiguous to any of that designated land or is not contiguous to that designated land but meets the requirements under sub. (1) (ag). The application shall be accompanied by a nonrefundable $20 application recording fee unless a different amount for the fee is established by the department by rule at an amount equal to the average expense to the department of recording an order issued under this subchapter. The fee shall be deposited in the conservation fund and credited to the appropriation under s. 20.370 (2) (cr). The application shall be filed on a department form and shall contain any additional information required by the department. The tax rate applicable to an addition under this subsection shall be the tax rate currently applicable to the managed forest land order to which the land is being added. Except for the minimum acreage requirements under sub. (1) (ag) 1. b. that apply to a noncontiguous addition, the eligibility requirements applicable to an addition under this subsection are the eligibility requirements under the order that designated the parcel to which the land is being added. 77.82(4m)(4m) Conversion of forest croplands to managed forest land. 77.82(4m)(a)(a) An owner of land that is entered as forest croplands under s. 77.02 may file an application with the department under sub. (2) to convert all or a portion of the land to managed forest land, subject to sub. (1) (c). 77.82(4m)(b)(b) An application under this subsection shall specify whether the order designating the land as managed forest land will remain in effect for 25 years or 50 years, as elected by the owner. 77.82(4m)(d)(d) An owner of land who has filed a conversion application under this subsection and for whom the department is preparing or completing a management plan may withdraw the request and have it prepared by an independent certified plan writer if the owner determines that the department is not preparing or completing the management plan in a timely manner. 77.82(5)(5) Notice of application; request for denial. 77.82(5)(a)(a) Upon receipt of an application under sub. (2), (4) or (4m), the department shall provide written notice of the application to each clerk of each municipality in which the land is located. 77.82(5)(b)(b) The governing body of any municipality in which the proposed managed forest land is located or a resident or property tax payer of such a municipality may, within 15 days after the notice under par. (a) is provided, request the department to deny the application on the grounds that the land fails to meet the eligibility requirements under sub. (1) or that, if the addition is approved, the entire parcel will fail to meet those eligibility requirements. The request shall be in writing and shall specify the reason for believing that the land is or would be ineligible.