Senate Bill 264
Relating to: securing the ballot container.
By Senators Lazich, Vukmir and Darling; cosponsored by Representatives Bernier, Knodl, T. Larson and Sanfelippo.
hist12055To committee on Campaigns and Elections.
Senate Bill 265
Relating to: party representation for election officials serving at polling places.
By Senators Lazich, Leibham, Vukmir and Darling; cosponsored by Representatives Bernier, Sanfelippo and Pridemore.
hist12056To committee on Campaigns and Elections.
Senate Bill 267
Relating to: recording the type of identifying document provided by an elector as proof of residence.
By Senators Lazich, Leibham, Vukmir, Darling and Grothman; cosponsored by Representatives Bernier, Strachota, Sanfelippo, Tittl, Knodl and Pridemore.
hist12057To committee on Campaigns and Elections.
Senate Bill 269
Relating to: penalties for violation of certain moped dealer and recreational vehicle dealer requirements and providing a penalty.
By Senators Petrowski and Grothman; cosponsored by Representatives Stone, Ripp and Ohnstad.
hist12047To committee on Rules.
Senate Bill 270
Relating to: motorcycle operator's licenses and rider courses.
By Senators Petrowski, Grothman, L. Taylor and Lehman; cosponsored by Representatives Stone, Ripp, Ballweg, Brooks, Knodl, Mursau, Spiros, Tittl and Weatherston.
hist12048To committee on Rules.
Senate Bill 275
Relating to: the role of the clerk of a circuit court in filing the oath and bond of a municipal judge; signatures on citations or complaints alleging a violation of a municipal ordinance; the fee for a transcript of an electronic recording of municipal court proceedings; and the authority of a municipal court judge to order a default judgment against a defendant who fails to appear at trial.
By Senator Grothman; cosponsored by Representative J. Ott.
hist12066To committee on Judiciary.
Senate Bill 284
Relating to: allowing pupils in grades 7 and 8 to earn high school credit.
By Senators Grothman, Olsen, Lazich, Risser, Miller and Gudex; cosponsored by Representatives Strachota, Kestell, Tittl, Jacque, Kerkman, Kleefisch, Spiros, Brooks, Weatherston, Pridemore, Nass, Kooyenga, Endsley, Krug, Jagler, Marklein, Bernier, Knodl, Stone and Schraa.
hist12049To committee on Rules.
Senate Bill 294