Senate Bill 264
Relating to: securing the ballot container.
By Senators Lazich, Vukmir and Darling; cosponsored by Representatives Bernier, Knodl, T. Larson and Sanfelippo.
hist12055To committee on Campaigns and Elections. Senate Bill 265
Relating to: party representation for election officials serving at polling places.
By Senators Lazich, Leibham, Vukmir and Darling; cosponsored by Representatives Bernier, Sanfelippo and Pridemore.
hist12056To committee on Campaigns and Elections. Senate Bill 267
Relating to: recording the type of identifying document provided by an elector as proof of residence.
By Senators Lazich, Leibham, Vukmir, Darling and Grothman; cosponsored by Representatives Bernier, Strachota, Sanfelippo, Tittl, Knodl and Pridemore.
hist12057To committee on Campaigns and Elections. Senate Bill 269
Relating to: penalties for violation of certain moped dealer and recreational vehicle dealer requirements and providing a penalty.
By Senators Petrowski and Grothman; cosponsored by Representatives Stone, Ripp and Ohnstad.
Senate Bill 270
Relating to: motorcycle operator's licenses and rider courses.
By Senators Petrowski, Grothman, L. Taylor and Lehman; cosponsored by Representatives Stone, Ripp, Ballweg, Brooks, Knodl, Mursau, Spiros, Tittl and Weatherston.
Senate Bill 275
Relating to: the role of the clerk of a circuit court in filing the oath and bond of a municipal judge; signatures on citations or complaints alleging a violation of a municipal ordinance; the fee for a transcript of an electronic recording of municipal court proceedings; and the authority of a municipal court judge to order a default judgment against a defendant who fails to appear at trial.
By Senator Grothman; cosponsored by Representative J. Ott.
Senate Bill 284
Relating to: allowing pupils in grades 7 and 8 to earn high school credit.
By Senators Grothman, Olsen, Lazich, Risser, Miller and Gudex; cosponsored by Representatives Strachota, Kestell, Tittl, Jacque, Kerkman, Kleefisch, Spiros, Brooks, Weatherston, Pridemore, Nass, Kooyenga, Endsley, Krug, Jagler, Marklein, Bernier, Knodl, Stone and Schraa.
Senate Bill 294