(bg) An independent living center, as defined in
s. 46.96 (1) (ah), that is a certified case management provider may elect to provide case management services to one or more of the categories of medical assistance beneficiaries specified under
par. (am). The amount of allowable charges for the services under the medical assistance program that is not provided by the federal government shall be paid from nonfederal, public funds received by the independent living center from a county, city, village or town or from funds distributed as a grant under
s. 46.96.
(bm) Case management services under this subsection may not be provided to a person under
par. (am) 7. unless any of the following is true:
1. A team of mental health experts appointed by the case management provider determines that the person is a severely emotionally disturbed child. The team shall consist of at least 3 members. The case management provider shall appoint at least one member of the team who is a licensed psychologist or a physician specializing in psychiatry. The case management provider shall appoint at least 2 members of the team who are members of the professions of school psychologist, school social worker, registered nurse, social worker, child care worker, occupational therapist or teacher of emotionally disturbed children. The case management provider shall appoint as a member of the team at least one person who personally participated in a psychological evaluation of the child.
(c) Except as provided in
pars. (be) and
(bg), the department shall reimburse a provider of case management services under this subsection only for the amount of the allowable charges for those services under the medical assistance program that is provided by the federal government.
(26) Managed care system. The department shall study alternatives for a system to manage the usage of alcohol and other drug abuse services, including day treatment services, provided under the medical assistance program. On or before September 1, 1988, the department shall submit a plan for a medical assistance alcohol and other drug abuse managed care system to the joint committee on finance. If the cochairpersons of the committee do not notify the department that the committee has scheduled a meeting for the purpose of reviewing the proposed plan within 14 working days after the date of the department's submittal, the department may implement the plan. If within 14 working days after the date of the department's submittal the cochairpersons of the committee notify the department that the committee has scheduled a meeting for the purpose of reviewing the proposed plan, the department may not implement the plan until it is approved by the committee, as submitted or as modified. If a waiver from the secretary of the federal department of health and human services is necessary to implement the proposed plan, the department of health and family services may request the waiver, but it may not implement the waiver until it is authorized to implement the plan, as provided in this subsection.
(27) Eligibility of aliens. A person who is not a U.S. citizen or an alien lawfully admitted for permanent residence or otherwise permanently residing in the United States under color of law may not receive medical assistance benefits except as provided under
8 USC 1255a (h) (3) or
42 USC 1396b (v).
(29) Hospice reimbursement. The department shall promulgate rules limiting aggregate payments made to a hospice under
ss. 49.46 and
(30) Services provided by community support programs. 49.45(30)(b)
(b) The department shall reimburse a provider of services under
s. 49.46 (2) (b) 6. L. only for the amount of the allowable charges for those services that is provided by the federal government.
(30m) Certain services for developmentally disabled. A county shall provide the portion of the services under
s. 51.06 (1) (d) to individuals who are eligible for medical assistance that is not provided by the federal government.
(31) Eligibility for long-term care insurance beneficiaries. The department shall seek federal approval of, and federal financial participation in, a pilot project under which a person who is the beneficiary of a long-term care insurance policy that satisfies criteria established by the department may become eligible for medical assistance while exceeding the usual medical assistance resource limits.
(32) Community care for the elderly. The department may request a waiver under
42 USC 1315 to permit the establishment of a community care for the elderly demonstration project to provide medical care, case management services, adult day care and other support services that promote independence and enhance the quality of life of frail elderly persons. If the waiver is approved, the department may establish the community care for the elderly demonstration project and pay a fixed per person fee for the services.
(34) Medical assistance manual. The department shall prepare a medical assistance manual that is clear, comprehensive and consistent with this subchapter and
42 USC 1396a to
1396u and shall, no later than July 1, 1992, provide the manual to counties for use by county employes who administer the medical assistance program.
(35) Training for nonprofit organizations. The department shall provide training to employes and volunteers of private nonprofit organizations concerning medical assistance eligibility under
s. 49.47 of persons whose incomes exceed the levels under
s. 49.47 (4) (am) and
(c) 1. before consideration, under
s. 49.47 (4) (c) 2., of the level of those persons' medical expenses.
(35m) Computer system redesign. The department shall ensure that any redesign or replacement of the computer network that is used by counties on May 12, 1992, to determine eligibility for medical assistance includes the capability of determining eligibility for medical assistance under
s. 49.47 (4) (c) 2.
(36) Homeless beneficiaries. A county department under
s. 46.215,
46.22 or
46.23 may not place the word "homeless" on the medical assistance identification card of any person who is determined to be eligible for medical assistance benefits and who is homeless.
(37) Plans of care. The department may seek a waiver of the requirement under
42 USC 1396n (c) (1) that the department review and approve every written plan of care developed for each individual who receives, under
42 USC 1396n (c) (1), home or community-based services under
ss. 49.46 (2) (b) 8. and
49.47 (6) (a) 1. The waiver of the requirement, if granted, shall apply to those county departments or private nonprofit agencies that administer the services and that the department finds and certifies have implemented effective quality assurance systems for service plan development and implementation. If the federal health care financing administration approves the department's request for waiver of the requirement, the department shall, in evaluating a quality assurance system for certification, consider all of the following:
(a) The adequacy, safety and comprehensiveness of plans of care developed for individuals and of the services provided to them.
(b) Opportunities for individuals to exercise choice and be involved in the provision of services.
(c) Overall conformance to required state and federal quality assurance standards.
(d) Factors in addition to those in
pars. (a) to
(c) that are required by the federal health care financing administration, if any.
(38) Home or community-based services for disabled workers. The department shall request a waiver from the secretary of the federal department of health and human services to authorize federal financial participation for medical assistance coverage of persons described in
ss. 49.46 (1) (a) 14. and
49.47 (4) (as).
1. "School" means a public school described under
s. 115.01 (1) or a charter school, as defined in
s. 115.001 (1). It includes school-operated early childhood programs for developmentally delayed and disabled 4-year-old and 5-year-old children.
2. "School medical services" means health care services that are provided in a school to children who are eligible for medical assistance that are appropriate to a school setting, as provided in the amendment to the state medical assistance plan under
par. (am).