AB977,31,17 1452.05 Creation and organization of authority. (1) Creation and
15membership of board.
There is created a public body corporate and politic to be
16known as the “Wisconsin Quality Home Care Authority." The members of the board
17shall consist of the following members:
AB977,31,1818 (a) The secretary of health services or his or her designee.
AB977,31,2019 (b) The secretary of the department of workforce development or his or her
AB977,31,2121 (c) The following, to be appointed by the governor to serve 3-year terms:
AB977,31,2222 1. One representative from the state assembly.
AB977,31,2323 2. One representative from the state senate.
AB977,31,2424 3. One representative of care management organizations.
14. One representative of county departments, under s. 46.215, 46.22, 46.23,
251.42, or 51.437, selected from counties where the Family Care Program is not
AB977,32,44 5. One representative of the board for people with developmental disabilities.
AB977,32,55 6. One representative of the council on physical disabilities.
AB977,32,66 7. One representative of the council on mental health.
AB977,32,77 8. One representative of the board on aging and long-term care.
AB977,32,108 9. Eleven individuals, each of whom is a current or former recipient of home
9care services through the Family Care Program or a medical assistance waiver
10program or an advocate for or representative of consumers of home care services.
AB977,32,12 11(3) Chairperson. Annually, the governor shall appoint one member of the
12board to serve as the chairperson.
AB977,32,17 13(4) Executive committee. (a) The board shall elect an executive committee.
14The executive committee shall consist of the chair of the board, the secretary of
15health services or his or her designee, the secretary of the department of workforce
16development or his or her designee, and 3 persons selected from board members
17appointed under sub. (1) (c) 9.
AB977,32,1818 (b) The executive committee may do the following:
AB977,32,2019 1. Hire an executive director who is not a member of the board and serves at
20the pleasure of the board.
AB977,32,2121 2. Hire employees to carry out the duties of the authority.
AB977,32,2222 3. Engage in contracts for services to carry out the duties of the authority.
AB977,32,24 23(5) Terms. The terms of members of the board appointed under sub. (1) (c) shall
24expire on July 1.
1(6) Quorum. A majority of the members of the board constitutes a quorum for
2the purpose of conducting its business and exercising its powers and for all other
3purposes, notwithstanding the existence of any vacancies. Action may be taken by
4the board upon a vote of a majority of the members present. Meetings of the members
5of the board may be held anywhere within the state.
AB977,33,12 6(7) Vacancies. Each member of the board shall hold office until a successor is
7appointed and qualified unless the member vacates or is removed from his or her
8office. A member who serves as a result of holding another office or position vacates
9his or her office as a member when he or she vacates the other office or position. A
10member who ceases to qualify for office vacates his or her office. A vacancy on the
11board shall be filled in the same manner as the original appointment to the board for
12the remainder of the unexpired term, if any.
AB977,33,16 13(8) Compensation. The members of the board are not entitled to compensation
14for the performance of their duties. The authority may reimburse members of the
15board for actual and necessary expenses incurred in the discharge of their official
16duties as provided by the board.
AB977,33,19 17(9) Employment of board member. It is not a conflict of interest for a board
18member to engage in private or public employment or in a profession or business,
19except to the extent prohibited by law, while serving as a member of the board.
AB977,33,23 2052.10 Powers of authority. The authority shall have all the powers
21necessary or convenient to carry out the purposes and provisions of this chapter and
22s. 46.2898. In addition to all other powers granted the authority under this chapter,
23the authority may:
AB977,33,25 24(1) Adopt policies and procedures to govern its proceedings and to carry out its
25duties as specified in this chapter.
1(2) Employ, appoint, engage, compensate, transfer, or discharge necessary
AB977,34,4 3(3) Make or enter into contracts, including contracts for the provision of legal
4or accounting services.
AB977,34,5 5(4) Award grants for the purposes set forth in this chapter.