(6) (b) The department may not require under this chapter a health care
11provider that is a hospital or ambulatory surgery center to submit uniform patient
12billing forms.
(c) A health care provider that is not a hospital or ambulatory surgery center
14may not submit any of the following to the department under the requirements of
15this chapter:
1. The data elements specified under sub. (3) (b).
2. The patient's telephone number.
3. The insured's employer's name or school name.
4. Data regarding insureds other than the patient, other than the payer
20category code under sub. (3m).
5. The patient's employer's name or school name.
6. The patient's relationship to the insured.
7. The insured's identification number.
8. The insured's policy or group number.
19. The insured's date of birth or sex.
10. The patient's marital, employment or student status.
(d) If a health care provider that is not a hospital or ambulatory surgery center
4submits a data element that is specified in par. (c) 1. to 10., the department shall
5immediately return this information to the health care provider or, if discovered
6later, shall remove and destroy the information.
(e) A health care provider may not submit information that uses any of the
8following as a patient account number:
1. The patient's social security number or any substantial portion of the
10patient's social security number.
2. A number that is related to another patient identifying number.
13153.55 Protection of health care provider confidentiality. Health care
14provider-identifiable data Data obtained under this chapter is not subject to
15inspection, copying or receipt under s. 19.35 (1).".
18153.67 Independent review board. The independent review board shall
19review any request under s. 153.45 (1) (c) for data elements other than those
20available for public use data files under s. 153.45 (1) (b). Unless the independent
21review board approves such a request or unless independent review board approval
22is not required under rules of the department promulgated under s. 153.45 (1) (c)
23(intro.), the data elements requested may not be released.
1153.76 Rule-making by the independent review board. 2Notwithstanding s. 15.01 (1r), the independent review board may promulgate only
3those rules that are first reviewed and approved by the board on health care
6153.85 Civil liability. Any Except as provided in s. 153.86, any person
7violating s. 153.50 or rules promulgated under s. 153.75 (1) (a) is liable to the patient
8for actual damages and costs, plus exemplary damages of up to $1,000 for a negligent
9violation and up to $5,000 for an intentional violation.
11153.86 Immunity from liability. A health care provider that submits
12information to the department under this chapter is immune from civil liability for
13any act or omission of an employe, official or agent of the health care provider that
14results in the release of a prohibited data element while submitting data to the
15department of health and family services. The immunity provided under this section
16does not apply to intentional, wilful or reckless acts or omissions.