1560.208 Dairy manufacturing facility investment credit. (1) The
2department of commerce shall implement a program to certify taxpayers as eligible
3for the dairy manufacturing facility investment credit under ss. 71.07 (3p), 71.28
4(3p), and 71.47 (3p).
5(2) If the department of commerce certifies a taxpayer under sub. (1), the
6department of commerce shall determine the amount of credits to allocate to that
7taxpayer. The total amount of dairy manufacturing facility investment credits
8allocated to taxpayers in fiscal year 2007-08 may not exceed $600,000 and the total
9amount of dairy manufacturing facility investment credits allocated to taxpayers in
10fiscal year 2008-09, and in each fiscal year thereafter, may not exceed $700,000.
11(3) The department of commerce shall inform the department of revenue of
12every taxpayer certified under sub. (1) and the amount of credits allocated to the
14(4) The department of commerce, in consultation with the department of
15revenue, shall promulgate rules to administer this section.".
(5) Report. Beginning in 2003 and biennially thereafter, the Annually,
19the center shall prepare a report describing its activities under this section since the
20period covered in the previous report.
The department shall submit the report with
21the report required under s. 560.55. The report may include recommendations for
22the legislature, governor, public records board, and regulatory agencies on
23simplifying the process of applying for permits, of reviewing and making
24determinations on permit applications, and of issuing permits, and shall include
1information on the number of requests for assistance, the types of assistance
2provided, and the center's success in resolving conflicts in permit application and
3review processes.
The department shall include the information required under this
4subsection in the report required under s. 560.01 (2) (a) 2.
(1) Inventory. (intro.) The department shall prepare
and periodically, 7revise
, and include in the report required under s. 560.01 (2) (a) 2. an inventory of
8existing entrepreneurial assistance programs offered in this state. In preparing the
9inventory, the department may do any of the following:
11560.55 Report. Beginning on October 15, 2003, and no later than October 15
12of each odd-numbered year thereafter, the The department shall
submit to include
13in the
governor and to the chief clerk of each house of the legislature, for distribution
14to the legislature under s. 13.172 (2), a report
describing required under s. 560.01 (2)
15(a) 2. a description of the department's activities and the result of the department's
16activities under s. 560.54 since the period covered in the previous report
17under this section. The department shall
combine this report with the report
18required under s. 560.42 (5) and may combine this report with other reports
19published by the department, including the report under s. 15.04 (1) (d) provide to
20the governor a copy of the information required under this section. The report may
21include recommendations for legislative proposals to change the entrepreneurial
22assistance programs and intermediary assistance programs.".
4560.799 (title)
Rural enterprise zone.
(1) (bm) 1. A business' employees in a
economic rural enterprise zone.
(3) (a) The department may designate not more than 10
rural 9enterprise zones. The department may designate an area as a
rural enterprise zone
10if the area does not exceed 50 acres
and if the area does not include any part of a city
11of the 1st class or a city with a population greater than 200,000.
(5) (a) A business that begins operations in a
rural enterprise zone.
(5) (b) A business that relocates to a
rural enterprise zone from outside
16this state, if the business offers compensation and benefits to its employees working
17in the zone for the same type of work that are at least as favorable as those offered
18to its employees working outside the zone, as determined by the department.
(5) (c) (intro.) A business that expands operations in a
rural enterprise
21zone, but only if any of the following apply: