AB75-SSA1-SA1,37,22 22" Section 1424y. 51.15 (2) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB75-SSA1-SA1,38,523 51.15 (2) Facilities for detention. (intro.) The law enforcement officer or
24other person authorized to take a child into custody under ch. 48 or to take a juvenile

1into custody under ch. 938 shall transport the individual, or cause him or her to be
2transported, for detention, if the county department of community programs in the
3county in which the individual is to be detained approves the need for detention,
4for evaluation, diagnosis, and treatment if permitted under sub. (8) to any of the
5following facilities:".
AB75-SSA1-SA1,38,7 6162. Page 671, line 22: delete the material beginning with that line and
7ending with page 672, line 4.
AB75-SSA1-SA1,38,9 8163. Page 672, line 11: delete "KRM" and substitute "southeastern regional
AB75-SSA1-SA1,38,11 10164. Page 672, line 17: delete "KRM" and substitute "Southeastern regional
AB75-SSA1-SA1,38,13 12165. Page 672, line 18: on lines 18 and 23, delete "KRM" and substitute
13"southeastern regional transit".
AB75-SSA1-SA1,38,14 14166. Page 673, line 14: delete "county executive of".
AB75-SSA1-SA1,38,15 15167. Page 673, line 15: after "County" insert "board chairperson".
AB75-SSA1-SA1,38,17 16168. Page 673, line 23: after "Milwaukee" insert "and a stop at the
17intersection of Lincoln Avenue and Bay Street in the city of Milwaukee".
AB75-SSA1-SA1,38,18 18169. Page 675, line 22: after that line insert:
AB75-SSA1-SA1,38,19 19" Section 1449o. 59.605 (3) (d) of the statutes is created to read:
AB75-SSA1-SA1,39,220 59.605 (3) (d) 1. Except as provided in subd. 2., if a county imposes the sales
21tax described under s. 77.70 (3), its operating levy shall be reduced by at least $67
22million, and the operating levy limit which would otherwise apply shall be reduced
23to reflect this reduction of its operating levy, to account for the elimination of the

1county's need to levy for transit, parks, culture, and emergency medical services due
2to the provision described in s. 77.70 (3).
AB75-SSA1-SA1,39,43 2. Subdivision 1. does not apply to the extent that the operating levy rate limit
4is exceeded under par. (a).".
AB75-SSA1-SA1,39,5 5170. Page 679, line 2: after that line insert:
AB75-SSA1-SA1,39,7 6" Section 1459m. 62.50 (18) (a) of the statutes is renumbered 62.50 (18) and
7amended to read:
AB75-SSA1-SA1,39,148 62.50 (18) No chief officer of either department or member of the fire
9department may be deprived of any salary or wages for the period of time suspended
10preceding an investigation or trial, unless the charge is sustained. Except as
11provided in par. (b), no
No member of the police force may be discharged or suspended
12under sub. (11) or (13) without pay or benefits until the matter that is the subject of
13the discharge or suspension is disposed of by the board or the time for appeal under
14sub. (13) passes without an appeal being made.
AB75-SSA1-SA1, s. 1459n 15Section 1459n. 62.50 (18) (b) of the statutes is repealed.".
AB75-SSA1-SA1,39,16 16171. Page 692, line 21: before "632.895" insert "632.885,".
AB75-SSA1-SA1,39,17 17172. Page 696, line 10: delete "4471m" and substitute " 1471m".
AB75-SSA1-SA1,39,18 18173. Page 699, line 17: after that line insert:
AB75-SSA1-SA1,39,19 19" Section 1478k. 66.0901 (1) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB75-SSA1-SA1,40,220 66.0901 (1) (a) "Municipality" means the state or a town, city, village, school
21district, board of school directors, sewer district, drainage district, technical college
22district, regional transit authority created under s. 66.1039, the KRM authority
23created under s. 59.58 (7),
or other public or quasi-public corporation, officer, board,

1or other public body charged with the duty of receiving bids for and awarding any
2public contracts.
AB75-SSA1-SA1, s. 1478m 3Section 1478m. 66.0901 (1) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB75-SSA1-SA1,40,94 66.0901 (1) (c) "Public contract" means a contract for or an expenditure related
the construction, execution, repair, remodeling, demolition, grading, alteration,
6painting, decorating,
or improvement of a public work, land, or building or for the
7furnishing of supplies or material of any kind, proposals for which are required to be
8advertised for by law. A public contract does not include a contract for or an
9expenditure related to service and maintenance work.
AB75-SSA1-SA1, s. 1478o 10Section 1478o. 66.0901 (1) (cs) of the statutes is created to read:
AB75-SSA1-SA1,40,1611 66.0901 (1) (cs) "Service and maintenance work" means work performed
12directly by the municipality or county on facilities or equipment that is routinely
13performed on those facilities or equipment to prevent breakdown or deterioration,
14including minor pavement patching, but not overlays; pavement crack filling;
15pavement chip or slurry seal with a projected life span of not longer than 5 years; road
16shoulder maintenance; and cleaning of drainage and sewer ditches.
AB75-SSA1-SA1, s. 1478q 17Section 1478q. 66.0901 (1m) of the statutes is created to read:
AB75-SSA1-SA1,40,2018 66.0901 (1m) Competitive bidding. (a) Notwithstanding sub. (1) (a), in this
19subsection, "municipality" does not include the state, a school district, or a board of
20school directors, but does include a county.
AB75-SSA1-SA1,40,2321 (b) Except as provided in pars. (c) and (e), a municipality shall let all public
22contracts on the basis of competitive bids and shall award the contract to the lowest
23responsible bidder.