86.06 Highways closed to travel; penalties. 86.07 Digging in highways or using bridges for advertising. 86.073 Review of denial of permit. 86.074 Highway setback areas. 86.075 Highway authorities to notify drainage board of highway construction. 86.08 Dust-free surfacing at licensed dairy or meat packing plants. 86.09 Access to cemetery preserved. 86.10 Salvage in highway construction. 86.105 Snow removal in private driveways. 86.11 Highways; railroad crossings; grade separation. 86.12 Highway railroad grade crossings; construction and repair. 86.13 Railroads to maintain highway crossings. 86.135 Railroad highway crossings; traffic control. 86.14 Strength of bridges. 86.15 Donations of highway aid to adjoining municipalities. 86.16 Utility lines on highways; place of poles; penalty. 86.17 Taking water from highway streams. 86.18 Milwaukee County highways; location, alteration, maintenance. 86.185 Populous counties; power over county trunk highways. 86.19 Highway signs, regulation, prohibition. 86.191 Advertising in highways prohibited, where. 86.192 Penalty for injuring guide board, markers, etc. 86.195 Specific information signs. 86.196 Tourist-oriented directional signs. 86.20 Interstate bridge corporations. 86.21 Interstate toll bridges. 86.22 Interstate railroad bridges must have convenient approaches. 86.23 Maintenance of drawbridges owned jointly. 86.25 Municipal cooperation as to highways improved with state or federal aid.