foodFood, see also Beverage; Dairy product; Farm produce; Livestock and meat; Restaurant; Rice; School — Lunch
Auxiliary container re merchandise, food, or beverages from a food service or retail facility: repeal limitation on authority of political subdivisions to regulate - AB290
Auxiliary container re merchandise, food, or beverages from a food service or retail facility: repeal limitation on authority of political subdivisions to regulate - SB282
Cotton candy: retail food establishment license exemption for establishments that sell or process - AB851
Cotton candy: retail food establishment license exemption for establishments that sell or process - SB814
Family Meals Month: September 2023 recognized as - AJR70
Family Meals Month: September 2023 recognized as - SJR67
Farm to Fork Program established and funding to expand farm to school programs - AB755
Farm to Fork Program established and funding to expand farm to school programs - SB712
Food and beverages served in foam polystyrene packaging prohibited, exceptions provided - AB288
Food and beverages served in foam polystyrene packaging prohibited, exceptions provided - SB315
Food product licensing requirements: exemption revisions re sale of pickled fruits and vegetables, baked goods, and nonpotentially hazardous food - AB897
Food product licensing requirements: exemption revisions re sale of pickled fruits and vegetables, baked goods, and nonpotentially hazardous food - SB813
Food products containing cultured animal cells or tissues: sale of without proper label prohibited; penalties and emergency rule provisions - AB555
Food products containing cultured animal cells or tissues: sale of without proper label prohibited; penalties and emergency rule provisions - SB544
Food security grant program created in DATCP re food assistance from nonprofit food banks and food pantries - AB756
Food security grant program created in DATCP re food assistance from nonprofit food banks and food pantries - SB713
Food waste reduction pilot project grants created [Sec. 258, 1723] - AB43
Food waste reduction pilot project grants created - SB721
Food waste reduction pilot project grants created [Sec. 258, 1723] [original bill only] - SB70
Grocery and Retail Food Employees: appreciation and respect for proclaimed - AR6
Healthy food incentive program for FoodShare recipients: DHS to contract with nonprofit organizations to administer - AB1013
Healthy food incentive program for FoodShare recipients: DHS to contract with nonprofit organizations to administer - SB948
Kratom products made from the leaf of the Mitragyna speciosa plant: manufacture, distribution, delivery, and possession regulated - AB393
Kratom products made from the leaf of the Mitragyna speciosa plant: manufacture, distribution, delivery, and possession regulated - SB445
Labeling a food product as milk: prohibition created; DATCP duties; enactment by other states provision - AB952
Labeling a food product as milk: prohibition created; DATCP duties; enactment by other states provision - SB886
Local exposition district created by the City of Superior; taxes, bond, and referendum provisions - AB348
Local exposition district created by the City of Superior; taxes, bond, and referendum provisions - SB342