12. Petroleum product that is not in dissolved phase is present with a thickness
2of 0.01 feet or more, as shown by repeated measurements.
3. An enforcement standard is exceeded in groundwater within 1,000 feet of a
4well operated by a public utility, as defined in s. 196.01 (5), or within 100 feet of any
5other well used to provide water for human consumption.
4. An enforcement standard is exceeded in bedrock.
(2) (b) 1. The site of the discharge is classified, as provided under sub.
9(3m) (a) 3., as medium
priority risk or low
priority risk, based on the threat that the
10discharge poses to public health, safety and welfare and to the environment.
(2) (b) 2. The site of the discharge is not contaminated by a hazardous
13substance other than the petroleum product
, including any additive, that was
14discharged from the petroleum storage tank.
(3g) (a) If, on December 1, 1999, more than 35% of sites classified
17under this section, excluding sites that are contaminated by a hazardous substance
18other than a petroleum product or an additive to a petroleum product, are classified
19as high-risk sites, the department of commerce and the department of natural
20resources shall attempt to reach an agreement that specifies standards for
21determining whether the site of a discharge of a petroleum product from a petroleum
22storage tank is classified as high risk. The standards shall be designed to classify
23no more than 35% of those sites as high-risk sites and may not classify all sites at
24which an enforcement standard is exceeded as high-risk sites. If the department of
25commerce and the department of natural resources are unable to reach an
1agreement, they shall refer the matters on which they are unable to agree to the
2secretary of administration for resolution. The secretary of administration shall
3resolve any matters on which the departments disagree in a manner that is
4consistent with this paragraph. The department of commerce shall promulgate rules
5incorporating any agreement between the department of commerce and the
6department of natural resources under this paragraph and any resolution of
7disagreements between the departments by the secretary of administration under
8this paragraph.
(b) If, 6 months after rules under par. (a) are in effect, more than 35% of the sites
10classified under this section, excluding sites that are contaminated by a hazardous
11substance other than a petroleum product or an additive to a petroleum product, are
12classified as high-risk sites, the department of commerce shall revise the rules using
13the procedure for promulgating the rules in par. (a).
(3m) (a) 3. Establishes
procedures, standards
and schedules for
16determining whether the site of a discharge of a petroleum product from a petroleum
17storage tank is classified as
high priority, medium
priority risk or low
18and establishes procedures and schedules for classifying sites of discharges of
19petroleum products from petroleum storage tanks.
(3m) Contract with a private organization to provide
22regarding construction standards and inspection requirements under this
23subchapter and under rules promulgated under this subchapter to builders of
24dwellings in this state. The department may only contract with an organization
25under this subsection if the organization is described in section
501 (c) (3) of the
1Internal Revenue Code and is exempt from federal income tax under section
501 (a)
2of the Internal Revenue Code.
4101.651 (title)
Certain municipalities
excepted exempted.
(1) (title)
(2m) Exemption by resolution. A municipality shall exercise
10jurisdiction over the construction and inspection of new one- and 2-family dwellings
11by enacting ordinances under s. 101.65 (1) (a) or shall exercise the jurisdiction
12granted under s. 101.65 (1) (a) jointly under s. 101.65 (1) (b), unless the municipality
13does any of the following by resolution:
(a) Requests under sub. (3) that the department or a county enforce this
15subchapter or an ordinance enacted under s. 101.65 (1) (a) throughout the
16municipality and that the department or a county provide inspection services in the
17municipality to administer and enforce this subchapter or an ordinance enacted
18under s. 101.65 (1) (a).
(b) Determines not to exercise jurisdiction over the construction and inspection
20of new one- and 2-family dwellings under s. 101.65 (1) (a), not to exercise jurisdiction
21jointly under s. 101.65 (1) (b), not to request under sub. (3) that the department or
22a county enforce this subchapter or an ordinance enacted under s. 101.65 (1) (a)
23throughout the municipality and not to request under sub. (3) that the department
24or a county provide inspection services in the municipality to administer and enforce
25this subchapter or an ordinance enacted under s. 101.65 (1) (a).
(3) Departmental and county authority in municipalities; generally.
3Except as provided in sub. (3m)
or (3s), the department or a county may not enforce
4this subchapter or an ordinance enacted under s. 101.65 (1) (a) or provide inspection
5services in a municipality unless requested to do so by a person with respect to a
6particular dwelling or by the municipality. A request by a person or a municipality
7with respect to a particular dwelling does not give the department or a county
8authority with respect to any other dwelling. Costs shall be collected under s. 101.65
9(1) (c) or ss. 101.63 (9) and 101.65 (2) from
a person or municipality making
the 10a request
under this subsection.
(3m) (title)
Authority over erosion control in towns,
13unincorporated areas and certain exempted municipalities.
AB133-ASA1, s. 1998bg
14Section 1998bg. 101.651 (3m) of the statutes is renumbered 101.651 (3m) (a)
15and amended to read:
(3m) (a)
The department may enforce s. 101.653 in a municipality that
17does not perform or contract for inspection services under s. 101.65 (1) (a) or (b) 18adopts a resolution under sub. (2m) (b). A county may enforce those provisions of an
19ordinance enacted under s. 101.65 (1) (a) related to construction site erosion in any
20city or village that
does not perform or contract for inspection services under s. 101.65
21(1) (a) or (b) adopts a resolution under sub. (2m) (b). The department or the county
22shall collect a fee for the inspection services under this subsection.