(c) To develop and maintain a compatible base of water use information, within 5 years of the effective date of this compact any person who withdraws water in an amount of 100,000 gallons per day or greater average in any 30-day period, including consumptive uses, from all sources, or diverts water of any amount, shall register the withdrawal or diversion by a date set by the council unless the person has previously registered in accordance with an existing state program. The person shall register the withdrawal or diversion with the originating party using a form prescribed by the originating party that shall include, at a minimum and without limitation: the name and address of the registrant and date of registration; the locations and sources of the withdrawal or diversion; the capacity of the withdrawal or diversion per day and the amount withdrawn or diverted from each source; the uses made of the water; places of use and places of discharge; and such other information as the originating party may require. All registrations shall include an estimate of the volume of the withdrawal or diversion in terms of gallons per day average in any 30-day period.
(d) All registrants shall annually report the monthly volumes of the withdrawal, consumptive use, and diversion in gallons to the originating party and any other information requested by the originating party.
(e) Each party shall annually report the information gathered pursuant to this subsection to a Great Lakes — St. Lawrence River water use data base repository and aggregated information shall be made publicly available, consistent with the confidentiality requirements in sub.
(8) (c).
(f) Information gathered by the parties pursuant to this subsection shall be used to improve the sources and applications of scientific information regarding the waters of the basin and the impacts of the withdrawals and diversions from various locations and water sources on the basin ecosystem and to better understand the role of groundwater in the basin. The council and the parties shall coordinate the collection and application of scientific information to further develop a mechanism by which individual and cumulative impacts of withdrawals, consumptive uses, and diversions shall be assessed.
Water management and regulation; water conservation and efficiency programs. 281.343(4b)(a)
(a) The council commits to identify, in cooperation with the provinces, basin-wide water conservation and efficiency objectives to assist the parties in developing their water conservation and efficiency programs. These objectives are based on the goals of:
1. Ensuring improvement of the waters and water dependent natural resources;
2. Protecting and restoring the hydrologic and ecosystem integrity of the basin;
3. Retaining the quantity of surface water and groundwater in the basin;
5. Promoting the efficiency of use and reducing losses and waste of water.
(b) Within 2 years of the effective date of this compact, each party shall develop its own water conservation and efficiency goals and objectives consistent with the basin-wide goals and objectives and shall develop and implement a water conservation and efficiency program, either voluntary or mandatory, within its jurisdiction based on the party's goals and objectives. Each party shall annually assess its programs in meeting the party's goals and objectives, report to the council and the regional body, and make this annual assessment available to the public.
(c) Beginning 5 years after the effective date of this compact, and every 5 years thereafter, the council, in cooperation with the provinces, shall review and modify as appropriate the basin-wide objectives, and the parties shall have regard for any such modifications in implementing their programs. This assessment will be based on examining new technologies, new patterns of water use, new resource demands and threats, and cumulative impact assessment under sub.
(d) Within 2 years of the effective date of this compact, the parties commit to promote environmentally sound and economically feasible water conservation measures such as:
2. Identification and sharing of best management practices and state of the art conservation and efficiency technologies;
5. Development, transfer, and application of science and research.
(e) Each party shall implement in accordance with par.
(b) a voluntary or mandatory water conservation program for all, including existing, basin water users. Conservation programs need to adjust to new demands and the potential impacts of cumulative effects and climate.
Water management and regulation; party powers and duties. 281.343(4d)(a)(a) Each party, within its jurisdiction, shall manage and regulate new or increased withdrawals, consumptive uses, and diversions, including exceptions, in accordance with this compact.
(b) Each party shall require an applicant to submit an application in such manner and with such accompanying information as the party shall prescribe.
(c) No party may approve a proposal if the party determines that the proposal is inconsistent with this compact or the standard of review and decision or any implementing rules or regulations promulgated thereunder. The party may approve, approve with modifications, or disapprove any proposal depending on the proposal's consistency with this compact and the standard of review and decision.
(d) Each party shall monitor the implementation of any approved proposal to ensure consistency with the approval and may take all necessary enforcement actions.
(e) No party shall approve a proposal subject to council or regional review, or both, pursuant to this compact unless it shall have been first submitted to and reviewed by either the council or regional body, or both, and approved by the council, as applicable. Sufficient opportunity shall be provided for comment on the proposal's consistency with this compact and the standard of review and decision. All such comments shall become part of the party's formal record of decision, and the party shall take into consideration any such comments received.
Water management and regulation; requirement for originating party approval. No proposal subject to management and regulation under this compact shall hereafter be undertaken by any person unless it shall have been approved by the originating party.
Water management and regulation; regional review.