45.70(2)(b)(b) No structures, other than memorials approved by the board, and no walks, roads, or subterranean footings may be placed or erected upon Camp Randall Memorial Park, Madison, Wisconsin, as described in par.
(c), unless authorized by the legislature; nor shall the park be used for any purpose other than a memorial park.
(c) Camp Randall Memorial Park, Madison, Wisconsin, is established and described as follows: beginning on the west line of Randall Avenue 96.6 feet north of the center line of Dayton Street extended; thence west at right angles to Randall Avenue 370 feet; thence south parallel to Randall Avenue 722 feet; thence west at right angles to Randall Avenue 235 feet; thence south parallel to Randall Avenue 205 feet to the north line of Monroe Street; thence north 50 degrees 14 minutes east along the north line of Monroe Street approximately 780 feet to the west line of Randall Avenue; thence north along the west line of Randall Avenue 429 feet to the place of beginning.
Catalog of memorials. The department shall prepare a catalog of memorials, describing each memorial and giving its location and condition. The department shall periodically update that catalog.
45.71 History
History: 2005 a. 22.
County and municipal memorials. 45.72(1)(1)
In this section and s.
45.73, “local unit of government" means a city, village, town, or county.
(2) Any local unit of government may by gift, purchase, contract, or condemnation acquire property, real or personal, for the purpose of providing, furnishing, constructing, erecting, repairing, maintaining, or conducting a suitable memorial to the memory of former residents thereof who lost their lives in the military or naval service of the state or of the United States, or to commemorate and honor the deeds of persons, residents thereof, or of the state or United States, who served the nation in any war, or other persons who rendered great state or national service, or to the memory of any president of the United States, or for a combination of any those purposes, which are declared to be public purposes.
(3) The local unit of government shall determine the character of the memorial, and without limitation because of enumeration, the memorial may comprise a public building, hospital, sanatorium, home for the aged or indigent, park, recreation facility, community forest, or other suitable object having a public purpose.
(4) Any local unit of government may appropriate money and may levy a tax to acquire, pay for, construct, erect, furnish, equip, operate, repair, maintain, or reconstruct a suitable memorial for the purpose or purposes provided in this section.
(5) Any local unit of government may authorize the use of any public property respectively of such city, village, town, or county as a site for a memorial, and any county may authorize its public property to be so used by any city, village, or town in the county.
(6) Any local unit of government may by ordinance or contract provide for the management, control, or operation of any memorial. The local unit of government may enter into a written lease, for a term not exceeding 25 years, with any duly chartered and incorporated veterans organization established in the local unit of government. The lease shall include the provisions for the amount of rental and such conditions of public use as the local unit determines.
(7) Any local unit of government may contract with or make an appropriation, or both, to any other local unit of government or to any nonprofit corporation without capital stock organized expressly for any of the purposes of this section or to any duly chartered and incorporated veterans organization established in the local unit of government, and for the purpose of raising funds for memorial purposes or contributions. The local unit of government may levy taxes upon the taxable property located in the local unit of government, or borrow money and issue bonds in the manner and under the regulations provided by ch.
67. The facilities of the memorial shall be available to the residents of the local unit of government making the appropriation to the extent that the governing body of the local unit of government may require.
45.72 History
History: 2005 a. 22.
Sites for veterans memorial halls. 45.73(1)(1)
Any local unit of government may donate to any organization specified in s.
70.11 (9) land upon which is to be erected a memorial hall to contain the memorial tablet specified in s.
70.11 (9).
(2) The action of any local unit of government in granting veterans organizations or any other civic, patriotic, educational, or historical society rooms and space within public buildings for the establishment of memorial halls and museums, and occupancy thereof by its members, is authorized and confirmed. The local unit of government may permit the use and occupancy of the rooms and space for such terms and subject to such conditions and provisions as the local unit of government may impose. Any contract, lien, or agreement between the local unit of government and any organization now in force shall continue in force according to the terms of the contract, lien, or agreement.
45.73 History
History: 2005 a. 22.
Memorial corporations organized under 1919 act. 45.74(1)(1)
Any commission or board of trustees that governs a corporation organized to construct a memorial under
s. 45.057 (5), statutes of 1919 to 1943 (created by
chapter 598, laws of 1919, and repealed by
chapter 301, laws of 1945), shall have the following powers in addition to those it now has:
(a) All powers vested in the members of the corporation by the articles of incorporation or bylaws, including the power to amend the articles of incorporation.
(c) The power to convey any property under its control to any municipality and lease it back under terms agreed upon by the commission or board of trustees and the municipality.
(d) The power to dissolve the corporation and dispose of the real and personal property of the corporation in a manner that it deems will best serve the purposes for which it was organized and the interests of the community.
(2) The commission or board of trustees shall have a membership composed of 5 residents of the city, village, or town in which the memorial is located, one appointed by the common council, village board, or town board of the city, village, or town, and 4 by the circuit judge of the county in which the memorial is located. The commission or board may appoint 4 additional members who are residents of this state. The terms of all members shall be 5 years. In order that terms of members may expire at different times, not more than 2 members shall be appointed in any one year in addition to appointments made to fill vacancies occurring by resignation or death. Members shall hold office until their successors are appointed and qualify.
(3) Notwithstanding the repeal of s.
45.057, 1943 stats., by
chapter 301, laws of 1945, the continuing existence of all commissions, boards, and corporations organized under
s. 45.057 (5), statutes of 1919 to 1943, is affirmed, and the continuing operation of such commissions, boards, and corporations is ratified as to the past and authorized in the future.
45.74 History
History: 2005 a. 22.
Memorials in populous counties.