447.50(7)(c)8.8. Purchase and maintain insurance and bonds;
447.50(7)(c)9.9. Borrow, accept, or contract for services of personnel, including, but not limited to, employees of a participating state;
447.50(7)(c)10.10. Conduct an annual financial review;
447.50(7)(c)11.11. Hire employees, elect or appoint officers, fix compensation, define duties, grant such individuals appropriate authority to carry out the purposes of the compact, and establish the commission’s personnel policies and programs relating to conflicts of interest, qualifications of personnel, and other related personnel matters;
447.50(7)(c)12.12. As set forth in the commission rules, charge a fee to a licensee for the grant of a compact privilege in a remote state and thereafter, as may be established by commission rule, charge the licensee a compact privilege renewal fee for each renewal period in which that licensee exercises or intends to exercise the compact privilege in that remote state. Nothing herein shall be construed to prevent a remote state from charging a licensee a fee for a compact privilege or renewals of a compact privilege, or a fee for the jurisprudence requirement if the remote state imposes such a requirement for the grant of a compact privilege;
447.50(7)(c)13.13. Accept any and all appropriate gifts, donations, grants of money, other sources of revenue, equipment, supplies, materials, and services, and receive, utilize, and dispose of the same; provided that at all times the commission shall avoid any appearance of impropriety and/or conflict of interest;
447.50(7)(c)14.14. Lease, purchase, retain, own, hold, improve, or use any property, real, personal, or mixed, or any undivided interest therein;
447.50(7)(c)15.15. Sell, convey, mortgage, pledge, lease, exchange, abandon, or otherwise dispose of any property real, personal, or mixed;
447.50(7)(c)16.16. Establish a budget and make expenditures;
447.50(7)(c)17.17. Borrow money;
447.50(7)(c)18.18. Appoint committees, including standing committees, which may be composed of members, state regulators, state legislators or their representatives, and consumer representatives, and such other interested persons as may be designated in this compact and the bylaws;
447.50(7)(c)19.19. Provide and receive information from, and cooperate with, law enforcement agencies;
447.50(7)(c)20.20. Elect a chair, vice chair, secretary and treasurer and such other officers of the commission as provided in the commission’s bylaws;
447.50(7)(c)21.21. Establish and elect an executive board;
447.50(7)(c)22.22. Adopt and provide to the participating states an annual report;
447.50(7)(c)23.23. Determine whether a state’s enacted compact is materially different from the model compact language such that the state would not qualify for participation in the compact; and
447.50(7)(c)24.24. Perform such other functions as may be necessary or appropriate to achieve the purposes of this compact.
447.50(7)(d)(d) Meetings of the commission.
447.50(7)(d)1.1. All meetings of the commission that are not closed pursuant to this paragraph shall be open to the public. Notice of public meetings shall be posted on the commission’s website at least thirty (30) days prior to the public meeting.
447.50(7)(d)2.2. Notwithstanding subd. 1., the commission may convene an emergency public meeting by providing at least twenty-four (24) hours prior notice on the commission’s website, and any other means as provided in the commission’s rules, for any of the reasons it may dispense with notice of proposed rule making under sub. (9) (L). The commission’s legal counsel shall certify that one of the reasons justifying an emergency public meeting has been met.
447.50(7)(d)3.3. Notice of all commission meetings shall provide the time, date, and location of the meeting, and if the meeting is to be held or accessible via telecommunication, video conference, or other electronic means, the notice shall include the mechanism for access to the meeting through such means.
447.50(7)(d)4.4. The commission may convene in a closed, nonpublic meeting for the commission to receive legal advice or to discuss:
447.50(7)(d)4.a.a. Noncompliance of a participating state with its obligations under the compact;
447.50(7)(d)4.b.b. The employment, compensation, discipline or other matters, practices or procedures related to specific employees or other matters related to the commission’s internal personnel practices and procedures;
447.50(7)(d)4.c.c. Current or threatened discipline of a licensee or compact privilege holder by the commission or by a participating state’s licensing authority;
447.50(7)(d)4.d.d. Current, threatened, or reasonably anticipated litigation;
447.50(7)(d)4.e.e. Negotiation of contracts for the purchase, lease, or sale of goods, services, or real estate;
447.50(7)(d)4.f.f. Accusing any person of a crime or formally censuring any person;
447.50(7)(d)4.g.g. Trade secrets or commercial or financial information that is privileged or confidential;