230.37 History History: 1971 c. 270 ss. 66, 81; Stats. 1971 s. 16.32; 1977 c. 196 ss. 59, 130 (4); 1977 c. 273; Stats. 1977 s. 230.37; 1987 a. 140.
230.40 230.40 Political activities; public office.
230.40(1) (1) No person holding a position in the classified civil service may directly or indirectly solicit or receive subscriptions or contributions for any partisan political party or any political purpose while on state time or engaged in official duties as an employee. No person may orally solicit or by letter transmit any solicitation to a state office or be in any manner concerned in soliciting any assistance, subscription, or support for any partisan political party or purpose from any person holding any position in the classified civil service while on state time or engaged in official duties as an employee. No person holding any position in the classified civil service may during the hours when on duty engage in any form of political activity calculated to favor or improve the chances of any political party or any person seeking or attempting to hold partisan political office, nor engage in any political activity when not on duty to such an extent that the person's efficiency during working hours will be impaired or that he or she will be tardy or absent from work. Any violation of this section is adequate grounds for dismissal.
230.40(2) (2) If a person in the classified service declares an intention to run for partisan political office the person shall be placed on a leave of absence for the duration of the election campaign and if elected shall separate from the classified service on assuming the duties and responsibilities of such office.
230.40(3) (3) A person who separates from the classified service to fill an elective position shall have reinstatement privileges for 5 years following termination from the classified service or for one year following termination from the elective position, whichever is longer.
230.40(4) (4) A person in the classified service may be granted upon concurrence by the person's appointing authority a leave of absence to participate in partisan political campaigning.
230.40(5) (5) Persons on leave from the classified service under subs. (2) and (4) shall not be subject to the restrictions of sub. (1), except as they apply to the solicitation of assistance, subscription or support from any person holding any position in the classified service.
230.40(6) (6) The administrator shall administer this section.
230.40 History History: 1971 c. 270 s. 82; Stats. 1971 s. 16.35; 1973 c. 334; 1977 c. 196 s. 61; 1977 c. 273; Stats. 1977 s. 230.40; 1979 c. 221; 1997 a. 307; 1999 a. 102.
230.40 Annotation State employees covered by the Hatch Act cannot be discharged for partisan political participation while on leaves of absence under (2) and (4). 63 Atty. Gen. 217.
230.40 Annotation Discussion of restrictions on political activities of state employees under federal and state law. 67 Atty. Gen. 315.
230.40 Annotation Classified state employees whose positions are federally funded in whole or in part, and who are not covered by a collective bargaining agreement, are entitled to leaves of absence in order to run for partisan political office and cannot be compelled to resign. Leaves of absence for such employees are governed generally by terms of applicable collective bargaining agreements. 73 Atty. Gen. 131.
230.40 Annotation Meaning of "declares an intention to run for office" in section 230.40 (2) discussed. 81 Atty. Gen. 135.
230.41 230.41 Invalid appointments. Any person employed or appointed contrary to this subchapter, or to the rules established thereunder, shall be paid by the appointing authority so employing or appointing, or attempting to employ or appoint that person, the compensation agreed upon for any service performed under such appointment or employment, or attempted appointment or employment, or in case no compensation is agreed upon, the actual value of such services and any expenses incurred in connection therewith, and shall have a cause of action against such appointing authority, for such sum and for the costs of the action. No appointing authority shall be reimbursed by the state for any sums so paid or recovered in any such action.
230.41 History History: 1971 c. 270 s. 80; Stats. 1971 s. 16.36; 1977 c. 196 s. 61; Stats. 1977 s. 230.41; 1991 a. 316.
230.43 230.43 Misdemeanors; how punished.
230.43(1) (1)Obstruction or falsifications of examinations.
230.43(1)(a)(a) Any person who wilfully, alone or in cooperation with one or more persons, defeats, deceives or obstructs any person in respect of the rights of examination or registration under this subchapter or any rules prescribed pursuant thereto, or
230.43(1)(b) (b) Who wilfully, or corruptly, falsely marks, grades, estimates or reports upon the examination or proper standing of any person examined, registered or certified, pursuant to this subchapter, or aids in so doing, or
230.43(1)(c) (c) Who wilfully or corruptly makes any false representations concerning the same, or concerning the person examined, or
230.43(1)(d) (d) Who wilfully or corruptly furnishes any person any special or secret information for the purpose of either improving or injuring the prospects or chances of any persons so examined, registered or certified, being appointed, employed or promoted, or
230.43(1)(e) (e) Who personates any other person, or permits or aids in any manner any other person to personate him or her in connection with any examination, registration, application or request to be examined or registered, shall for each offense be guilty of a misdemeanor.
230.43(2) (2)Prohibited appointments. Whoever, after a rule has been duly established and published, makes an appointment to office or selects a person for employment, contrary to such rule, or wilfully refuses or neglects otherwise to comply with, or to conform to, this subchapter, or violates any of such provisions, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. If any person is convicted under this subsection, any public office which such person may hold shall by force of such conviction be rendered vacant, and such person shall be incapable of holding public office for a period of 5 years from the date of such conviction.
230.43(3) (3)Penalty. Misdemeanors under this section are punishable by a fine of not less than $50 nor more than $1,000, or by imprisonment for not more than one year in the county jail or both.
230.43(4) (4)Rights of employee. If an employee has been removed, demoted or reclassified, from or in any position or employment in contravention or violation of this subchapter, and has been restored to such position or employment by order of the commission or any court upon review, the employee shall be entitled to compensation therefor from the date of such unlawful removal, demotion or reclassification at the rate to which he or she would have been entitled by law but for such unlawful removal, demotion or reclassification. Interim earnings or amounts earnable with reasonable diligence by the employee shall operate to reduce back pay otherwise allowable. Amounts received by the employee as unemployment benefits or welfare payments shall not reduce the back pay otherwise allowable, but shall be withheld from the employee and immediately paid to the unemployment reserve fund or, in the case of a welfare payment, to the welfare agency making such payment. The employee shall be entitled to an order of mandamus to enforce the payment or other provisions of such order.
230.43(5) (5)Taxpayers' suits. The right of any taxpayer to bring any action to restrain the payment of compensation to any person appointed to or holding any office or place of employment in violation of this subchapter shall not be limited or denied by reason of the fact that the office or place of employment has been classified as, or determined to be, not subject to competitive examination; however, any judgment or injunction in any such action shall be prospective only, and shall not affect payments already made or due to such persons by the proper disbursing officers, in accordance with the rules of the secretary in force at the time of such payments.
230.43 History History: 1971 c. 270 ss. 64, 75, 84 to 86; Stats. 1971 s. 16.38; 1977 c. 196 ss. 64, 130 (5); 1977 c. 273; Stats. 1977 s. 230.43; 1979 c. 221; 1981 c. 140; 1983 a. 27 s. 2200 (15).
230.43 Annotation Back pay under (4) isn't available remedy in reinstatement cases. Seep v. Personnel Commission, 140 Wis. 2d 32, 409 N.W.2d 142 (Ct. App. 1987).
230.43 Annotation This section does not confer any special right of action. The statute ensures that actions brought to enjoin the compensation of improperly appointed officials are not limited to classified employees. Association of Career Employees v. Klauser, 195 Wis. 2d 602, 536 N.W.2d 478 (Ct. App. 1995).