(f) To revive an amendment [rule 18 (3)]. ar65(2)(g)
(g) To amend, if the proposal or motion is amendable [rules 52 to 55 and 70 (2) and (4)]. ar65(2)(h)
(h) To postpone indefinitely, reject, or nonconcur in a proposal [rules 49 and 72]. ar65(2)(i)
(i) To return a proposal to the 2nd reading stage [rule 73m]. ar65(3)
(3) The motions and requests listed in subs. (1) and (2) have precedence in the order in which they are listed. While any motion or request is pending, motions or requests of the same or lower precedence are not in order, except that:
(a) Amendments may be offered while other amendments are under consideration;
(b) Amendments to amendable motions are not in order while a question of higher precedence is pending; and
(c) Any amendment may be rejected or tabled.
(4) If any motion is made while no other question is before the assembly, or is made subject to qualifications not specifically authorized in the assembly rules, the motion loses its precedence and becomes a main motion, subject to the rules that apply to main motions.
(5) The right of members to debate a question and make motions and requests relating thereto ceases when the presiding officer has called for the “ayes" or directed the chief clerk to open the roll.
Assembly Rule 66. Incidental motions, requests and questions during debate. ar66(1)(1)
In addition to the motions and requests listed in rule 65 (1) and (2), and subject to the limitations imposed by other rules, the following incidental motions, requests, and questions are in order while a proposal or question is under debate:
(a) A point of order and appeal therefrom [rule 62]. ar66(1)(b)
(b) A question of quorum [rule 30]. ar66(1)(c)
(c) A request that a member be called to order [rule 58]. ar66(1)(d)
(d) A parliamentary inquiry.
(e) A request or motion for a leave of absence [rule 27]. ar66(1)(f)
(f) A request or motion by the maker of a pending motion that it be withdrawn, if rule 73 (6) does not apply. ar66(1)(g)
(g) A request or motion by the author of a pending amendment that it be withdrawn and returned to the author.
(h) A request or motion to be excused from voting for special cause [rule 77]. ar66(1)(i)
(i) A request for a roll call vote when one is not required [rule 76 (3)]. ar66(1)(j)
(j) A request for a division of a question [rule 80]. ar66(1)(k)
(k) A request that a member yield to a question [rule 57]. ar66(1)(L)
(L) The entering of a motion to reconsider an amendment [rule 73]. ar66(2)
(2) The motions, requests, and questions listed in sub. (1) do not have an order of precedence, can be initiated at any time they are timely, and shall be disposed of before any question to which they relate is returned to or any other incidental motion, request, or question is entertained.
Assembly Rule 67. Nondebatable motions. Any motion to adjourn, recess, end debate, take up a resolution under rule 32 (3m), return a proposal to the 2nd reading stage under rule 73m, or suspend the rules, and all incidental questions relating to such motions including appeals, are decided without debate.
Assembly Rule 68. Amendments to motions to be germane. Amendments to amendable motions are subject to the rules of germaneness in rule 54 as if they were amendments to proposals and amendments.