SB40-ASA1,1576,222 977.08 (1) If the representative or the authority for indigency determinations
23specified under s. 977.07 (1) refers a case to or within the office of the state public
24defender or if a case is referred under s. 48.23 (4), 51.60, 55.105, or 938.23 (4), the
25state public defender shall assign counsel according to subs. (3) and (4). If a

1defendant makes a request for change of attorney assignment, the change of attorney
2must be approved by the circuit court.
SB40-ASA1, s. 3018 3Section 3018. 977.08 (2) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB40-ASA1,1576,74 977.08 (2) (intro.) All attorneys in a county shall be notified in writing by the
5state public defender that a set of lists is being prepared of attorneys willing to
6represent children persons referred under s. 48.23 (4), 51.60, 55.105, or 938.23 (4)
7and indigent clients in the following:
SB40-ASA1, s. 3019 8Section 3019. 977.08 (2) (d) of the statutes is repealed.
SB40-ASA1, s. 3020 9Section 3020. 977.085 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB40-ASA1,1576,1810 977.085 (3) The board shall provide quarterly reports to the joint committee
11on finance on the status of reimbursement for or recoupment of payments under ss.
1248.275, 51.605, 55.107, 757.66, 938.275, 977.06, 977.07 (2), 977.075 and 977.076,
13including the amount of revenue generated by reimbursement and recoupment. The
14quarterly reports shall include any alternative means suggested by the board to
15improve reimbursement and recoupment procedures and to increase the amount of
16revenue generated. The department of justice, district attorneys, circuit courts and
17applicable county agencies shall cooperate by providing any necessary information
18to the state public defender.
SB40-ASA1, s. 3021 19Section 3021. 978.05 (4m) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB40-ASA1,1576,2220 978.05 (4m) Welfare fraud investigations. Cooperate with the departments
21of workforce development children and families and health and family services
22regarding the fraud investigation programs under ss. 49.197 (1m) and 49.845 (1).
SB40-ASA1, s. 3022 23Section 3022. 980.036 (10) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB40-ASA1,1577,624 980.036 (10) Payment of photocopy copying costs in cases involving indigent
When the state public defender or a private attorney appointed under

1s. 977.08 requests photocopies copies, in any format, of any item that is discoverable
2under this section, the state public defender shall pay any fee charged for the
3photocopies copies from the appropriation under s. 20.550 (1) (a). If the person
4providing photocopies copies under this section charges the state public defender a
5fee for the photocopies copies, the fee may not exceed the actual, necessary, and,
6direct cost of photocopying providing the copies.
SB40-ASA1, s. 3023 7Section 3023. 980.08 (9) of the statutes, as created by 2005 Wisconsin Act 431,
8is renumbered 980.08 (9) (a).
SB40-ASA1, s. 3024 9Section 3024. 980.08 (9) (b) of the statutes is created to read:
SB40-ASA1,1577,1110 980.08 (9) (b) The department of corrections may contract for the escort
11services under par. (a).
SB40-ASA1, s. 3025 12Section 3025. 985.01 (1g) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB40-ASA1,1577,1413 985.01 (1g) "Governing body" has the meaning given in s. 345.05 (1) (b) and
14includes a family long-term care district board under s. 46.2895.
SB40-ASA1, s. 3026 15Section 3026. 985.01 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB40-ASA1,1577,1716 985.01 (3) "Municipality" has the meaning in s. 345.05 (1) (c) and includes a
17family long-term care district under s. 46.2895.
SB40-ASA1, s. 3933m 18Section 3933m. 995.24 of the statutes is created to read:
SB40-ASA1,1577,21 19995.24 Robert "Fighting Bob" La Follette Day. June 14 is designated as
20"Robert `Fighting Bob' La Follette Day." When June 14 falls on a Sunday,
21celebrations may be held on either June 13 or June 15.
SB40-ASA1, s. 3027 22Section 3027. 995.67 (1) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB40-ASA1,1577,2423 995.67 (1) (a) "Domestic abuse" has the meaning given in s. 46.95 49.165 (1)
SB40-ASA1, s. 3028 25Section 3028. 2003 Wisconsin Act 33, section 9159 (4f) is repealed.
SB40-ASA1, s. 3936
1Section 3936. 2005 Wisconsin Act 25, section 9101 (4) (b) and (c) is amended
2to read:
SB40-ASA1,1578,193[2005 Wisconsin Act 25] Section 9101 (4) (b) the secretary The department of
4administration shall submit a report to the secretary of the building commission
5containing an inventory of his or her recommendations to offer specified state
may offer any parcel of state-owned real property for sale under in
7accordance with
section 16.848 of the statutes, as created by this act, if the property
8is eligible for sale under that section and this subsection. If the department of
9administration receives an offer to purchase the property, the secretary of
10administration may submit a report to the secretary of the building commission
11recommending acceptance of the offer. The report shall contain a description of the
and the reasons therefor. A property may be included in the inventory for
13the recommendation. The secretary of administration may recommend the sale of
14a property
with or without approval of the state agency having jurisdiction of the
15property. If, during the period on or before June 30, 2007, or the period beginning
16on the effective date of this paragraph and ending on June 30, 2009,
the building
17commission votes to approve the sale of any offer to purchase the property included
18in the inventory
, the department of administration may offer sell the property for sale
19under section 16.848 of the statutes, as created by this act
SB40-ASA1,1578,2220 (c) This subsection does not apply during the period beginning after June 30,
212007 and ending the day before the effective date of this paragraph, nor during the
22period after June 30, 2009
SB40-ASA1, s. 3936m 23Section 3936m. 2005 Wisconsin Act 25, section 9105 (9) is amended to read:
SB40-ASA1,1579,924[2005 Wisconsin Act 25] Section 9105 (9) Columbia St. Mary's—Columbia
Notwithstanding section 18.04 (1) and (2) of the statutes, no public debt

1authorized for the acquisition and remodeling of the Columbia campus medical
2facilities, as enumerated in subsection (1) (h) 1. and 3., may be contracted until after
3June 30, 2007 2009. Beginning on July 1, 2007 2009, and ending on June 30, 2009
42011, not more than 50 percent of the general fund supported borrowing and 50
5percent of the program revenue supported borrowing authorized for the acquisition
6and remodeling of the Columbia campus medical facilities may be incurred.
7Beginning on July 1, 2009 2011, the remainder of the general fund supported
8borrowing and program revenue supported borrowing authorized for the acquisition
9and remodeling of the Columbia campus medical facilities may be incurred.
SB40-ASA1, s. 3029 10Section 3029. 2005 Wisconsin Act 25, section 9152 (5) is amended to read:
SB40-ASA1,1579,2511[2005 Wisconsin Act 25] Section 9152 (5) Sale of real property. If the Board
12of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System sells any real property under its
13jurisdiction during the period prior to July 1, 2007, and the period beginning on the
14effective date of this subsection and ending on June 30, 2009,
the board shall credit
15the net proceeds of the sale to the appropriation account under section 20.285 (1) (iz)
16of the statutes, as affected by this act, except that if there is any outstanding public
17debt used to finance the acquisition, construction, or improvement of any property
18that is sold, the board shall deposit a sufficient amount of the net proceeds from the
19sale of the property in the bond security and redemption fund under section 18.09
20of the statutes to repay the principal and pay the interest on the debt, and any
21premium due upon refunding any of the debt. If the property was acquired,
22constructed, or improved with federal financial assistance, the board shall pay to the
23federal government any of the net proceeds required by federal law. If the property
24was acquired by gift or grant or acquired with gift or grant funds, the board shall
25adhere to any restriction governing use of the proceeds.