2007 Wisconsin Act 1] Section 211 (4) The treatment of sections 5.05 (11), 7.08
8(7), 7.31 (5), 20.510 (intro.) and (1) (title), (a), (b), (bm), (c), (d), (g), (gm), (h), (i), (j),
9(q), (t), and (x), 20.511 (1) (h) and (i), and 20.521 (intro.) and (1) (title), (a), (b), (g), (h),
10and (i) of the statutes and
Section 210 (1) to (4) of this act take effect on the initiation
11date specified in
Section 209 (1) or on the day after publication of the 2007 biennial
12budget act, whichever is earlier.
Employee transfers to public service commission. On the effective date
15of this subsection, all incumbent employees holding positions having responsibility
16for administering energy conservation and efficiency and renewable resource
17programs under section 16.957 of the statutes, as determined by the secretary of
18administration, are transferred to the public service commission. The employees
19transferred under this subsection have all the rights and the same status under
20subchapter V of chapter 111 and chapter 230 of the statutes in the public service
21commission that they enjoyed in the department of administration immediately
22before the transfer. Notwithstanding section 230.28 (4) of the statutes, no employee
23so transferred who has attained permanent status in class is required to serve a
24probationary period.
Treatment alternatives and diversion grant. By August 15, 2007, the
2county that has the highest violent crime rate, as reported by the office of justice
3assistance, shall submit an application to the office of justice assistance for a grant
4under section 16.964 (12) (b) of the statutes. Upon approval of the county's grant
5application, the office of justice assistance shall from the appropriation under section
620.505 (6) (b) of the statutes, as affected by this act, award $375,000 to the county
7for the calendar year beginning January 1, 2008.
Assess, inform, and measure grant.
(a) By December 1, 2007, the county that has the highest violent crime rate, as
10reported by the office of justice assistance, shall submit a plan to the office of justice
11assistance for conducting presentencing assessments for the purpose of providing
12courts information for sentencing decisions. The plan shall include all of the
13following components:
141. Identification of a target group of offenders from among persons who are
15convicted of a Class F, G, H, or I felony or a misdemeanor whom the county shall
172. Assessment of persons in the target group to determine the risk that they
18will commit further crimes, their needs that are directly related to criminal behavior,
19the likelihood that they will respond positively to community-based treatment for
20the assessed needs, as well as an assessment of the availability of community-based
21treatment programs to serve the offenders.
223. Collection and dissemination of information relating to the accuracy of
23assessments performed, the value and usefulness of information contained in the
24assessment reports for purposes of making sentencing decisions, the effectiveness of
1community-based treatment programs in addressing the assessed needs of
2offenders, and the effect of the treatment programs with respect to recidivism.
34. Annual evaluation of the plan.
(b) Upon approval of a county plan submitted under paragraph (a), the office
5of justice assistance shall from the appropriation under section 20.505 (6) (b) of the
6statutes, as affected by this act, award the county $500,000 for the calendar year
7beginning January 1, 2009, to perform presentencing assessments of offenders. At
8least 50 percent of the assessments performed by a county with funding provided
9under this subsection shall be of persons subject to sentencing in connection with a
Youth diversion grant reductions.
(a) Notwithstanding the amount specified under section 16.964 (8) (a) of the
13statutes, as affected by this act, the office of justice assistance in the department of
14administration shall reduce the amount of money allocated under section 16.964 (8)
15(a) of the statutes, as affected by this act, by $10,000 in each of fiscal years 2007-08
16and 2008-09.
(b) Notwithstanding the amounts specified under section 16.964 (8) (c) of the
18statutes, as affected by this act, the office of justice assistance in the department of
19administration shall reduce the amount of money allocated for each of the 4 contracts
20that are funded with moneys from the appropriation accounts under section 20.505
21(6) (d) of the statutes, as affected by this act, by $3,000 in each of fiscal years 2007-08
22and 2008-09 and shall reduce the amount of money allocated for the contract that
23is funded only with moneys from the appropriation account under section 20.505 (6)
24(kj) of the statutes, as affected by this act, by $3,100 in each of fiscal years 2007-08
25and 2008-09.
Federal Byrne Justice Assistance Grant funding for
2multijurisdictional enforcement groups. For the 2007-08 and 2008-09 fiscal
3years, the department of administration shall allocate to multijurisdictional
4enforcement groups 44 percent of the federal Byrne Justice Assistance Grant awards
5appropriated under section 20.505 (6) (p) of the statutes.
6(7k) Information technology development assistance to elections board and
7government accountability board. The department of administration shall:
(a) Assist the elections board, prior to its termination, or the government
9accountability board, thereafter, in the selection of a vendor to complete the board's
10database conversion project.
(b) Designate a staff person to provide to the elections board, prior to its
12termination, or the government accountability board, thereafter, quality assurance
13for information technology development work completed in connection with
14conversion of the board's campaign finance database.
15(7t) Youth court coordinator. From the appropriation account under section
1620.505 (6) (p) of the statutes, the office of justice assistance in the department of
17administration shall distribute $58,000 in each of fiscal years 2007-08 and 2008-09
18to an entity in Dane County for the employment of a full-time youth court
19coordinator to expand the number of youth courts in that county.
20(8i) Written policies for information technology development projects. No
21later than January 1, 2008, the department of administration shall submit for review
22by the joint legislative audit committee and for approval by the joint committee on
23information policy and technology a preliminary draft of the policies required under
24section 16.971 (2) (Lg) 1. of the statutes, as created by this act.
1(8j) Rules pertaining to large, high-risk information technology projects. 2The department of administration shall submit in proper form the rules required
3under section 16.973 (10) of the statutes, as created by this act, to the legislative
4council staff under section 227.15 (1) of the statutes no later than June 30, 2008.
SB40-ASA1, s. 9102
5Section 9102.
Nonstatutory provisions; Aging and Long-Term Care
SB40-ASA1, s. 9103
6Section 9103.
Nonstatutory provisions; Agriculture, Trade and
Consumer Protection.
7(1k) Prescription drug collection grant rules. Using the procedure under
8section 227.24 of the statutes, the department of agriculture, trade and consumer
9protection may promulgate a rule necessary to authorize grants for programs to
10collect unwanted prescription drugs under section 93.57 of the statutes, as affected
11by this act, for the period before the effective date of the permanent rule necessary
12to authorize those grants, but not to exceed the period authorized under section
13227.24 (1) (c) and (2) of the statutes. Notwithstanding section 227.24 (1) (a), (2) (b),
14and (3) of the statutes, the department is not required to provide evidence that
15promulgating a rule under this subsection as an emergency rule is necessary for the
16preservation of the public peace, health, safety, or welfare and is not required to
17provide a finding of emergency for a rule promulgated under this subsection.
18(2c) International Crane Foundation funding. The department of
19agriculture, trade and consumer protection shall provide $71,000 in fiscal year
202007-08 and $71,000 in fiscal year 2008-09 from the appropriation under section
2120.115 (7) (t) of the statutes, as created by this act, to the International Crane
22Foundation for costs associated with a sandhill crane crop depredation project if the
1International Crane Foundation provides funding for the project from other sources
2equal to at least 70 percent of the amount to be provided under this subsection.
4(1j) Onetime grants. From the appropriation account under section 20.215 (1)
5(fm) of the statutes, as created by this act, the arts board shall distribute grants as
7(a) Lake Superior Big Top Chautauqua. A grant of $25,000 in fiscal year
82007-08 to the Lake Superior Big Top Chautauqua performing arts center in the
9county of Bayfield.
10(b) Ko-Thi Dance Company. A grant of $10,000 in fiscal year 2007-08 to the
11Ko-Thi Dance Company in the city of Milwaukee.