City, village or town, 66.021, 66.024
Drainage districts, 88.77, 88.78
Litigation, filing notice, 66.026
Metropolitan sewerage districts, 66.26
Milwaukee county school districts, attachment to city, 62.071
Municipal-owned lands by municipality, 66.025
Municipalities, boundaries fixed by stipulation and judgment, 66.027
Procedure, referendum, court order, 66.024
Sewer extension into town by DNR order, annexation of extension area, 281.43 (1m)
State departments may ask for, 24.40
Taxes and assessment, 66.03 (13)
Town islands by city or village, 66.021 (15)
Action to test alteration, 66.029
Farm lands detached from city, 62.075
Village, 66.021, 66.024
Zoning, temporary ordinance in court-order annexations, 66.024 (5m)