, Ch. 961
Addicts, hospitals for, 51.09
Administrative inspections and warrants, 961.52 (1)
Operating while under influence of controlled substance, 114.09
Prohibited uses, 961.42
Alcohol and drug abuse council:
General provisions, 15.09
Membership, 14.017 (2)
Powers and duties, 14.24
Review of legislation, 13.098
Amount, weight determination, 961.41 (1r)
Analogs, treated as controlled substance, 961.25
Animals, exposing to controlled substance is crime, 951.06
Assessment, ordered by court, 961.472
Attempted possession, penalties, 961.41, 961.495
Diversion control, duties, 961.36
Injunction against certain nonnarcotic substances, 961.11 (6) (b)
Issue research permits, 961.335
Marijuana, investigational drug permit, distribution by prescription, 961.34
Membership, terms, 15.405 (5g)
Objection to federal law controlling substance, hearing, decision, 961.11 (4)
Substance schedules, authority to control, 961.11
Operating while under influence of controlled substance, 30.68
Prohibited uses, 961.42
Buildings, prohibited uses, 961.42
Burden of proof, 961.56
Forfeiture action, 961.555 (3)
Citation procedure, 778.25
Cocaine or ecgonine, crimes involving, 971.365
Confidentiality as to patients and research, 961.54 (3)
Contraband substances, 961.55 (6)
Controlled premises:
Defined, 961.52 (2) (a)
Inspection, 961.52 (2)
Cooperative arrangements between justice department and federal, state and local agencies, 961.54
Counterfeit substances, penalties, 961.41 (2), 961.43 (1) (b)
Defined, 961.01 (4)
Schedule I, 961.14 (5)
Schedule II, 961.16 (7)
Schedule III, 961.18 (3)
Schedule IV, 961.20 (2)
Discharge, first offense, 961.47
Distribution near certain places, 961.49
Distribution on public transit vehicles, 961.492
Distribution to persons under 18, penalty, 961.46
Diversion control and prevention, 961.36
Driver awareness program, 346.637
Drug houses, nuisances, action to abate, 823.113 to 823.115
Drug paraphernalia:
Advertisement, penalty, 961.576
Definition, 961.571
Determination, 961.572
Forfeiture, 961.55 (1) (g)
Manufacture or delivery, penalty, 961.574
Minors, delivery to, penalty, 961.575
Use or possession, penalty, 961.573