Thursday, January 26, 2012
11:11 A.M.
One-Hundredth Regular Session
Assembly Journal
The Assembly met in the Assembly Chamber located in the State Capitol.
Speaker Pro Tempore Kramer in the chair.
Representative Suder asked unanimous consent for a quorum call. Granted.

A quorum was present.
Speaker Fitzgerald in the chair.
The prayer was offered by Pastor Richard Church from Friendship Congregational Bible Church in Friendship.
Representative Thiesfeldt led the membership in reciting the pledge of allegiance to the flag of the United States of America.
The roll was taken.
The result follows:
Present - Representatives August, Ballweg, Barca, Bernard Schaber, Bernier, Bewley, Bies, Billings, Brooks, Clark, E. Coggs, Craig, D. Cullen, Danou, Doyle, Endsley, Farrow, Hebl, Hintz, Honadel, Hulsey, Jacque, Jorgensen, Kapenga, Kaufert, Kerkman, Kessler, Kestell, Kleefisch, Klenke, Knilans, Knodl, Knudson, Kooyenga, Kramer, Krug, Krusick, Kuglitsch, T. Larson, LeMahieu, Litjens, Loudenbeck, Marklein, Mason, Meyer, Milroy, Molepske Jr, Mursau, Murtha, Nass, Nerison, Nygren, A. Ott, J. Ott, Pasch, Petersen, Petrowski, Petryk, Pocan, Pope-Roberts, Pridemore, Radcliffe, Richards, Ringhand, Ripp, Rivard, Roys, Seidel, Severson, Sinicki, Spanbauer, Staskunas, Steinbrink, Steineke, Stone, Strachota, Stroebel, Suder, Tauchen, C. Taylor, Thiesfeldt, Tiffany, Toles, Tranel, Turner, Van Roy, Vos, Vruwink, Weininger, Williams, Wynn, Young, Zamarripa, Zepnick, Ziegelbauer and Speaker Fitzgerald - 96.
Absent with leave - Representatives Berceau, Fields and Grigsby - 3.
Vacancies - None.
Leaves of Absence
Representative Ballweg asked unanimous consent for a leave of absence for part of today's session for Representative Kestell. Granted.
Leaves of Absence
Representative Roys asked unanimous consent for a leave of absence for today's session for Representatives Berceau, Grigsby and Fields. Granted.
Introduction and Reference
of Proposals
Read first time and referred:
Assembly Bill 499
Relating to: various changes to the worker's compensation law, granting rule-making authority, and making an appropriation.
By Representative Ballweg ; cosponsored by Senator Wanggaard .
To committee on Labor and Workforce Development .
Assembly Bill 500
Relating to: adding kindergarten to definition of school for the purposes of the gun-free school zone law and the prohibition against weapons on school premises.
By Representatives Clark, Brooks, Hulsey, Grigsby, C. Taylor, Steineke, Ringhand, Turner, Pasch, Bewley, Pope-Roberts, Pocan, Berceau, Roys, Sinicki and Seidel; cosponsored by Senators Hansen, Risser, Schultz, Lassa, C. Larson, S. Coggs and T. Cullen.
To committee on Criminal Justice and Corrections .
Assembly Bill 501
Relating to: seasonal weight limitations for certain vehicles transporting manure.
By Representatives Petrowski, Suder, Williams, Vruwink, Krug, A. Ott, Tranel, Tauchen, Spanbauer, Marklein and Danou; cosponsored by Senators Galloway, Moulton, Harsdorf and Holperin.
To committee on Transportation.
January 26, 2012
Patrick Fuller
Assembly Chief Clerk
A755 17 West Main Street, Suite 401
Madison, WI 53703
Dear Chief Clerk Fuller:
Please add my name as a co-author of Senate Joint Resolution 55, relating to honoring the 100th anniversary of the Girl Scouts of the United States of America.
Jeremy Thiesfeldt
State Representative
52nd Assembly District
January 26, 2012
Patrick Fuller
Assembly Chief Clerk
17 West Main Street, Suite 401
Madison, WI 53703
Dear Chief Clerk Fuller:
Please add my name as a co-sponsor of Assembly Joint Resolution 26, relating to deleting from the constitution the offices of secretary of state and state treasurer (first consideration).