
Record of Committee Proceedings

Committee on Education

Assembly Bill 282

Relating to: consideration of resolution to issue bond by common and union high school districts and prohibiting voting on a resolution to exceed the revenue limit of a school district at a special meeting.

By Representatives Murphy, R. Brooks, Brandtjen, Kremer, Weatherston, Allen, Macco and Schraa; cosponsored by Senators Stroebel and Lasee.

April 24, 2017             Referred to Committee on Education

June 15, 2017              Public Hearing Held

Present:       (16)      Representative Thiesfeldt; Representatives Kitchens, Jagler, Zimmerman, Rodriguez, Tusler, Mursau, Quinn, Duchow, Wichgers, Pope, Genrich, Considine, Hebl, Bowen and Vruwink.

Absent:       (0)        None.

Excused:     (0)        None.

Appearances For

·      Orville Seymer - CRG

·      Jefferson Davis - self

·      Dave Murphy - Respresentative

·      Duey Stroeble - State Senator

·      Randy Marquardt - seft

Appearances Against

·      Dee Pettack - DPI

·      Brian Pahnice - DPI

·      Dan  Rossmiller - WASB

·      John Forester - SAA

·      Brett Hyde - self

·      Doug Mering - Baraboo School District

·      Ben Niehaus - Florence County Schools

·      Steve Zach - Oregon School District

·      Kim Kaukl - Wis Rural Schools Alliance

·      Brenda Warren - Green Bay Public Schools

·      Don Hietpas - Appleton School District

·      Mitchell  Nussbaum

Appearances for Information Only

·      None.

Registrations For

·      Erica De Glopper

·      Annette Olson - Americans for Prosperity

Registrations Against

·      Janine Edwards - CAPE

·      Heather Dubois Bourenane - Support Sun Prairie Schools

·      Brenda Warren - Green Bay School District

·      Ellen Lundgran - Community Advocates for Public Education

·      Nick Levendofsky - Wi Farmers Union

·      Terri Phillips - SE WI Schools Alliance

·      Stacy Lynch - Support our Schools

·      Genie Ogden

Registrations for Information Only

·      None.

March 22, 2018           Failed to pass pursuant to Senate Joint Resolution 1


Hariah Hutkowski

Committee Clerk