DHS 110.30   Department decision on applications.
DHS 110.31   Expiration dates; approvals and certifications.
Subchapter IV — Emergency Medical Service Provider Licensing and Operation
DHS 110.32   Emergency medical service provider license required; license levels.
DHS 110.33   Authorized services.
DHS 110.34   Responsibilities.
DHS 110.35   License and application requirements.
DHS 110.36   Phase-in period; service level upgrades and downgrades.
DHS 110.37   Service level downgrades.
DHS 110.38   Interfacility transports.
DHS 110.39   Critical care and specialty care transports.
DHS 110.395   Community EMS.
DHS 110.40   Intercept service.
DHS 110.41   Air medical services.
DHS 110.42   Tactical emergency medical services.
DHS 110.43   Special units.
DHS 110.44   Special events.
DHS 110.45   Department decisions on applications.
DHS 110.46   License duration and application for renewal license.
DHS 110.47   Required personnel and responsibilities.
DHS 110.48   Service director.
DHS 110.49   Service medical director.
DHS 110.495   Community emergency medical services medical director.
DHS 110.50   EMS provider staffing requirements.
DHS 110.51   Preceptors.
DHS 110.52   EMS professional credentialing.
DHS 110.525   Field training requirements.
DHS 110.526   Opioids training.
Subchapter V — Enforcement
DHS 110.53   Authority to investigate.
DHS 110.54   Reasons for enforcement actions.
DHS 110.55   Warning letter.
DHS 110.56   Reprimand.
DHS 110.57   Summary suspension of a license, permit or certification.
DHS 110.58   Denial, refusal to renew, conditional issuance, issuance with limitation, suspension, revocation.
DHS 110.59   Appeals.
Ch. DHS 110 Note Note: Chapter H 20 was repealed and recreated as HSS 110.01 to 110.09 by emergency rule effective July 1, 1990. Chapter H 20 as it existed on January 31, 1991 was repealed and HSS 110.01 to 110.09 was created effective February 1, 1991. Chapter HSS 110 was renumbered chapter HFS 110 under s. 13.93 (2m) (b) 1., Stats., and corrections made under s. 13.93 (2m) (b) 6. and 7., Stats., Register, November, 1998, No. 515. Chapter HFS 110 was repealed and recreated, Register, February, 2001, No. 542, eff. 3-1-01. Chapter HFS 110 was renumbered to ch. DHS 110 under s. 13.92 (4) (b) 1., Stats., and corrections made under s. 13.92 (4) (b) 7., Stats., Register January 2009 No. 637. Chapter DHS 110 as it existed on December 31, 2010, was repealed and a new chapter DHS 110 was created effective January 1, 2011.
subch. I of ch. DHS 110 Subchapter I — General Provisions
DHS 110.01 DHS 110.01Authority and purpose. This chapter is promulgated under the authority of ss. 256.08 (4) and 256.15 (13), Stats., to establish standards for all of the following:
DHS 110.01(1) (1)Certifying, training, and credentialing emergency medical responders.
DHS 110.01(2) (2)Licensing, training, and credentialing emergency medical services practitioners.
DHS 110.01(3) (3)Licensing emergency medical services providers.
DHS 110.01(4) (4)Certifying emergency medical services training centers.
DHS 110.01(5) (5)Certifying EMS instructors.
DHS 110.01(6) (6)Approving medical directors.
DHS 110.01(7) (7)Approving providers of CPR and AED training.
DHS 110.01 History History: CR 10-085: cr. Register December 2010 No. 660, eff. 1-1-11; CR 20-028: am. (1), (2) Register September 2021 No. 789, eff. 10-1-21.
DHS 110.02 DHS 110.02Applicability. This chapter applies to all of the following:
DHS 110.02(1) (1)Emergency medical responders.
DHS 110.02(2) (2)Emergency medical technicians.
DHS 110.02(3) (3)Advanced emergency medical technicians.
DHS 110.02(4) (4)Emergency medical technicians — intermediate.
DHS 110.02(5) (5)Paramedics.
DHS 110.02(6) (6)Emergency medical services training centers.
DHS 110.02(7) (7)Emergency medical services providers.
DHS 110.02(8) (8)Medical directors.
DHS 110.02(9) (9)Program directors.
DHS 110.02(10) (10)EMS instructors.
DHS 110.02(11) (11)CPR and AED training providers.
DHS 110.02 History History: CR 10-085: cr. Register December 2010 No. 660, eff. 1-1-11; CR 20-028: am. (1) to (3), (5) Register September 2021, No. 789, eff. 10-1-21.
DHS 110.03 DHS 110.03Waivers. The department may waive any non-statutory requirement under this chapter, upon written request, if the department finds that strict enforcement of the requirement will create an unreasonable hardship for the emergency medical services provider or the public in meeting the emergency medical service needs of the provider's primary service area and that waiver of the requirement will not adversely affect the health, safety or welfare of patients or the general public. The department's denial of a request for a waiver shall constitute the final decision of the department and is not subject to a hearing under s. DHS 110.59.
DHS 110.03 History History: CR 10-085: cr. Register December 2010 No. 660, eff. 1-1-11.
DHS 110.04 DHS 110.04Definitions. In this chapter:
DHS 110.04(1g) (1g)“Advanced emergency medical technician" or “AEMT" has the meaning given in s. 256.01 (1k), Stats.
DHS 110.04(1r) (1r)“Advanced life support" means prehospital and interfacility emergency medical care consisting of basic life support procedures and invasive lifesaving procedures including the placement of advance airway adjuncts, intravenous infusions, manual defibrillation, electrocardiogram interpretation, administration of approved drugs and other advanced skills identified in the Wisconsin scopes of practice.
DHS 110.04(2) (2)“Air medical service" means a licensed ambulance service provider that specializes in transport by helicopter or airplane.
DHS 110.04(3) (3)“Algorithm protocol" means a graphical representation or flow chart of a written patient care protocol.
DHS 110.04(4) (4)“Ambulance" means an emergency vehicle, including any motor vehicle, boat or aircraft, whether privately or publicly owned, which is designed, constructed or equipped to transport sick, disabled or injured individuals.
DHS 110.04(5) (5)“Ambulance service provider" means a person engaged in the business of transporting sick, disabled or injured individuals by ambulance to or from facilities or institutions providing health services.
DHS 110.04(6) (6)“Ambulance staffing configuration" means the different ways that an ambulance can be staffed based on level of services as described in s. DHS 110.50.
DHS 110.04(7) (7)“As needed services" means that with respect to special events the EMS service provider will provide emergency medical services as its resources are available and will not commit resources exclusively for the event.
DHS 110.04(8) (8)“Automated external defibrillator," or “AED," has the meaning given in s. 256.15 (1) (cr), Stats.
DHS 110.04(9) (9)“Backup agreement" means a written agreement between nearby licensed ambulance service providers to provide response when the primary service provider is unable to do so.
DHS 110.04(11) (11)“Basic life support" has the meaning given in s. 256.15 (1) (d), Stats.
DHS 110.04(12) (12)“CPR organization" means an entity whose program is authorized to provide CPR certification or training based on national standards and is approved by the department to fulfill the CPR requirement for certified emergency medical responders and licensed emergency medical services practitioners.
DHS 110.04(13) (13)“Cardiopulmonary resuscitation" or “CPR" means a combination of rescue breathing and chest compressions delivered to victims believed to be in cardiac arrest.
DHS 110.04(14) (14)“Clinical training" means training received in a hospital or other health care facility.
DHS 110.04(14m) (14m)“Community emergency medical services practitioner” or “CEMS practitioner” has the meaning given under s. 256.21 (1), Stats.
DHS 110.04(14r) (14r)“Community emergency medical services provider” or “CEMS provider” has the meaning given under s. 256.215(1)(a), Stats.
DHS 110.04(14s) (14s)“Community paramedic” has the meaning given under s. 256.205 (1), Stats.
DHS 110.04(15) (15)“Coverage agreement" means a written agreement between two neighboring ambulance service providers that each will cover the other's 9-1-1 area when the other knows in advance that it will be unable to do so.
DHS 110.04(16) (16)“Credential" means written authorization by the service director and medical director of a licensed emergency medical services provider permitting a certified emergency medical responder or licensed emergency medical services practitioners to perform specified emergency medical care while in the service of the provider. To be “credentialed" means to hold a credential issued by a licensed emergency medical services provider.
DHS 110.04(17) (17)“Critical care paramedic" means a paramedic who is licensed and endorsed by the department to provide an advanced level of paramedic care based on completion of an advanced level of paramedic training.
DHS 110.04(18) (18)“Dedicated services" means that with respect to special events the emergency medical services provider will have resources dedicated and immediately available on the grounds of the event that will not be subject to responses other than requests from the event.
DHS 110.04(19) (19)“Defibrillation" has the meaning given in s. 256.15 (1) (dm), Stats.
DHS 110.04(20) (20)“Department" means the Wisconsin department of health services.
DHS 110.04(21) (21)“Emergency medical care" means medical care to sick, disabled, or injured individuals at the scene of an emergency, during transport to a hospital, while in the hospital emergency department until responsibility for care is assumed by the regular hospital staff, and during transfer of a patient between health care facilities, which is based on department approved patient care protocols.
DHS 110.04(21e) (21e)“Emergency medical dispatch” means a process used by a public safety answering point or dispatch center to determine whether to dispatch an advanced life support or basic life support ambulance based on information obtained from a 9-1-1 caller.
Published under s. 35.93, Stats. Updated on the first day of each month. Entire code is always current. The Register date on each page is the date the chapter was last published.