NR 469.085(6)(c) (c) A brief description of each solvent cleaning machine at the affected facility including machine type (batch vapor, batch cold, vapor in-line or cold in-line), solvent to air interface area and existing controls.
NR 469.085(6)(d) (d) The date of installation for each solvent cleaning machine.
NR 469.085(6)(e) (e) An estimate of annual halogenated HAP solvent consumption for each solvent cleaning machine.
NR 469.085(7) (7) Each owner or operator of an affected facility shall submit to the department an initial statement of compliance on or before May 3, 2010. The statement shall include the information specified in pars. (a) to (c).
NR 469.085(7)(a) (a) The name and address of the owner or operator of the affected facility.
NR 469.085(7)(b) (b) The physical location of each solvent cleaning machine that is part of an affected facility regulated by this section.
NR 469.085(7)(c) (c) The results of the first 12-month rolling total emissions calculation.
NR 469.085(8) (8) Each owner or operator of an affected facility shall submit a solvent emission report every year. The solvent emission report can be combined with the annual report required in s. NR 469.12 (6) into a single report for each facility. The solvent emission report shall contain the information specified in pars. (a) and (b).
NR 469.085(8)(a) (a) The average monthly solvent consumption for the affected facility in kilograms per month.
NR 469.085(8)(b) (b) The 12-month rolling total solvent emission estimates calculated each month using the method as described in sub. (3).
NR 469.085 History History: CR 07-105: cr. Register December 2008 No. 636, eff. 1-1-09.
NR 469.09 NR 469.09Test methods.
NR 469.09(1) (1) Except as provided in subs. (6) and (7) for continuous web cleaning machines, each owner or operator of a batch vapor or in-line solvent cleaning machine complying with an idling emission limit standard in s. NR 469.04 (2) (a) 2. or (b) 2. or (3) (a) 2. or (b) 2. shall determine the idling emission rate of the solvent cleaning machine using Method 307 in Appendix A of 40 CFR part 63, incorporated by reference in s. NR 484.04.
NR 469.09(2) (2) Except as provided in sub. (7) for continuous web cleaning machines, each owner or operator of a batch vapor or in-line solvent cleaning machine complying with s. NR 469.08 shall on the first operating day of every month ensure that the solvent cleaning machine system contains only clean liquid solvent as defined in s. NR 469.02 (5). A fill line shall be indicated during the first month the measurements are made. The solvent level within the machine shall be returned to the same fill line each month, immediately prior to calculating monthly emissions as specified in sub. (3). The solvent cleaning machine does not have to be emptied and filled with fresh unused solvent prior to the calculations.
NR 469.09(3) (3) Except as provided in subs. (6) and (7) for continuous web cleaning machines, each owner or operator of a batch vapor or in-line solvent cleaning machine complying with s. NR 469.08 (1) (a) or (b) shall on the first operating day of the month comply with the requirements specified in pars. (a) to (c).
NR 469.09(3)(a) (a) Using the records of all solvent additions and deletions for the previous monthly reporting period required under s. NR 469.08 (1) (a) 1. or (b) 1., determine solvent emissions (Ei or En) using equation 2 for cleaning machines with a solvent/air interface and equation 3 for cleaning machines without a solvent/air interface.
- See PDF for diagram PDF (Equation 2)
- See PDF for diagram PDF (Equation 3)
Ei is the total halogenated HAP solvent emissions from the solvent cleaning machine during the most recent monthly reporting period i, kilograms of solvent per square meter of solvent/air interface area per month (pounds of solvent per square foot of solvent/air interface area per month)
En is the total halogenated HAP solvent emissions from the solvent cleaning machine during the most recent monthly reporting period i, kilograms of solvent per month (pounds of solvent per month)
SAi is the total amount of halogenated HAP liquid solvent added to the solvent cleaning machine during the most recent monthly reporting period i, kilograms of solvent per month (pounds of solvent per month)
LSRi is the total amount of halogenated HAP liquid solvent removed from the solvent cleaning machine during the most recent monthly reporting period i, kilograms of solvent per month (pounds of solvent per month)
SSRi is the total amount of halogenated HAP solvent removed from the solvent cleaning machine in solid waste, obtained as described in par. (b), during the most recent monthly reporting period i, kilograms of solvent per month (pounds of solvent per month)
AREAi is the solvent/air interface area of the solvent cleaning machine, square meters, (square feet)
NR 469.09(3)(b) (b) Determine SSRi using the method specified in subd. 1. or 2.
NR 469.09(3)(b)1. 1. From tests conducted using Method 25D in Appendix A of 40 CFR part 60, incorporated by reference in s. NR 484.04.
NR 469.09(3)(b)2. 2. By engineering calculations included in the compliance report, which is described in s. NR 469.12 (6).
NR 469.09(3)(c) (c) Determine the monthly rolling average, EA, for the 3-month period ending with the most recent reporting period using equation 4 for cleaning machines with a solvent/air interface or equation 5 for cleaning machines without a solvent/air interface.
- See PDF for diagram PDF (Equation 4)
- See PDF for diagram PDF (Equation 5)
EAi is the average halogenated HAP solvent emissions over the preceding 3 monthly reporting periods, kilograms of solvent per square meter of solvent/air interface area per month (pounds of solvent per square foot of solvent/air interface area per month)
EAn is the average halogenated HAP solvent emissions over the preceding 3 monthly reporting periods, kilograms of solvent per month (pounds of solvent per month)
Eij is the halogenated HAP solvent emissions for each month (j) for the most recent 3 monthly reporting periods, kilograms of solvent per square meter of solvent/air interface area per month (pounds of solvent per square foot of solvent/air interface area per month)
Enj is the halogenated HAP solvent emissions for each month (j) for the most recent 3 monthly reporting periods, kilograms of solvent per month (pounds of solvent per month)
j=1 is the most recent monthly reporting period
j=2 is the monthly reporting period immediately prior to j=1
j=3 is the monthly reporting period immediately prior to j=2
NR 469.09(4) (4) Each owner or operator of a batch vapor or in-line solvent cleaning machine using dwell to comply with ss. NR 469.04 to 469.07 shall determine the appropriate dwell time for each part or parts basket using the procedure specified in pars. (a) and (b).
NR 469.09(4)(a) (a) Determine the amount of time for the part or parts basket to cease dripping once placed in the vapor zone. The part or parts basket used for this determination shall be at room temperature before being placed in the vapor zone.
NR 469.09(4)(b) (b) The proper dwell time for parts to remain in the freeboard area above the vapor zone is no less than 35% of the time determined in par. (a).
NR 469.09(5) (5) An owner or operator of a source shall determine the source's potential to emit from all solvent cleaning machines, using the procedures described in pars. (a) to (c).
NR 469.09(5)(a) (a) Determine the potential to emit for each individual solvent cleaning machine using equation 6.
- See PDF for diagram PDF (Equation 6)
PTEi is the potential to emit for solvent cleaning machine i, kilograms of solvent per year (pounds of solvent per year)
Hi is hours of operation for solvent cleaning machine i (hours per year)
= 8760 hours per year, unless otherwise restricted by a federally enforceable requirement
Wi is the working mode uncontrolled emission rate for solvent cleaning machine i, kilograms per square meter per hour (pounds per square foot per hour)
= 1.95 kilograms per square meter per hour (0.40 pounds per square foot per hour) for batch vapor and cold cleaning machines
= 1.12 kilograms per square meter per hour (0.23 pounds per square foot per hour) for in-line cleaning machines
SAIi is the solvent/air interface area of solvent cleaning machine i, square meters, (square feet). Section NR 469.02 (38) defines the solvent/air interface area for those machines that have a solvent/air interface. Solvent cleaning machines that do not have a solvent/air interface shall calculate a solvent/air interface area using the procedure in par. (b).
NR 469.09(5)(b) (b) Solvent cleaning machines that do not have a solvent/air interface shall calculate a solvent/air interface area using equation 7.
- See PDF for diagram PDF (Equation 7)
SAI is the solvent/air interface area (square meters)
Vol is the cleaning capacity of the solvent cleaning machine (cubic meters)
NR 469.09 Note Note: Equation 7 requires the use of metric units. Multiply cubic feet by 0.02832 to obtain cubic meters. Multiply square meters by 10.764 to obtain square feet.
NR 469.09(5)(c) (c) Sum the PTE i for all solvent cleaning machines to obtain the total potential to emit for solvent cleaning machines at the facility.
NR 469.09(6) (6) Each owner or operator of a continuous web cleaning machine using a squeegee system to comply with s. NR 469.073 (3) shall determine the maximum product throughput using the method in this subsection. The maximum product throughput for each squeegee type used at a facility shall be determined prior to December 2, 1999, the compliance date for these units.
NR 469.09(6)(a) (a) Conduct daily visual inspections of the continuous web part. This monitoring shall be conducted at the point where the continuous web part exits the squeegee system. It is not necessary for the squeegees to be new at the time monitoring is begun if the following 2 conditions are met:
NR 469.09(6)(a)1. 1. The continuous web part leaving the squeegee system has no visible solvent film.
NR 469.09(6)(a)2. 2. The amount of continuous web that has been processed through the squeegees since the last replacement is known.
NR 469.09(6)(b) (b) Continue daily monitoring until a visible solvent film is noted on the continuous web part.
NR 469.09(6)(c) (c) Determine the length of continuous web product that has been cleaned using the squeegee since it was installed.
NR 469.09(6)(d) (d) The maximum product throughput for the purposes of this chapter is equal to the time it takes to clean 95% of the length of product determined in par. (c). This time period, in days, may vary depending on the amount of continuous web product cleaned each day.
NR 469.09(7) (7) Each owner or operator of a continuous web cleaning machine demonstrating compliance with the alternative standard of s. NR 469.08 (4) shall, on the first day of every month, ensure that the solvent cleaning machine contains only clean liquid solvent. A fill-line shall be indicated during the first month the measurements are made. The solvent level with the machine shall be returned to the same fill-line each month, immediately prior to calculating overall cleaning system control efficiency emissions as specified in sub. (8). The solvent cleaning machine does not need to be emptied and filled with fresh unused solvent prior to the calculation.
NR 469.09(8) (8) Each owner or operator of a continuous web cleaning machine complying with s. NR 469.08 (4) shall, on the first operating day of the month, determine the overall cleaning system control efficiency (Eo) for the previous month using equation 8 and the records of all solvent additions, solvent deletions and solvent recovered from the carbon adsorption system for the previous monthly reporting period required under s. NR 469.11 (5).
- See PDF for diagram PDF (Equation 8)
Eo is the overall cleaning system control efficiency
Ri is the total amount of halogenated HAP liquid solvent recovered from the carbon adsorption system and recycled to the solvent cleaning system during the most recent monthly reporting period, i, kilograms of solvent per month
Sai is the total amount of halogenated HAP liquid solvent added to the solvent cleaning system during the most recent monthly reporting period, i, kilograms of solvent per month
SSRi is the total amount of halogenated HAP solvent removed from the solvent cleaning system in solid waste, obtained as described in sub. (3) (b), during the most recent monthly reporting period, i, kilograms of solvent per month
NR 469.09 History History: Cr. Register, March, 1997, No. 495, eff. 4-1-97; CR 07-105: am. (1), (2) and (3) (intro.), cr. (6), (7) and (8) Register December 2008 No. 636, eff. 1-1-09.
NR 469.10 NR 469.10Monitoring procedures.
NR 469.10(1) (1) Except as provided in sub. (7), each owner or operator of a batch vapor or in-line solvent cleaning machine complying with the equipment standards in s. NR 469.04 (2) (a) 1. or (b) 1. or (3) (a) 1. or (b) 1. shall conduct monitoring and record the results on a weekly basis for the control devices, as appropriate, specified in pars. (a) to (e).
NR 469.10(1)(a) (a) If a freeboard refrigeration device is used to comply with these standards, the owner or operator shall use a thermometer or thermocouple to measure the temperature at the center of the air blanket during the idling mode.
NR 469.10(1)(b) (b) If a superheated vapor system is used to comply with these standards, the owner or operator shall use a thermometer or thermocouple to measure the temperature at the center of the superheated solvent vapor zone while the solvent cleaning machine is in the idling mode.
NR 469.10(1)(c) (c) If a squeegee system, air knife system or combination squeegee and air knife system is used to comply with the requirements of s. NR 469.073 or 469.077, the owner or operator shall visually inspect the continuous web part exiting the solvent cleaning machine to ensure that no solvent film is visible on the part.
NR 469.10(1)(d) (d) Except as provided in par. (e), if a superheated part system is used to comply with the requirements of s. NR 469.073 or 469.077, the owner or operator shall use a thermometer, thermocouple or other temperature measurement device to measure the temperature of the continuous web part while it is in the solvent cleaning machine. The measurement may also be taken at the exit of the solvent cleaning machine.
NR 469.10(1)(e) (e) As an alternative to complying with par. (d), the owner or operator may provide data, sufficient to satisfy the department, that demonstrate that the part temperature remains above the boiling point of the solvent at all times that the part is within the continuous web solvent cleaning machine. These data could include design and operating conditions such as information supporting any exothermic reaction inherent in the processing.
NR 469.10(2) (2) Except as provided in sub. (7), each owner or operator of a batch vapor or in-line solvent cleaning machine complying with the equipment standards of s. NR 469.04 (2) (a) 1. or (b) 1. or (3) (a) 1. or (b) 1. shall conduct monitoring and record the results on a monthly basis for the control devices, as appropriate, specified in pars. (a) and (b).
NR 469.10(2)(a) (a) If a working-mode, downtime-mode or idling-mode cover is used to comply with these standards, the owner or operator shall conduct a visual inspection to determine if the cover is opening and closing properly, completely covers the cleaning machine openings when closed, and is free of cracks, holes and other defects.
NR 469.10(2)(b) (b) If dwell is used, the owner or operator shall determine the actual dwell time by measuring the period of time that parts are held within the freeboard area of the solvent cleaning machine after cleaning.
NR 469.10(3) (3) Except as provided in sub. (7), each owner or operator of a batch vapor or in-line solvent cleaning machine complying with the equipment or idling emission standards in ss. NR 469.04 to 469.07 shall monitor the hoist speed as described in pars. (a) to (d).
NR 469.10(3)(a) (a) The owner or operator shall determine the hoist speed by measuring the time it takes for the hoist to travel a measured distance. The speed is equal to the distance in meters (feet) divided by the time in minutes (meters per minute or feet per minute).
NR 469.10(3)(b) (b) The monitoring shall be conducted monthly. If after the first year, no exceedances of the hoist speed are measured, the owner or operator may begin monitoring the hoist speed quarterly.
Published under s. 35.93, Stats. Updated on the first day of each month. Entire code is always current. The Register date on each page is the date the chapter was last published.