Emergency Rules Now in Effect
Under s. 227.24, Stats., state agencies may promulgate rules without complying with the usual rule-making procedures. Using this special procedure to issue emergency rules, an agency must find that either the preservation of the public peace, health, safety or welfare necessitates its action in bypassing normal rule-making procedures.
Emergency rules are published in the official state newspaper, which is currently the Wisconsin State Journal. Emergency rules are in effect for 150 days and can be extended up to an additional 120 days with no single extension to exceed 60 days.
Occasionally the Legislature grants emergency rule authority to an agency with a longer effective period than 150 days or allows an agency to adopt an emergency rule without requiring a finding of emergency.
Extension of the effective period of an emergency rule is granted at the discretion of the Joint Committee for Review of Administrative Rules under s. 227.24 (2), Stats.
Notice of all emergency rules which are in effect must be printed in the Wisconsin Administrative Register. This notice will contain a brief description of the emergency rule, the agency finding of emergency or a statement of exemption from a finding of emergency, date of publication, the effective and expiration dates, any extension of the effective period of the emergency rule and information regarding public hearings on the emergency rule.
Copies of emergency rule orders can be obtained from the promulgating agency. The text of current emergency rules can be viewed at www.legis.state.wi.us/rsb/code.
Beginning with rules filed with the Legislative Reference Bureau in 2008, the Legislative Reference Bureau will assign a number to each emergency rule filed, for the purpose of internal tracking and reference. The number will be in the following form: EmR0801. The first 2 digits indicate the year of filing and the last 2 digits indicate the chronological order of filing during the year.
Children and Families
(Formerly Workforce Development)
Family Supports, Chs. DWD 12 to 59
emergency_rules EmR0821 EmR0821 — Rules adopted creating ss. DWD 40.02 (12m), 40.05, and DWD 40 Appendix D (renumbered DCF 150.02 (12m), 150.05 and DCF 150 Appendix D, effective 12-1-08), relating to establishment of birth cost orders based on child support guidelines.
Finding of Emergency
The Department of Workforce Development finds that an emergency exists and that the attached rule is necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, safety, or welfare. A statement of facts constituting the emergency is:
The federal Office of Child Support Enforcement (OCSE) has notified Wisconsin that OCSE will not certify the state's request for federal income tax refund offset for birth cost orders that have not been set in accordance with the child support guidelines in Chapter DWD 40, which take into consideration the payer's ability to pay.
Federal income tax refund offset is one of the primary tools for collection of birth cost orders owed to the State of Wisconsin. In calendar year 2007, the child support program collected $11,481,000 in birth costs through federal income tax refund offset. Of the nearly $11.5 million collected, approximately $6.62 million was returned to the federal government to reimburse Medicaid costs, $1.72 million was used by county child support agency programs to benefit children in the state, and the remaining $3.14 million was returned to the state Medicaid program.
Publication Date:   June 27, 2008
Effective:   June 27, 2008 through
  November 23, 2008
Hearing Date:   July 29, 2008
Extension Through:   December 31, 2008
Fee Schedule, Ch. Comm 2
emergency_rules EmR0837 EmR0837 — Rule adopted revising s. Comm 2.68, relating to public swimming pool and water attraction plan review and inspection fees.
Finding of Emergency
The Department of Commerce finds that an emergency exists within the state of Wisconsin and that adoption of an emergency rule is necessary for the immediate preservation of the public health, safety and welfare. A statement of the facts constituting the emergency is as follows.
1. Implementation of the federal Virginia Graeme Baker Pool and Spa Safety Act necessitates most existing public swimming pools and water attractions to undergo physical modifications to reduce the risk of entrapment at suction outlets.
2. The Virginia Graeme Baker Pool and Spa Safety Act has a compliance date of December 19, 2008.
3. The department estimates that 3,700 existing pools and water attractions will need to be modified in order to comply with the federal act.
4. The current department plan review fees and inspection fees under s. Comm 2.68 reflect an estimated average time and cost to provide those services. For the types of pool and water attraction modifications necessary to comply with the Virginia Graeme Baker Pool and Spa Safety Act, the department believes that the time and cost to provide the service will be below the averages reflected under the current fee structure of section Comm 2.68.
5. The department believes that a temporary fee reduction to facilitate plan review and inspection relative to the Virginia Graeme Baker Pool and Spa Safety Act is in alignment with the direction provided under s. 101.19, Stats., of keeping fees consistent with the costs of providing service.
Publication Date:   December 15, 2008
Effective:   December 15, 2008
  through May 13, 2009
Hearing Date:   January 8, 2009
Uniform Dwelling, Chs. Comm 20-25
Wisconsin Commercial Building Code, Chs. Comm 60-66
emergency_rules EmR0826 EmR0826 — Rules adopted to renumber s. Comm 66.0911; to amend s. Comm 20.24 (1) and (2); and to create ss. Comm 21.095, 20.24 Table 20.24-14, 62.1200, 62.3500 (3) (e), 66.0911 (title) and (2), relating to carbon monoxide alarms and affecting small business.
Exemption From Finding of Emergency
Under the nonstatutory provisions of 2007 Wisconsin Act 205, the Department of Commerce is directed to issue emergency rules that implement provisions of the Act. The Act specifically states: “Notwithstanding section 227.24 (1) (a) and (3) of the statutes, neither the department of commerce or the department of health services is required to provide evidence that promulgating rules under this subsection as emergency rules is necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health, safety, or welfare and is not required to provide a finding of emergency for the rules promulgated under this subsection."
The Act mandates the installation and maintenance of carbon monoxide alarms in buildings accommodating certain types of residential occupancies and within which fuel burning appliances are located. Residential occupancies include tourist rooming houses, bed and breakfast establishments, and any public building that is used for sleeping or lodging, such as, hotels, motels, condominiums, apartment buildings, dormitories, fraternities, sororities, convents, seminaries, community based residential facilities, home shelters, but not hospitals and nursing homes. The Act requires the installation of carbon monoxide alarms in new buildings as of October 1, 2008. The owners of existing buildings will have until April 1, 2010 to install the carbon monoxide alarms. The Act also provides for the omission of carbon monoxide alarms in certain instances which are further clarified by the administrative rules.
Publication Date:   September 10, 2008
Effective:   October 1, 2008 through
  February 27, 2009
Hearing Date:   October 14, 2008
Commerce (2)
Financial Resources for Businesses and Communities, Chs. Comm 104-135
emergency_rules EmR0823 1.   EmR0823 — Rules adopted amending Comm Table 108.6–1, sections Comm 108.07 (5), 108.22 (1), and 154.06 (intro.), relating to emergency assistance grants in the community development block grant program, and affecting small businesses.
Finding of Emergency
The Department of Commerce finds that an emergency exists and that adoption of the rule included in this order is necessary for the immediate preservation of public health, safety, and welfare. The facts constituting the emergency are as follows.
Currently under sections Comm 108.06, 108.07, and 108.22 of the Wisconsin Administrative Code, as promulgated under sections 560.04, 560.045, and 560.9809 of the Statutes, the Department may annually use up to 5 percent of its federal Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds to repair or replace public infrastructure or facilities, or for emergency services necessitated by a natural disaster or catastrophic event. Also under sections Comm 108.07 and 108.22, the maximum amount of CDBG funds that the Department can award to any local government for a natural disaster or catastrophic event is $500,000.
Currently under section Comm 154.06, as promulgated under sections 560.02 (4) and 560.9809 (2) of the Statutes, the Department may annually use up to $2,000,000 of CDGB funds to address emergency housing needs caused by natural disasters or catastrophic events.
Because of the unprecedented levels of damage to public infrastructure and facilities from the severe storms and widespread flooding that occurred throughout the State in June 2008, the need for emergency assistance to communities far exceeds the $1.35 Million of CDBG funding that results from the above 5-percent limit, and the need for emergency housing assistance for low and moderate income households far exceeds the above $2,000,000. Communities and households in 28 of the 30 counties where the Governor has declared a state of emergency are eligible for this CDBG program assistance.
This emergency rule repeals the above limits of 5 percent, $500,000 and $2,000,000. This will enable the Department to (1) use any available CDBG funds for emergency assistance with repairing or replacing public infrastructure and facilities, and with repairing or replacing homes damaged by the severe storms and flooding; and (2) base the award amounts on the scope of the damages and destruction in the community and on the funds available.
Publication Date:   July 16, 2008
Effective:   July 16, 2008 through
  December 12, 2008
Hearing Date:   August 27, 2008
Extension Through:   February 10, 2009
emergency_rules EmR0831 2.   EmR0831 — Rules adopted creating section Comm 113.03 (4), relating to allocation of volume cap on tax-exempt private activity bonds.
Finding of Emergency
The Department of Commerce finds that an emergency exists and that adoption of the rule included in this order is necessary for the immediate preservation of public welfare.
The facts constituting the emergency are as follows. Because of widespread disruption of the housing markets, Congress has enacted the Housing and Economic Recovery Act of 2008 (the “Act"), which contains various relief measures relating to housing. Section 3021 of the Act creates a special one-time additional allocation of volume cap for calendar year 2008, to be used for the issuance of single-family housing bonds and multifamily housing bonds no later than December 31, 2010.
Under section 560.032 of the Statutes, the Department of Commerce is charged with allocating to Wisconsin issuers the private activity bond volume cap allocated to Wisconsin under the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, 26 USC 146. This emergency rule is necessary to implement the special allocation of volume cap under the Act, as described above.
Pursuant to section 227.24 of the Statutes, this rule is adopted as an emergency rule to take effect upon publication in the official state newspaper and filing with the Legislative Reference Bureau.
Publication Date:   September 27, 2008
Effective:   September 27, 2008
  through February 23, 2009
Hearing Date:   October 27, 2008
emergency_rules EmR0835 EmR0835 — Rules adopted creating s. DOC 332.20, relating to establishing a reimbursement fee to offset the costs of monitoring persons subject to global positioning system tracking or passive positioning system tracking.
Finding of Emergency
The department of corrections finds that an emergency exists and that rules included in this order are necessary for the immediate preservation of public peace, health, safety and welfare. A statement of the facts constituting the emergency is:
Under 2005 WI Act 431, section 8, the legislature requires certain persons who have been convicted of a serious child sex offense, who have been found not guilty of a serious child sex offense by reason of mental disease or mental defect, or who are the subject of notification under s. 301.46 (2m) (am), Stats., to be placed on lifetime tracking under a global positioning system (GPS) or a passive positioning system (PPS). The legislature also authorized the department to establish a rule to require persons who are subject to GPS tracking or PPS tracking to pay the cost of tracking.
If the rule is not created promptly and immediately, the department will not be able to collect the fees which are to be used to offset the costs of the tracking program, which could result in a lessening of tracking due to budget limitations.
The purpose of the emergency rule is to require all persons who are subject to tracking to pay the tracking fee which is used to offset the costs of the tracking program. The permanent rule process has been started. However, the permanent rule process will take approximately nine months to complete. Emergency rules are necessary to respond promptly to the collection of tracking fees while permanent rules are being developed.
Publication Date:   November 12, 2008
Effective:   November 12, 2008
  through April 10, 2009
Hearing Date:   December 11, 2008
Financial Institutions — Securities
emergency_rules EmR0829 EmR0829 — Rules adopted to amend s. DFI-Sec 4.06 (2) (i) and to create ss. DFI-Sec 4.06 (1) (v), 5.06 (14) and Chapter DFI-Sec 10, relating to making it a dishonest or unethical practice for securities licensees to make use of misleading designations or certifications purporting to demonstrate special expertise in the financial or retirement needs of seniors.
Finding of Emergency
The Division of Securities of the Department of Financial Institutions for the State of Wisconsin finds that an emergency exists and that the rules are necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, safety or welfare. A statement of the facts constituting the emergency follows:
The Division is taking immediate, emergency-rule action to protect seniors in Wisconsin from being misled through the use by securities licensees of designations and credentials that imply or represent that a person has special expertise, certification, or training in financial planning for seniors, but where such designations and/or credentials are either non-existent or do not involve significant education, testing, training or experience, and in reality are marketing ploys.
Publication Date:   September 15, 2008
Effective:   September 15, 2008
  through February 11, 2009
Government Accountability Board
emergency_rules EmR0830 EmR0830 — Rules adopted repealing and recreating Chapter GAB 4, relating to observers at a polling place or other location where votes are being cast, counted or recounted.
Finding of Emergency
Pursuant to section 227.24, Stats., the Government Accountability Board finds that an emergency exists in the Board's May 5, 2008 decision to decline to reaffirm the administrative rule section ElBd 4.01 because the rule was inconsistent with the requirements of its enabling statute, s. 7.41, Stats. The statute states that any member of the public is allowed to be present at the polls on Election Day to observe; however, it does not specify standards of conduct they must abide by.
The Board further finds that given the intense interest in the fall election, the expected high turnout, the increasing use of observers in the polling place, and the comments of municipal and county clerks regarding the obstacles observers can pose to the orderly conduct of elections, it is necessary to codify standards to regulate the observers' conduct and that the attached rule governing observer conduct must be adopted prior to the fall elections to ensure the public peace and safety with respect to the administration of the fall elections.
Links to Admin. Code and Statutes in this Register are to current versions, which may not be the version that was referred to in the original published document.