1999 - 2000 LEGISLATURE
February 9, 2000 - Offered by Representative Grothman.
AB700-AA2,1,11 At the locations indicated, amend the bill as follows:
AB700-AA2,1,2 21. Page 34, line 14: delete "certification" and substitute "affidavit".
AB700-AA2,1,6 32. Page 34, line 14: delete the material beginning with "a witness" and ending
4with "citizen" on line 15 and substitute: "any person authorized to administer oaths
5or shall make and subscribe to the certification under s. 6.87 (2) before 2 witnesses
6who are adult U.S. citizens".
AB700-AA2,1,8 73. Page 35, line 11: delete "affidavit certification" and substitute "certification
AB700-AA2,1,9 94. Page 37, line 6: delete " affidavit" and substitute "-affidavit".
AB700-AA2,1,13 105. Page 37, line 8: delete lines 8 to 12 and substitute "Whenever an application,
11affidavit or other act is required in ss. 6.86 to 6.89 an overseas elector may fulfill the
12requirements by subscribing or swearing before any person authorized to administer
13oaths or 2 adult U.S. citizens.".
16. Page 38, line 4: delete lines 4 to 10.
AB700-AA2,2,3 27. Page 43, line 17: delete the material beginning with that line and ending
3with page 44, line 4.
AB700-AA2,2,5 48. Page 44, line 17: delete "notarize the affidavit witness the voting procedure"
5and substitute "notarize the affidavit".
AB700-AA2,2,7 69. Page 45, line 16: delete the material beginning with that line and ending
7with page 47, line 12, and substitute:
AB700-AA2,2,8 8" Section 95m. 6.87 (2) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB700-AA2,2,139 6.87 (2) (intro.) The Except as authorized under sub. (3) (d), the municipal clerk
10shall place the ballot in an unsealed envelope furnished by the clerk. The envelope
11shall have the name, official title and post-office address of the clerk upon its face.
12The other side of the envelope shall have a printed certificate-affidavit in
13substantially the following form:".
AB700-AA2,2,14 1410. Page 48, line 5: after "certificate" insert "-affidavit".
AB700-AA2,2,16 1511. Page 48, line 6: delete "that shall" and substitute ". The instructions
AB700-AA2,2,18 1712. Page 48, line 7: delete "sign the certificate and" and substitute "make and
18subscribe to the affidavit or the certification as required under sub. (4) and to".
AB700-AA2,2,19 1913. Page 48, line 9: after "certificate" insert "-affidavit".
AB700-AA2,2,21 2014. Page 48, line 13: delete the material beginning with that line and ending
21with page 50, line 2 and substitute:
AB700-AA2,2,22 22" Section 98m. 6.87 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
16.87 (4) Except as otherwise provided in s. 6.875, the elector voting absentee
2shall either make and subscribe to the affidavit before a person authorized to
3administer oaths or make and subscribe to the certification before 2 witnesses. The
4absent elector, in the presence of the administrator of the oath or witnesses, shall
5mark or punch the ballot in a manner that will not disclose how the elector's vote is
6cast. The elector shall then, still in the presence of the administrator of the oath or
7the 2 witnesses, fold the ballots if they are paper ballots so each is separate and
8conceals the markings or punches thereon and deposit them in the proper envelope,
. If a consolidated paper ballot under s. 5.655 or a ballot prepared for use with
10an electronic voting system is used, the elector shall fold the ballot so that the elector
11conceals the markings thereon and deposit the ballot in the proper envelope. The
may receive assistance under sub. (5). The return envelope shall then be
13sealed. The witnesses or the official oath administrator may not be a candidate. The
14envelope shall be mailed by the elector, postage prepaid, or delivered in person, to the
15municipal clerk issuing the ballot. Failure to return an unused ballot in a primary
16does not invalidate the ballot on which the elector's votes are cast. Return of more
17than one marked or punched ballot in a primary or return of a ballot prepared under
18s. 5.655 or a ballot
used with an electronic voting system in a primary which is
19marked or punched for candidates of more than one party invalidates all votes cast
20by the elector for candidates in the primary.".
AB700-AA2,3,22 2115. Page 53, line 13: delete "certificate-affidavit certificate" and substitute
AB700-AA2,3,24 2316. Page 53, line 23: delete the material beginning with that line and ending
24with page 54, line 8 and substitute:
1" Section 106m. 6.88 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB700-AA2,4,122 6.88 (1) When an absentee ballot arrives at the office of the municipal clerk,
3the clerk shall enclose it, unopened, in a carrier envelope which shall be securely
4sealed and endorsed with the name and official title of the clerk, and the words "This
5envelope contains the ballot of an absent, aged, sick, handicapped or disabled elector
6or the ballot of an election official and must be opened at the polls during polling
7hours on election day". If the ballot was received by facsimile transmission or
8electronic mail and is accompanied by a separate certificate or affidavit, the clerk
9shall enclose the ballot in a certificate-affidavit envelope and securely append the
10completed certificate or affidavit to the outside of the envelope before enclosing the
11ballot in the carrier envelope
. The clerk shall keep the ballot in the clerk's office until
12delivered, as required in sub. (2).".
AB700-AA2,4,14 1317. Page 54, line 20: delete the material beginning with that line and ending
14with page 55, line 9.
AB700-AA2,4,16 1518. Page 55, line 10: delete the material beginning with that line and ending
16with page 56, line 2 and substitute:
AB700-AA2,4,17 17" Section 109m. 6.88 (3) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB700-AA2,5,918 6.88 (3) (b) When the inspectors find that an affidavit or certification is
19insufficient, that the applicant is not a qualified elector in the ward or election
, that the ballot envelope is open or has been opened and resealed, or that the
21ballot envelope contains more than one ballot of any one kind, or if proof is submitted
22to the inspectors that an elector voting an absentee ballot has since died, or, if the
23ballot was voted by facsimile transmission or electronic mail, that the certificate or
24affidavit required to accompany the ballot is missing,
the inspectors shall not count

1the ballot. The inspectors shall endorse every ballot not counted on the back,
2"rejected (giving the reason)". The inspectors shall reinsert each rejected ballot into
3the affidavit envelope in which it was delivered and enclose the affidavit envelopes
4and ballots, and securely seal the ballots and envelopes in an envelope marked for
5rejected absentee ballots. The inspectors shall endorse the envelope, "rejected
6ballots" with a statement of the ward or election district and date of the election,
7signed by the chief inspector and one of the inspectors representing each of the 2
8major political parties and returned to the municipal clerk in the same manner as
9official ballots voted at the election.".
AB700-AA2,5,10 1019. Page 64, line 16: delete lines 16 to 23.
AB700-AA2,5,11 1120. Page 84, line 3: delete lines 3 to 12 and substitute:
AB700-AA2,5,12 12" Section 166m. 9.01 (1) (b) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB700-AA2,5,2113 9.01 (1) (b) 2. The board of canvassers shall then examine the absentee ballot
14envelopes. Any defective absentee ballot envelopes shall be laid aside, properly
15marked and carefully preserved. The number of voters shall be reduced by the
16number of ballot envelopes set aside under this subdivision. An absentee ballot
17envelope is defective only if it is neither sworn nor witnessed, if it is not signed by
18the voter or, if the affidavit supporting the absentee ballot envelope has such a
19number of technical errors that the board of canvassers is doubtful of the legal effect
20of the affidavit or, if the ballot was voted by facsimile transmission or electronic mail,
21if the certificate or affidavit required to accompany the ballot is missing