1526Stroebel, Sen. Duey (20th Sen.Dist.; R)
Air monitoring site located at Kohler-Andrae State Park: DNR prohibited from including in the annual monitoring network plan submitted to EPA; waiver from federal Clean Air Act provision - SB466
Air pollutants not regulated under federal law: DNR administrative rule requirements revised - AB587
Air pollutants not regulated under federal law: DNR administrative rule requirements revised - SB459
BCPL authority revised re making state trust fund loans, investing state trust fund moneys, and use of common school fund income moneys - AB857
BCPL authority revised re making state trust fund loans, investing state trust fund moneys, and use of common school fund income moneys - SB713
Child protective services: counties may contract with other counties or DCF to perform these functions; Milwaukee County and independent investigation provisions - SB226
City and village officials: requirement to execute and file an official bond modified; insurance policy required if official bond is not - AB168
City and village officials: requirement to execute and file an official bond modified; insurance policy required if official bond is not - SB122
Coercive conditions attached to federal funds available to the state: LFB and LC to prepare a report; AG and Governor duties - AB879
Coercive conditions attached to federal funds available to the state: LFB and LC to prepare a report; AG and Governor duties - SB710
Common and union high school district electors may vote for bond issue resolution only at the annual meeting; school district revenue limit resolution vote prohibited at special meetings - AB282
Common and union high school district electors may vote for bond issue resolution only at the annual meeting; school district revenue limit resolution vote prohibited at special meetings - SB191
Competitive bidding threshold for public works projects increased, public road and improvements donated to local government exceptions; school boards and MPS required to use competitive bidding - AB307
Competitive bidding threshold for public works projects increased, public road and improvements donated to local government exceptions; school boards and MPS required to use competitive bidding - SB236
Council on Worker’s Compensation in DWD: proportion changes to employee members - AB308
Council on Worker’s Compensation in DWD: proportion changes to employee members - SB235
County officers: removal at the pleasure of the appointing authority; administrative code provision [Admin.Code DHS 5.06] - SB582
Deference to agency interpretations of law by court and agencies; adoption and use of guidance documents by agencies; settlement agreement, consent decree, or court order does not confer rule-making authority - SB745
Dextromethorphan in drugs: sales to minors without a prescription prohibited; ID and penalty provisions - AB681
Dextromethorphan in drugs: sales to minors without a prescription prohibited; ID and penalty provisions - SB587
Distillpub permit created; municipal liquor license quota, brewpub, brewer’s permit, winery hours and license, small winery cooperative wholesaler, and beer and intoxicating liquor wholesaler provisions; DOR duties - SB418
DOT appropriations for state highway rehabilitation and local transportation assistance programs: transfers of state and federal moneys; LFB to adjust appropriation schedule in the statutes - AB295
DOT appropriations for state highway rehabilitation and local transportation assistance programs: transfers of state and federal moneys; LFB to adjust appropriation schedule in the statutes - SB217
Employer groups for self-funded health benefits project: establishment allowed, requirements and conditions specified - AB920
Employer groups for self-funded health benefits project: establishment allowed, requirements and conditions specified - SB806
Environmental compliance audit program: time to correct violations increased, notification requirements modified, and DNR and DOJ duties re pursuing criminal enforcement actions - AB264
Foreign corporation’s certificate of authority fees eliminated under certain conditions - SB783
Funeral director apprenticeship changes - SB724
Gannon, Robert ``Bob”: life and public service of state representative commended - AJR107
Gannon, Robert ``Bob”: life and public service of state representative commended - SJR106
Garnishment of earnings of certain debtors: 13-week limit eliminated - SB397
Habitual parking violator: authority of county or municipality to enact an ordinance to immobilize, remove, impound, and dispose of motor vehicle - AB882
Habitual parking violator: authority of county or municipality to enact an ordinance to immobilize, remove, impound, and dispose of motor vehicle - SB712
Immigration status: prohibiting local ordinance, resolution, or policy that prohibit enforcement of federal or state law; authorizing certain elective officeholders to commence enforcement action, writ of mandamus provision; reduction of shared revenue payments; and political subdivision is liable for damage caused by an illegal alien - SB275
Injured employee of a temporary help agency right of action in tort eliminated against certain third parties if the employee can make a WC claim against the employer - SB781
Iron and steel slag managed as an item of value is not included in definition of ``solid waste” - AB941
Iron and steel slag managed as an item of value is not included in definition of ``solid waste” - SB792
Learnfare program: school attendance requirement re habitual truancy - AB240
Leased generation contracts: PSC allowed to modify or terminate if it protects and promotes the public interest - AB198
Leased generation contracts: PSC allowed to modify or terminate if it protects and promotes the public interest - SB115
Lehman, Michael “Mickey” A.: life and public service of former state representative commended - AJR81
Lobbyist service by legislators prohibited for certain period after they cease to hold office; penalty provisions - AB171
Lobbyist service by legislators prohibited for certain period after they cease to hold office; penalty provisions - SB118
Local governmental unit employee grievance procedure: requirements modified - SB419
Long-term capital improvement trust fund: DPI required to provide matching funds for deposits made by school boards - AB279
Long-term capital improvement trust fund: DPI required to provide matching funds for deposits made by school boards - SB192
Missing adult at risk reports: law enforcement agency to refer person making the report to local aging and disability resource centers; if the subject of the alert was driving, DOT to review the driver’s license of to determine if restrictions should be imposed - AB628
Missing adult at risk reports: law enforcement agency to refer person making the report to local aging and disability resource centers; if the subject of the alert was driving, DOT to review the driver’s license of to determine if restrictions should be imposed - SB517
Mobile service support structure (cell tower): political subdivision granted limited authority to impose setback requirement - AB161
Mobile service support structure (cell tower): political subdivision granted limited authority to impose setback requirement - SB219
Motor vehicle emissions limitations: inspection exemption for vehicles at least 10 model years old - SB457
Motor vehicle salvage pool: buyer identification card (BID card) eliminated, electronic record for each junk or salvage vehicle sold or purchased required, and ``junk vehicle" definition revised - SB647
Multiple jurisdiction health departments: governing body determination of budget revised - AB27
Multiple jurisdiction health departments: governing body determination of budget revised - SB12
Municipal treasurer to execute surety bond for payment of property taxes to county treasurer unless ordinance obligating payment is enacted - AB169
Municipal treasurer to execute surety bond for payment of property taxes to county treasurer unless ordinance obligating payment is enacted - SB123
National guard and other service members who withdraw from college when called to active duty: responsibilities of colleges revised and expands protections to students at all private institutions - AB769
National guard and other service members who withdraw from college when called to active duty: responsibilities of colleges revised and expands protections to students at all private institutions - SB644
Neglect of a child: definition and criminal penalties revised; repeated acts of neglect of the same child provision - SB280
Nutritional food pilot program within FoodShare established; DHS to develop and request federal waiver if needed - AB530
Ozaukee County fairgrounds: Class ``B” and ``Class B” licensees and permittees may sell alcohol beverages under set circumstances - AB450
Ozaukee County fairgrounds: Class ``B” and ``Class B” licensees and permittees may sell alcohol beverages under set circumstances - SB366
Personal property tax sunsetted; DOR duties re state aid payments to taxing jurisdictions for lost revenue - AB277
Personal property tax sunsetted; DOR duties re state aid payments to taxing jurisdictions for lost revenue - SB218
Property tax assessment requirements re comparable sales and real estate market segments - SB292
Property tax assessment requirements re leased property - AB387
Property tax assessment requirements re leased property - SB291
Public benefits databases review: DHS and DCF to compare information against nationally recognized databases that contain death records and remove individuals determined to be deceased - SB797
Publication of proceedings of meetings held by certain governmental bodies: posting a copy on the Internet in lieu of publishing in a newspaper authorized - AB70
Publication of proceedings of meetings held by certain governmental bodies: posting a copy on the Internet in lieu of publishing in a newspaper authorized - SB42
Pupil examination required by state or federal law, grades 3 to 12: parent or guardian may request their pupil be excused; civics test exemption - AB304
Pupil examination required by state or federal law, grades 3 to 12: parent or guardian may request their pupil be excused; civics test exemption - SB234
Referendum to exceed school district revenue limit: recurring and nonrecurring distinction and authority to include excess revenue eliminated; five-year limit on number of consecutive years a school board can seek approval to exceed limit - AB268
Referendum to exceed school district revenue limit: recurring and nonrecurring distinction and authority to include excess revenue eliminated; five-year limit on number of consecutive years a school board can seek approval to exceed limit - SB195
Reformulated gasoline: DNR prohibited from requiring sales; waiver from the EPA re the Clean Air Act provision - AB558
Reformulated gasoline: DNR prohibited from requiring sales; waiver from the EPA re the Clean Air Act provision - SB463
Scheduling of referendum to exceed school district revenue limit concurrent with a spring election or general election required; exceptions and bond issue provision - AB269
Scheduling of referendum to exceed school district revenue limit concurrent with a spring election or general election required; exceptions and bond issue provision - SB194
School board resolution and referendum question to exceed revenue limits: specific information on the debt and interest to be included - SB187
School Choice Week: January 21-27, 2018 declared as - AJR99
School Choice Week: January 21-27, 2018 declared as - SJR94
School district revenue limit increased by referendum: school aid payment reduced re approved operating referenda and school board allowed to rescind a portion or all of the increase - AB285
School district revenue limit increased by referendum: school aid payment reduced re approved operating referenda and school board allowed to rescind a portion or all of the increase - SB193
Service of certain pleadings and other papers: electronic mail provisions created - SB468
State prevailing wage law and highway prevailing wage law eliminated - SB216
Stitt, Donald K.: life and public service of former state representative and state senator commended - SJR33
Summary of pupil assessment examinations: school board, independent charter school operator, and opportunity school managing entity required to provide to parent or guardian on annual basis; private school participating in a parental choice program provision - AB300
Summary of pupil assessment examinations: school board, independent charter school operator, and opportunity school managing entity required to provide to parent or guardian on annual basis; private school participating in a parental choice program provision - SB222
Temporary Class ``B” and ``Class B” retail licensee may purchase beer or wine from another retail licensee - AB505
Temporary Class ``B” and ``Class B” retail licensee may purchase beer or wine from another retail licensee - SB428
Term limits for Governor, Lieutenant Governor, and members of the legislature: constitutional amendment (1st consideration) - SJR117
TIF statutes technical changes - AB81
TIF statutes technical changes - SB51
U.S. armed forces members awarded a medal equal to or higher than a Purple Heart: nonresident applicants for hunting, trapping, and fishing approvals treated as residents; reduced fees for resident and nonresident conservation patron license applicants; DNR and DVA duties - AB520
U.S. armed forces members awarded a medal equal to or higher than a Purple Heart: nonresident applicants for hunting, trapping, and fishing approvals treated as residents; reduced fees for resident and nonresident conservation patron license applicants; DNR and DVA duties - SB431
Uniform Adult Guardianship and Protective Proceedings Jurisdiction Act incorporated into Wisconsin law with modifications - AB629
Uniform Adult Guardianship and Protective Proceedings Jurisdiction Act incorporated into Wisconsin law with modifications - SB518
Vehicle data recorder (VDR) use in motor vehicles regulated; forfeiture provision - AB254
Vehicle data recorder (VDR) use in motor vehicles regulated; forfeiture provision - SB196
Wind energy system: ordinance prohibiting or regulating placement within set distance of property line permitted - AB760
Woodchucks defined as ``game animal" and ``fur-bearing animal" and DNR to establish open season for hunting and trapping - SB249
WRS: minimum retirement age and annuity earnings periods increased; JSCRS appendix report - AB324
WRS: minimum retirement age and annuity earnings periods increased; JSCRS appendix report - SB190
Other proposals authored or co-authored by Stroebel, Sen. Duey (20th Sen.Dist.; R)
Senate Bills: 3, 7, 11, 15, 19, 52, 54, 58, 61, 65, 69, 74, 80, 81, 88, 95, 96, 100, 102, 107, 108, 109, 110, 121, 124, 126, 134, 137, 144, 145, 154, 157, 160, 169, 170, 174, 178, 185, 188, 201, 202, 203, 213, 237, 250, 255, 263, 271, 279, 285, 288, 290, 293, 295, 296, 297, 311, 319, 320, 321, 337, 341, 351, 370, 374, 385, 394, 395, 402, 410, 411, 414, 420, 423, 424, 434, 451, 485, 506, 523, 524, 543, 576, 579, 583, 612, 618, 624, 628, 632, 634, 635, 636, 645, 646, 670, 684, 691, 697, 747, 764, 832
Senate Joint Resolutions: 2, 3, 8, 16, 17, 18, 30, 34, 41, 42, 43, 49, 51, 52, 69, 70, 72, 81, 87, 89, 90, 100, 118
Assembly Bills: 24, 25, 28, 42, 57, 66, 87, 92, 94, 98, 100, 103, 106, 107, 122, 128, 148, 153, 160, 165, 167, 170, 176, 180, 181, 182, 185, 187, 190, 204, 205, 206, 208, 219, 229, 230, 241, 247, 259, 262, 263, 274, 275, 283, 290, 296, 299, 306, 323, 327, 351, 355, 357, 359, 360, 366, 369, 370, 383, 384, 386, 388, 410, 411, 426, 432, 433, 440, 454, 456, 473, 476, 483, 492, 496, 499, 503, 504, 507, 508, 512, 523, 544, 545, 549, 550, 555, 566, 573, 588, 599, 636, 637, 652, 653, 659, 680, 692, 702, 724, 744, 745, 748, 749, 751, 752, 761, 766, 773, 774, 789, 798, 837, 880, 897, 910, 926, 979, 1002
Assembly Joint Resolutions: 2, 18, 21, 22, 37, 44, 51, 79, 97
January 2017 Special Session Senate Bills: 4
January 2017 Special Session Assembly Bills: 4
January 2018 Special Session Senate Bills: 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
January 2018 Special Session Assembly Bills: 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10