2019 - 2020 LEGISLATURE
DOA:......Aslesen, BB0403 - Harbor assistance grant priority
For 2019-2021 Budget -- Not Ready For Introduction
An Act ...; relating to: the budget.
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
Other transportation
1. Harbor assistance grants priority
Under current law, DOT administers the harbor assistance program under which eligible applicants may be awarded a grant to partially reimburse the applicant for expenses incurred in making certain harbor improvements. Under this bill, during the 2019-21 fiscal biennium, DOT must prioritize making grant awards under the harbor assistance program to municipalities in which a shipbuilder in the state is conducting operations.
For further information see the state and local fiscal estimate, which will be printed as an appendix to this bill.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do enact as follows:
Section 9144. Nonstatutory provisions; Transportation.
(1) Harbor assistance grants priority. In the 2019-21 fiscal biennium, when making grant awards from the appropriations under ss. 20.395 (2) (cq) and 20.866 (2) (uv) for the harbor assistance program under s. 85.095, notwithstanding the eligibility criteria under s. 85.095, the department of transportation shall give priority to municipalities in which a shipbuilder in this state is conducting operations.