1997 Senate Joint Resolution 46
Relating to: memorializing Congress to oppose the Environmental Protection Agency's proposed rules on animal waste.
Whereas, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has recently proposed rules that would provide for strict application of the Clean Water Act to farms; and
Whereas, under the proposed rules even small farms would be required to conform to stringent manure management standards; and
Whereas, Wisconsin's environmental protection rules are among the more effective in the nation; and
Whereas, the proposed rules would be yet another federal impediment to the profitable operation of farms; and
Whereas, profitable farming is inherently difficult and federal actions recently have made it even more difficult; and
Whereas, agriculture has been an important part of Wisconsin's economy for decades; and
Whereas, thousands of Wisconsin farm families wish to continue engaging in their livelihoods and to do so need assistance, not further burdens; now, therefore, be it
Resolved by the senate, the assembly concurring, That the members of the Wisconsin legislature urge the U.S. Congress to oppose the Environmental Protection Agency's proposed animal waste rules; and, be it further
Resolved, That the senate chief clerk shall provide copies of this joint resolution to each member of this state's congressional delegation.