2001 - 2002 LEGISLATURE
August 16, 2001 - Introduced by Senators Hansen, Baumgart, Burke, Chvala,
Decker, Erpenbach, Moore, Risser, Robson
and George, cosponsored by
Representatives Sinicki, Balow, Berceau, Black, Bock, Boyle, Carpenter,
Coggs, Colon, Gronemus, Hebl, Kreuser, La Fave, J. Lehman, Meyerhofer,
Miller, Plouff, Pocan, Richards, Riley, Ryba, Shilling
and Turner. Referred
to Committee on Labor and Agriculture.
SB232,1,9 1An Act to renumber and amend 111.39 (4) (c); and to create 20.445 (1) (gr),
2111.39 (4) (c) 2., 111.39 (4) (c) 3. and 111.39 (4) (c) 4. of the statutes; relating
authorizing the department of workforce development to order a person who
4discriminates in promotion, compensation, or in terms, conditions, or privileges
5of employment on the basis of sex, race, color, national origin, or ancestry to pay
6compensatory and punitive damages and an assessment, directing the
7secretary of workforce development to appoint a committee to study wage
8disparities between men and women and between minority group members and
9nonminority group members, and making an appropriation.
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
Under the current fair employment law, if the department of workforce
development (DWD) finds that a person has refused to hire an individual,
terminated an individual's employment, or discriminated against an individual in
promotion, compensation, or in terms, conditions, or privileges of employment on the
basis of the individual's age, race, creed, color, disability, marital status, sex, national
origin, ancestry, arrest or conviction record, membership in the national guard or
military reserves, or use or nonuse of a lawful product during nonwork hours, DWD

may order the person to take such action as will effectuate the purpose of the fair
employment law. That action may include reinstating the employee and providing
back pay for not more than two years before the filing of the complaint, costs, and
attorney fees. Current law, however, does not authorize DWD to order the payment
of compensatory or punitive damages or any other assessments or penalties in a case
of employment discrimination.
This bill authorizes DWD to order a person who has discriminated against an
individual in promotion, compensation, or in terms, conditions, or privileges of
employment on the basis of the individual's sex, race, color, national origin, or
ancestry to pay to the individual compensatory and punitive damages in an amount
that DWD finds appropriate and to pay to DWD an assessment equal to 10% of the
amount of compensatory and punitive damages ordered. DWD must use those
assessments collected for the administration of the fair employment law.
The bill also directs the secretary of workforce development (secretary) to
appoint a committee to study the issue of wage disparities between men and women
and between minority group members and nonminority group members and to
recommend solutions and policy alternatives, including proposed legislation, to
eliminate and prevent those wage disparities. The committee must consist of
representatives of business and industry, organized labor, organizations whose
objectives include the elimination of wage disparities, and employees of institutions
of higher education or research institutions who have experience and expertise in the
collection and analysis of data concerning wage disparities. The committee must
report its findings, conclusions, and recommendations to the secretary by the first
day of the 15th month beginning after publication of the bill, and the secretary must
submit that report to the appropriate standing committees of the legislature and to
the governor by the first day of the 16th month beginning after publication of the bill.
For further information see the state and local fiscal estimate, which will be
printed as an appendix to this bill.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
SB232, s. 1 1Section 1. 20.445 (1) (gr) of the statutes is created to read:
SB232,2,42 20.445 (1) (gr) Employment discrimination assessments. All moneys received
3from assessments collected under s. 111.39 (4) (c) 2., for the administration of subch.
4II of ch. 111.
SB232, s. 2 5Section 2. 111.39 (4) (c) of the statutes is renumbered 111.39 (4) (c) 1. and
6amended to read:
1111.39 (4) (c) 1. If, after hearing, the examiner finds that the respondent has
2engaged in discrimination, unfair honesty testing, or unfair genetic testing, the
3examiner shall make written findings and order such action by the respondent as
4will effectuate the purpose of this subchapter, with or without back pay. If the
5examiner awards any payment to an employee because of a violation of s. 111.321 by
6an individual employed by the employer, under s. 111.32 (6), the employer of that
7individual is liable for the payment. If the examiner finds a respondent violated s.
8111.322 (2m), the examiner shall award compensation in lieu of reinstatement if
9requested by all parties and may award compensation in lieu of reinstatement if
10requested by any party. Compensation in lieu of reinstatement for a violation of s.
11111.322 (2m) may not be less than 500 times nor more than 1,000 times the hourly
12wage of the person discriminated against when the violation occurred.
Back pay
13liability may not accrue from a date more than 2 years prior to the filing of a
14complaint with the department. Interim earnings or amounts earnable with
15reasonable diligence by the person discriminated against or subjected to unfair
16honesty testing or unfair genetic testing shall operate to reduce back pay otherwise
17allowable. Amounts received by the person discriminated against or subject to the
18unfair honesty testing or unfair genetic testing as unemployment benefits or welfare
19payments shall not reduce the back pay otherwise allowable, but shall be withheld
20from the person discriminated against or subject to unfair honesty testing or unfair
21genetic testing and immediately paid to the unemployment reserve fund or, in the
22case of a welfare payment, to the welfare agency making the payment.
SB232, s. 3 23Section 3. 111.39 (4) (c) 2. of the statutes is created to read:
SB232,4,724 111.39 (4) (c) 2. If the examiner finds that a respondent has discriminated
25against a person in promotion, compensation, or in terms, conditions, or privileges

1of employment on the basis of sex, race, color, national origin, or ancestry, the
2examiner, in addition to any action ordered under subd. 1., shall order the
3respondent to pay to the person compensatory and punitive damages in an amount
4that the examiner finds appropriate and to pay to the department an assessment
5equal to 10% of the amount of compensatory and punitive damages ordered. All
6assessments collected under this subdivision shall be deposited in the general fund
7and credited to the appropriation account under s. 20.445 (1) (gr).
SB232, s. 4 8Section 4. 111.39 (4) (c) 3. of the statutes is created to read:
SB232,4,119 111.39 (4) (c) 3. If the examiner orders any payment under subd. 1. or 2. because
10of a violation of s. 111.321 by an individual employed by an employer, the employer
11of that individual is liable for the payment.
SB232, s. 5 12Section 5. 111.39 (4) (c) 4. of the statutes is created to read:
SB232,4,1813 111.39 (4) (c) 4. If the examiner finds a respondent violated s. 111.322 (2m), the
14examiner shall award compensation in lieu of reinstatement if requested by all
15parties and may award compensation in lieu of reinstatement if requested by any
16party. Compensation in lieu of reinstatement for a violation of s. 111.322 (2m) may
17not be less than 500 times nor more than 1,000 times the hourly wage of the person
18discriminated against when the violation occurred.
SB232, s. 6 19Section 6. Nonstatutory provisions.
SB232,4,2020 (1) Wage disparity study.
SB232,4,2221 (a) Definition. In this subsection, "minority group member" has the meaning
22given in section 560.036 (1) (f) of the statutes.
SB232,5,223 (b) Committee. By the first day of the 3rd month beginning after the effective
24date of this paragraph, the secretary of workforce development shall create and
25appoint a committee consisting of the members specified in paragraph (c) to study

1the issues specified in paragraph (d ) and report its findings, conclusions, and
2recommendations as provided in paragraph (e ).
SB232,5,33 (c) Membership. The committee shall consist of the following members:
SB232,5,64 1. Two members who are representatives of business and industry, who shall
5be appointed from a list of candidates submitted by an association that represents
6the interests of businesses and industries in this state.
SB232,5,117 2. Two members who are representatives of organized labor, who shall be
8appointed from a list of candidates submitted by a labor organization that is
9chartered by a federation of national or international labor organizations, admits to
10membership local labor organizations, and exists primarily to carry on educational,
11legislative, and coordinating activities.
SB232,5,1612 3. Two members who are representatives of organizations whose objectives
13include the elimination of wage disparities between men and women and between
14minority group members and nonminority group members and who have
15undertaken advocacy, educational, or legislative initiatives in pursuit of that
SB232,5,2117 4. Three members who are employees of an institution of higher education or
18a research institution and who have experience and expertise in the collection and
19analysis of data concerning wage disparities between men and women and between
20minority group members and nonminority group members and whose research has
21been used in efforts to eliminate those disparities.
SB232,5,2222 (d) Study. The committee shall study all of the following:
SB232,5,2523 1. The extent to which wage disparities exist, in both the public and private
24sectors, between men and women and between minority group members and
25nonminority group members.
12. The factors that cause, or that tend to cause, those wage disparities,
2including segregation between men and women and between minority group
3members and nonminority group members, both within and across occupations; the
4payment of lower wages in occupations dominated by women or by minority group
5members; disparities between men and women in child-rearing responsibilities; and
6disparities in education and training between men and women and between minority
7group members and nonminority group members.
SB232,6,98 3. The consequences of those wage disparities on the economy and on individual
SB232,6,1810 (e) Recommendations. The committee shall recommend solutions and policy
11alternatives, including proposed legislation, to eliminate and prevent wage
12disparities between men and women and between minority group members and
13nonminority group members. By the first day of the 15th month beginning after the
14effective date of this paragraph, the committee shall report its findings, conclusions,
15and recommendations to the secretary of workforce development who shall submit
16that report to the appropriate standing committees of the legislature in the manner
17provided under section 13.72 (3) of the statutes and to the governor by the first day
18of the 16th month beginning after publication.
SB232, s. 7 19Section 7. Initial applicability.
SB232,6,2320 (1) Employment discrimination damages. The renumbering and amendment
21of section 111.39 (4) (c) of the statutes and the creation of section 111.30 (4) (c) 2., 3.,
22and 4. of the statutes first apply to acts of employment discrimination committed on
23the effective date of this subsection.
SB232,6,2424 (End)