2005 - 2006 LEGISLATURE
September 7, 2005 - Introduced by Senators Reynolds and Lazich, cosponsored
by Representative Lothian. Referred to Committee on Veterans, Homeland
Security, Military Affairs, Small Business and Government Reform.
SJR35,1,4 1To amend section 1 of article IV and section 17 (2) of article IV; and to create section
235 of article IV of the constitution; relating to: providing for the approval or
3rejection of gubernatorial vetoes by the people by referendum (first
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
Currently, under the constitution, the power to enact state laws is vested solely
in the senate and assembly, subject to rejection by the governor pursuant to his veto
or partial veto authority. A law may be enacted only by bill passed by a majority of
the members present in each house, unless the governor rejects the bill, in which case
the approval of two-thirds of the members present in each house is required for
enactment. Currently, under the constitution, the power of the electors to approve
or reject state laws is limited to: 1) extending the right of suffrage to additional
classes of persons; 2) authorizing the legislature to exceed the constitutional state
general obligation bonding limit; 3) dividing a county of less than 900 square miles;
and 4) removing a county seat. In addition, the electors must approve amendments
to the constitution and the calling of constitutional conventions.
This proposed constitutional amendment, proposed to the 2005 legislature on
first consideration, reserves to the people, for use at their option, the power to
approve or reject at the polls, by referendum, rejections by the governor of whole acts
or whole, or parts of, appropriation acts. The referendum does not decrease the
authority of the legislature to enact laws, but it subjects laws, other than emergency
laws, to the power of the people to approve or reject at the polls rejections by the
governor of whole acts or whole, or parts of, appropriation acts.

A proposed constitutional amendment requires adoption by 2 successive
legislatures, and ratification by the people, before it can become effective.
SJR35,2,1 1Resolved by the senate, the assembly concurring, That:
SJR35, s. 1 2Section 1. Section 1 of article IV of the constitution is amended to read:
SJR35,2,63 [Article IV] Section 1. The legislative power of this state shall be vested in a
4senate and assembly, but, subject to other provisions of this constitution, the people
5reserve to themselves the power to approve or reject at the polls, by referendum,
6rejections by the governor of whole acts or whole, or parts of, appropriation acts
SJR35, s. 2 7Section 2. Section 17 (2) of article IV of the constitution is amended to read:
SJR35,2,138 [Article IV] Section 17 (2) No law shall be enacted except by bill. No law shall
9be in force until published. No law shall be in force before the first January 1 or July
101 occurring at least 90 days after enactment of the law, except a law that requires an
11earlier date to preserve the public peace, health, or safety; that states in a separate
12section the emergency and the reasons for the earlier date; and that is passed by a
13two-thirds vote of all the members elected to each house of the legislature.
SJR35, s. 3 14Section 3. Section 35 of article IV of the constitution is created to read:
SJR35,2,2115 [Article IV] Section 35 (1) The legislature may order a referendum, except as
16to laws necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health, or
17safety and appropriations for the support and maintenance of the existing state
18departments and institutions, against a rejection by the governor pursuant to section
1910 of article V of a whole act or whole, or part of, an appropriation act passed by the
20legislature, if the rejected whole act or whole, or part of, an appropriation act has not
21become law pursuant to section 10 of article V.
SJR35,3,522 (2) If a majority of the electors voting upon the referendum submitted at the
23election votes disapproval of the rejection by the governor of the whole act or whole,

1or part of, the appropriation act, the whole act or whole, or part of, the appropriation
2act becomes law notwithstanding the objections of the governor. If a majority of the
3electors vote approval of the rejection by the governor of the whole act or whole, or
4part of, the appropriation act, the whole act or whole, or part of, the appropriation
5act is void.
SJR35, s. 4 6Section 4. Numbering of new provision. The new section 35 of article IV
7of the constitution created in this joint resolution shall be designated by the next
8higher open whole section number in that article if, before the ratification by the
9people of the amendment proposed in this joint resolution, any other ratified
10amendment has created a section 35 of article IV of the constitution of this state. If
11one or more joint resolutions create a section 35 of article IV simultaneously with the
12ratification by the people of the amendment proposed in this joint resolution, the
13sections created shall be numbered and placed in a sequence so that the sections
14created by the joint resolution having the lowest enrolled joint resolution number
15have the numbers designated in that joint resolution and the sections created by the
16other joint resolutions have numbers that are in the same ascending order as are the
17numbers of the enrolled joint resolutions creating the sections.
SJR35,3,20 18Be it further resolved, That this proposed amendment be referred to the
19legislature to be chosen at the next general election and that it be published for 3
20months previous to the time of holding such election.
SJR35,3,2121 (End)