- A -
Where accident occurs in one county and victim is transported to another county, and death occurs there, coroner where death occurs has duty to immediately report death to coroner of county where crime, injury or event occurred, and coroner of latter county has authority to investigate and duty to hold inquest if he deems it necessary or if directed by district attorney of his county. 62-127
Wisconsin statutes do not prohibit the transportation of dead human bodies from an accident scene to a hospital by ambulance or rescue personnel. 79-120
Dead bodies
See Corpses
County would be liable to injured veteran in an automobile accident while being transported by the veterans' service officer if the officer were authorized and performing within the scope of his employment, sec. 895.43(3) limits recovery to $25,000. 67-207
County Board
County board can only grant powers of indirect supervision to finance director with respect to accounting or bookkeeping duties of county clerk required by statute or board resolution to be performed by such officer. 65-132
Licensing boards
Licensing boards do not have the authority to enact general regulations which would allow them to suspend, deny or revoke the license of a person who has a communicable disease. However, licensing boards do have the authority on a case-by-case basis to suspend, deny or revoke the license of a person who poses a direct threat to the health and safety of other persons or who, by reason of the communicable disease, is unable to perform the duties of the licensed activity. 77-223
Marriage license fees
A county board has no statutory authority to charge a higher marriage license fee to certain nonresidents who would be required to submit to AIDS testing in their home state or, in the alternative, require AIDS testing as a condition of obtaining a Wisconsin marriage license. 77-154
A county board has no statutory authority to charge a higher marriage license fee to certain nonresidents who would be required to submit to AIDS testing in their home state or, in the alternative, require AIDS testing as a condition of obtaining a Wisconsin marriage license. 77-154
A police and fire commission is an employer under section 103.15, Stats., and may not test paramedic candidates for the HIV virus. Civil liability of the commission and the city it serves for claims brought by individuals who can prove that they contracted the HIV virus through employment-related contacts with paramedics discussed. 77-181
Collective bargaining
Matters within the scope of sec. 111.91, Stats., agreed to by Department of Administration not effective until approved by the Joint Committee on Employment Relations. 67-38
Industry, Labor and Human Relations, Department of
Discussion concerning a shared responsibility for collection of amounts owed the State. (Unpub.). 49-1978
Validity of appointment of DOA employe as Deputy Secretary discussed. (Unpub.). 8-1978
Protective services
May be provided by DOA in leased buildings. (Unpub.). 84-1976
Public records
Department of Administration probably has authority to provide private corporation with camera-ready copy of computer stored public records if costs are minimal. 63-302
Purchase of all goods and services used by State
Enactment of secs. 58 and 59 of ch. 418, Laws of 1977, placed the responsibility for the purchase of all goods and services used by state government with the Department of Administration. The purchase of all goods and services by the Department of Administration is made pursuant to subch. IV of ch. 16, Stats. 64 OAG 4 (1975) is no longer applicable. (Unpub.). 83-1979
State contracts
State contracts for the purchase of professional architectural and engineering consulting services must comply with the bidding requirements of sec. 16.75(1), Stats., unless waived by the Governor. 65-251