Unincorporated nondomestic insurers, requirements for, 618.25
Uninsured property for fire protection, 2% tax for municipalities, 618.49 (2)
Withdrawal from state, release from regulation, 618.36
Absence as evidence of death, provisions invalid, 813.22
Absentee's property, 813.30
Combination of policies, commissioner may establish standards, 627.06
Credit for 60 days permitted, 628.39
Evidence of absence or death, 813.22
Fraternal companies, 632.93
General relief, exemption, assignment, 49.06
Motor vehicle financial responsibility, 344.15, 344.30 (1)
Nonforfeiture provisions, industrial life insurance, 632.43 (6) (c)
Surplus lines insurance, requirements, 618.41 (9)
Vending machines, travel insurance sale through, 628.31
Worker's compensation, regulation, 102.31
INSURANCE 15. Preferred Provider Plans15. Preferred Provider Plans
See 7d. Health Care Plans under this head

Consumer credit transactions, insurance restrictions, 424.301
Indemnity amounts, 632.05
Law, choice of, 632.09
Local government property insurance fund, 605.01 to 605.30
  Administration department, transfer general funds, 605.30
  Appraisal, if disagreement, 605.23 (2)
  Attorney general, suit to recover losses, 605.24 (1)
  Coinsurance, 605.03 (2)
  Coverage, 605.03 (1)
  Deductibles, 605.03 (3)
  Inadequacy of fund, 605.30
  Kinds of property insured, 605.02
  Loss, ascertainment of , 605.23 (3)
  Recovery against 3rd persons, 605.24 (3)
  Participation in, manner of, 605.21
  Payment for losses, 605.23 (1)
  Private insurance, restrictions, 605.09
  Reinsurance, collection of, 605.24 (2)
Loss measurement, 632.05 (2)
Milwaukee, property insurance escrow, 632.10 to 632.104
Mortgage clause, 632.08
Replacement cost of coverage, 632.05
Time-share ownership, 707.35
INSURANCE 15b. Public Policy Provisions15b. Public Policy Provisions
, Ch. 630
Life insurers and funeral directors or cemeteries, prohibited relationships between, 630.15
Lobbying, 630.10
Political contributions, 630.05
INSURANCE 15c. Rate Regulation15c. Rate Regulation
, Ch. 625
Automobile insurance, risks may not be classified on physical disability, 625.12 (2)
Binding agreements by insurers prohibited, 625.33
Classification of risks for rating, 625.12 (2)
Consent to rates, 625.13 (2)
Construction of chapter, 625.01
Delaying effect of rates by rule, 625.21
Disapproval of rates, 625.22
Exemptions, by rule of commissioner, 625.04
Expense experiences in rate fixing, 625.12 (3)
Experience, recording and reporting, 625.34
Factors in rates, 625.12 (1)
Filing of rates, 625.13
Filings open to inspection, 625.14
Inadequate rates, 625.11 (3)
Individual insurers, special restrictions, 625.23
Medicare supplement or replacement policy loss ratios, commissioner may establish standards, 625.16
Method of rating, 625.12
Profit experience in rate fixing, 625.12 (4)
Purposes of chapter, 625.01
Rate filing, delegation of, 625.15
Rate making, delegation of, 625.15
Rate service organization, definition, 625.02
  Fees, 601.31
  Filing of rates, 625.13
  Licensing, 625.32
  Mandatory service for all insurers, 625.31
  Operation and control, 625.31
  Rate filing, 625.15
  Rate making, 625.15
Rating methods, 625.12
Recording and reporting of experience, 625.34
Restrictions on particular insurers, 625.23
Scope of application, exceptions, 625.03
Standards, excessive in competitive market, 625.11 (2) (a)
  Excessive in noncompetitive market, 625.11 (2) (b)
, 625.11 (1)
Unfair discrimination in rate relationships, 625.11 (4)
INSURANCE 16. Reinsurance16. Reinsurance
, Ch. 627
Assumption of unauthorized business, 627.23 (4)
Power to accept, 627.23 (1)
Power to cede, 627.23 (2)
Retirement from business, 627.23 (5)
Town mutuals, 612.71